Page 74 of Just One Moment

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Page 74 of Just One Moment

Whenhe returns to the living room,I’mabout ready to burst out of my skin in anticipation.There’sa constant buzz running through me when he’s near, but it’s been damn near impossible to control since he chased me into the maze.Itthreatens to take over my limbs; to tear the clothes from both our backs and finally let ourselves give in to the craving.

Maybeit scares him as much as it scares me, which is why we’ve been tiptoeing around this force field rippling between usfor weeks.He’sconstantly on my mind.Ilook forward to seeing him after work.Ithink about waysIcan pull that tentative, handsome smile from his lips.Iget excited whenIhear the jangling of keys when he’s been working in the city.

He’sinvaded my mind, set up camp, and is making himself at home.

Fromthe serious, hungry gaze he sets on me, he’s thinking the same as me.

Letthis happen.

Withevery step he takes closer,Itake one step back, until my butt hits the edge of his desk tucked away in the corner of the room.

“Thisisn’t a game,Quinn.”Hisvoice has dropped a couple of octaves and the deepness of it sends goose bumps across my skin. “I’vealready chased you tonight, andIknow you need this as much asIdo.Ifelt it when you came around my fingers.”Heemphasizes his point by squeezing the bulge in the front of his jeans.

“I’mscared,”Iadmit but continue talking when his face softens. “Likea good scared, mostly.I’venever felt like this before andIdon’t want to mess anything up.”

Inthree long strides, our bodies are molded together, with his hands framing my face.

“I’mpetrified.Youhave no idea the power you hold over me, butIcan’t ignore it or pretend anymore.”Heblows out a long breath and drops his head before raising it again. “TellmeI’mnot alone here.”

“You’renot.”Myhands slide up his chest to encircle his neck. “Therehasn’t been a moment of loneliness since you walked into the bakery.Ilike you a lot.”

Agentle brush of his lips on mine has all remaining nerves evaporating and my eyes shutter closed in relief.

“Lookat me, honey.”Ido as he says and take in hishandsome face—sincerity and passion written across it. “Ilike you more than a lot.”

Warmthblooms in my chest, spreading outward until every surface of my body heats under his touch. “Graham, please kiss me.”

“Iwas hoping you’d say that.”

Hislips meet mine in a bruising kiss and we grapple with each other’s coats and scarves.Myfingers find the hem of his sweater just as he lowers to a knee to take off my boots, allowing me to slip it off and over his head with ease.

Whenhe rises, his hands slip behind me, fumbling to find the zipper of my dress and my stomach drops.Ionly have my bra on under here after not putting my shorts back on.Ifhe takes it off,Ihave nothing to hide behind.I’mnot ashamed of my body—but that old sense of dread trickles in.

Hemust sense my resolve, because he pauses. “Doyou want to stop?”

“No, no.It’sjust…”

Hiseyebrows pull inward, and he strokes down my arms. “Willyou tell me?Iwant you to be comfortable, and if you’re worried about something,I’dlike to know.Iwant this to be good for you.”

Thefirst timeIhad sex,Ihid behind an oversizedT-shirt, dimmed the lights, and asked them to takeme from behind.Mystomach was always a target area for my mom, she’d pinch and squeeze while throwing horrid names at me.LastweekImade the mistake of searching social media forGraham’sex, and whenIsaw pictures of her tall, slim frame,Iimmediately closed down the app.Ihave no wish to look like her; my only wish isGrahamlikesallof me.

Heisn’t my mother.He’skind, thoughtful, caring.

Witha deep swallow,Isay, “I’mnot thin or athletic.There’sa lot of extra cushion around here”—Igesture toward mystomach—“andIdon’t want you to be disappointed.Ilove my body, and it took a long time for me to accept it.”

Iexpect my confession to silenceGraham.Sowhen he plants his hands on either side of my hips, and speaks with such tenacity,I’mthe one who’s left speechless.

“Disappointed?”Heshakes his head. “Whatabout the way thatIkiss you, crave you,needyou, makes you thinkI’dbe disappointed?I’mnot a shallow man,Quinn, and it’s your joy, passion, and outlook on life that has me crazy for you.Butknow this”—he leans in closer until our lips are a whisper away, andIfeel his hard cock against my thigh—“your body makes me delirious.Iwant nothing more than to follow the path of each and every one of your curves with my lips and tongue.I’mglad you love your body; now let me love it too.”

Valued, cherished, desired.That’show he makes me feel.Ineed him to knowIwant that, soIgive him my consent by whispering, “Yes,” just beforeIseal my lips over his.

Hegroans into my mouth, knowing exactly where this is headed.

Myhands reach for the fly of his jeans, and he returns to my zipper.Wework in tandem in between hot kisses untilI’mstanding there in nothing but my pale-yellow bra, and him in a tight pair of black briefs.

Hishands land on my shoulders and he takes a step backward, eyes dragging a fiery path across my body as he drinks me in.Heshakes his head in awe, his voice gravelly when he follows the swells of my breasts. “I’mgoing to fuck those one day.”

Goodgod.Confident, filthyGrahamis going to put me in the hospital.

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