Page 95 of Just One Moment

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Page 95 of Just One Moment

Fromwhat she’s told me, finding someone to talk to was one of the best decisions she’s ever made, and she’s sure she wouldn’t have returned to town had she not taken that step in her recovery.

Iplan on tellingGrahamafter the wedding, hoping that he can help me with my search.

Nowthat we both have dresses for the event and treated ourselves to a manicure, we’re having a late lunch in the city before driving back.

“God,Ihope there’s barrels of wine at the wedding tomorrow.I’mgoing to need it to survive the day,”Josays as she slides her card into the checkbook and hands it to the server.

“Ihate that she had him first,”Iblurt out.

Shedoesn’t flinch at my outburst, just nods in agreement. “Ithink most of us are angry that she had him at all.Iwasn’t here for it, but afterTedpassed away, it got worse.Ifit’s any consolation,Patricktold me that you would have never known they were a couple in the last year of their relationship.I’llnever know why he stayed.I’dwarnRalph, if he wasn’t such a weasel.”

Mylips curl. “I’mglad you’ll be there tomorrow.Wecan split that barrel of wine.”

“Cheersto that.”Sheraises her glass of water in my direction before asking, “Haveyou had any thoughts about what you’ll do once the van is fixed?”

GrahamandIhave been so busy floating in this blissful phase of our new relationship thatIhaven’t given the van any thought.

“Aftereverything that’s happened in the last couple of days, there hasn’t been time.ImissNelly.Thatlittle tin can has been my home for so long, but…”

“Buthome feels like somewhere else now?”Jofinishes for me, hitting the nail on the head.

“Exactly.”Myfinger traces the edge of my glass. “Ithasn’t even been two months.Andwe’ve only been official for two weeks, we’re not ready to live with each other.Right?God, listen to me, he hasn’t even asked me to move in.”

Shelaughs. “YouthinkGraham—the man who’s been obsessed with you since day one—is going to ask you to leave?”

“He’svery logical.”

“Mostly.Withyou, though, logic is thrown out the window.”

Ishake my head.Wehaven’t shied away from our feelings since we finally admitted to them.Butthere are still momentsIsee him hesitate or question his actions.He’sallowed himself to open up more compared to the manImet back inMarch.TheconfidenceI’veseen gradually flourish inGrahamis obvious.Butnow and again it feels like he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“Washe like this withJennain the beginning?”

“Godno.”Jogrimaces.Theserver returns her card, but this conversation isn’t ready to end just yet. “Theywere in the same class in high school and connected at college.Graham’squiet by nature and he kept to a small group of people right up until senior year.Idon’t thinkJennaknew he existed until their paths crossed outside ofSuttonBay.Iremember we came home for spring break, and she was there at the dinner table being introduced as his girlfriend.

“Shewas a nasty girl in high school, but we all gave her the benefit of the doubt.Itdidn’t last long though.Eventhose small interactions we had during breaks from school were enough to tell me she wasn’t right for him.Hetried his best to be the person she wanted him to be.I’mglad he stopped trying though.It’sjust shitty it took her falling into bed with his cousin to realize she never tried with him.”

Worrychurns in my stomach. “Doyou think he’s trying to be something he’s not with me?”

Herbrows furrow. “Noway.”Sheleans in and squeezes my hand. “Heis different.Butit’s like we have the oldGrahamagain.Beforehis dad died andJennabetrayed his trust.AndIthink we have you to thank for that.”

Shereturns my smile, making me feel a little better.

Iknow firsthand how old scars can be reopened when the ghosts from our past return.

Aftertomorrow, we can finally put this all behind us.



Allgood things must end

Savoreach one while you can

Untilthe last hour

“Thisfeelslike senior prom all over again,”Patrickgroans.

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