Page 63 of Just One Moment
Idid that.There’sno denying that smile belongs to me.
There’sa lot moreIwant to say, but when my eyes fall to the clock on her bedside table,Isee how late it is.Withone final kiss to her forehead,Ihelp her rise to her feet. “We’reup early, we should get some sleep.”
“Ugh,Ifeel likeIcould sleep forever.You’regoing to orgasm me into a coma,GrahamSadler.”
Neitherof us turns away as we slide our shorts on.
Sheleans up on her tiptoes and plants a light kiss to my lips, before dragging her feet back to her rumpled sheets.Disappointmentweighs heavy in my stomach, becauseIwant to curl up in those sheets with her, get lost in them, and say fuck it to our jobs.I’malready so lost in her, in so many ways that it scares me.ThedeeperItrek into my feelings, the harder it’s going to be for me to find my way out.
Igrab two glasses of water, only to return to her sleeping soundly.Witha chaste kiss on her cheek,Ileave the room.
Boothis going to slap me upside my head.There’sno doubt we’ve complicated things now, the lines fully smudged into something unidentifiable.Internally,I’mfreaking out.
Whatif we both have very different ideas of how this is going to end?
Weboth started off as a means to an end.Maybehaving some fun along the way is a bonus for her.Whywould this mean anything more?
Whereasfor me, she feels like the end game.Forso long,I’vefelt like a lonely traveler, even whenIwas withJenna.Yet, withQuinn,Ican see myself walking down a newly discovered path.
Ijust hope she sees herself walking next to me.
WhenIget back to my room,Iscore through my earlier entry with thick lines of black ink.
IfIthought seeingQuinnout atBeaverMoonTrailwas incredible, seeing, tasting, and feeling her as she came around my hand and tongue was a fucking phenomenon.
Me.Shetrusted me with her beautiful body.
Ifthis is too good to be true, at leastIhave this.
“Quinn,”Johannahisses. “Slowdown.”
Idon’t look back asIdrag my friend down the hallway, through the kitchen, and into the pantry.WhenI’msure the coast is clear,Ishove her inside and corner her up against the tinned foods and spicesClairehas stacked in here.
Tonightwe’re having a chilled-out dinner at theSadlerhousehold.Though,I’manything but chill.
Johas a slice of pizza halfway in her mouth and almost chokes on her bite whenIrush out those words in one long jumble.Sheslaps a hand to her chest, coughing and spluttering.
“Sorry.Didyou say you sucked your fake boyfriend’s dick?” she asks with watery eyes.
“Justso we’re clear”—she tilts her head and smirks—“you meanGraham, right?”
“Shhh!”Iflap my hands in front of her face. “Don’tsay his name, he might hear you.WhatshouldIdo?”
“Firstly,Ithink you explain how you ended up with his penis in your mouth.”
“Stopsmiling like that.”Istomp my foot like a toddler.
Tonight’sdinner conveniently falls the day afterGrahamandIgave in to the feelings and tension between us.Clairedidn’t feel like cooking tonight and ordered in pizzas instead.EverytimeIlooked up from my plate,Icouldn’t stop squirming in my seat whenIfoundGraham’sheated stare on me.Itried to play it cool, butI’mcertain everyone around that table knew what we had done.HotNightofOralwas stamped across my forehead.
I’dwoken in the middle of the night, a little sad not to find him in bed next to me.Apartfrom sharing one of the hottest nights of my life with him, we hadn’t talked about what it all meant.Wehad both slept in late and apart from a brief “Goodmorning” as we hurried to get ready for work, we didn’t have the chance.Butwe would the second we get back to the apartment later.I’dbe sure of it.