Page 86 of Just One Moment
Patrick: You had no part to play in my relationship.
Booth: Lies. You would still be crying into your puzzles without my help.
Graham: Your advice was horse shit. Concentrate on your own love life.
Thephone slips from my fingers whenQuinn’slips trail down my body until she disappears beneath the comforter, where her hot mouth finds my hard cock.
Yeah, we’re not leaving the bed today.
“I’mreallyhappy for you, but it’s going to take me a while to get used to you smiling so much.It’skinda creepy.”Patrickobserves me over the rim of his glass.
“I’mnot smiling.”
Iam.Sofucking wide asIwatchQuinndance around the middle of the bar withJohanna.She’sa lightweight and a very handsy drunk.TwicenowI’vehad to stop her from groping me under the table.I’dlove nothing more, butI’msober and my brothers definitely saw her sly hand reach for me.
“I’lltell you who isn’t smiling.”Dexnods to the other side of the room.Wefind a slightly irateBoothstorming toward us.
“Whopissed in yourCheerios?”Iask, sliding his gin and tonic over to him.
“It’snothing.Whowants a game?”Hegestures toward the pool table.
Threesets of brows rise, waiting for him to reveal what’s got him so worked up.
“Thefucking audacity of our newowner.It’snine o’clock on aMondaynight and they’re sending me emails, telling me what to do withmystaff.”Hedowns half his drink before slumping onto a stool. “I’mgrateful we didn’t lose the restaurant, butI’mquickly losing my patience with all this faceless nonsense.Whoare they?”
“Beatsme,”Patricksays. “Ihonestly thought that they would have showed up by now.It’salmost been six months since they bought us.”Heknocks intoBooth’sshoulder. “Don’tlet it get to you.”
“Why’severyone frowning?”Quinnasks breathlessly as she skips up to the high-top table.Sheleans into my side, andIsnake my arm around her waist.Everyone’sbeen eyeing us all evening; not in suspicion, but with a gleam of satisfaction.
“Justour mysterious owner gettingBooth’spanties in a twist,”Dexteases.
“Fuckoff.Let’smove on,” my brother grumbles. “Mom’sgonna need some help thisThanksgivingwith her leg in the cast.Ican handle the turkey and most of the other dishes.”Heglances at the woman tucked into me. “Quinn, any chance you want to team up and help make this year’s dinner?”
“Iwould love to!” she squeals. “Anythingto distract me from that day.Mybirthday always sucks.Ihate when it falls onThanksgiving.”
“Umm, yeah.What’sthe big deal?Whyare you all looking at me like that?Idon’t celebrate it.”
Iam the worst…boyfriend?Whoknows whatIam, butIsuck at whatever it is becauseIdidn’t know her birthday was coming up.Iunderstand why she wouldn’t celebrate it, but that doesn’t meanIdon’t want to get her a gift or make her feel special.
“Ifour mom finds out, she’s going to want to celebrate and bake you a cake.We’llkeep it under wraps if that’s what you want though,”Patricksays softly, sensing a shift in the mood around the table.
Quinnrests her head on my shoulder and sighs.Thesadness in that little breath is like a sledgehammer to the chest. “I’mnot against it,I’vejust never had people to celebrate with.I’venever even had a birthday cake.Ohgod”—she slaps her hands over her eyes—“I’mbeing a realDebbieDowner.Sorry, guys.I’llshut up.Butto answer your question,Booth,I’dlove to help with dinner.I’llbe your sous.”
Theconversation moves on, we play a round of pool, and have a fun evening.Butthe idea ofQuinnhaving another birthday that no one celebrates sits like a lead weight in my stomach.
We’reall ready to head out, waiting for the girls to return from the restroom whenPatrickslaps me on the shoulder.
“I’mreally happy for you,Gray.Notthe most conventional start, butIcan already tell she’s good for you.You’regood for her too.”
“She’sprobably too good for me.Butso isJohannafor you,”Ijoke, ignoring the nickname.
“Itotally am!”Johannahiccups as she squeezes her arms aroundQuinn. “Iam so happy you’re my friend.Ugh, you’re so cute.Patrick, let’s adopt her.”
“Okayyyythen.Waterand bed for you.”Hemanages to wrangle her away and convinces her a baby versus a twenty-six-year-old woman might be more fun.Fromthe spark inJo’seyes, she looks ready to make a baby tonight.