Page 97 of Just One Moment
“Iwould have danced with you in there,”Itell her asIrest my chin on the top of her head.
“Iknow.ButIthink we’ve shown our faces enough for tonight.Iwant you to myself.”
Hercheek lies above my heart.
Doesshe feel it?Feelhow each beat is for her.Theorgan might as well have been useless before she came along.
Thedeep blue sky is adorned in twinkling lights and the moon shines on us like a spotlight; perfectly round from where it hangs in the sky.
November’sfirst full moon.
Itfeels appropriate.Likefolklore said, it’s a time for preparation and transition.
Iwasn’t ready for her, but maybe all my lifeI’vebeen preparing for the woman in my arms.Andas she hums against my chest while we sway to the sounds of an acoustic guitar, it’s clear we’ve shifted into something so beautiful and unforgettable, it would be a shame not to put it into words.
Ifthere’s going to be one time in my life thatI’mimpulsive, fearless, and say exactly what’s on my mind, it’s now.I’llhappily stumble over all other words.Notthese three though.Iwant her to hear them strong and clear.Leavingno doubt about howIfeel.
“Ilove you.”
Thereisn’t an ounce of nervousness or hesitancy.Whywould there be when those three little words were only meant for her?
Herbreath hitches and heart beats against mine like a steady drum.Slowlyshe looks up at me.Softfingers trace my lips, as if she’s searching for the words again.
“Thereyou go, giving me another first.Ican’t imagine any other person, in any other life, sharing those words with me but you.”Tearspool in the corners of her eyes.Shelooks so damn beautiful as the moon reflects off those caramel irises. “Ilove you so much,Graham.”
Ican feel the truth in her words, andIcan taste it when our lips meet underneath the tapestry of stars.Thismoment is one of many, and right now, it’s ours.
EverythingIknow is rewritten with the knowledge thatQuinnloves me andIlove her.
“We’releaving,”Ideclare. “Ican’t stand to be here for another second when allIwant to do is worship your body.Tosink into you and tell youIlove you over and over again.”
“Thenwhat are we waiting for?Let’sg?—”
Mylips devour hers before she can finish her sentence.Shestumbles back from the force of it, butIkeep a tight hold of her asIwalk us to a darkened corner beside the barn.Myhand rests against the wood, softening the impact whenIpush her up against it.Thetemperature has dropped to near freezing, yet we feel nothing but fire and yearning as we frantically kiss, suck, and bite.
Drivingback to the apartment sounds excruciating.Iwant to fuck her here until the stars above us aren’t the only ones she sees.
Asbadly asIwant that, she deserves better.
“Quinn,”Igrit out asIpull away. “Honey, stop trying to take off my belt.”
Shefumbles with the buckle, her voice breathless. “Why?Doyou want to do it?”
It’sthenInotice her feet are blue from the cold.We’rewrapped up in thick coats but they’re useless againstNewEnglandwinters.
“Youcan do it when we get home.Ipromise,”Iadd when she pouts. “Whydon’t you say goodbye to everyone,I’llmeet you at the car.”
“Areyou not coming?” she asks as we walk back to the large barn doors.
“I’mnot hugging my mother goodbye with the world’s most painful boner.”
Thelittle minx giggles and with one chaste kiss to my lips, she dashes into the crowd to say farewell to my family.Myheart grows in size asIwatch her hug each one.
Aftera quick trip to the restroom,Iwander down the narrow hallway leading to the back entrance.Afew tipsy guests have ventured into the parking lot to smoke or gossip.I’mlooking around forQuinnwhenIhear her first.Walkingtoward the sound, my anxiety rises when anger and frustration lace her tone as she stands face-to-face with the bride.
“Jenna, go and enjoy your day.Whathappens betweenGrahamand me is none of your concern.Ithasn’t been for a long time.”