Page 43 of Trapping His Angel
She could live, eat, and sleep with me, and it still wouldn’t be enough. I wanted to be her God, and these feelings scared me. It was that fear that had me pulling slowly out of her wet heat. Ialmost moaned at the sight of my cum dribbling down her thigh.
She was wasting it.
I wish I had time to punish her, but I needed distance. She was stirring me up inside, and she didn’t even know it. I could tell from her face. She was guileless.
I left her, hanging over the desk, panting. I fixed my pants on my way out. I looked up and down the hallway. Not that anyone should care that I was fucking my wife, but the walls had eyes.
No one could think I cared for her.
Not until we were safe in my home. On my property with all of my security measures. That was all Isadora needed to live a happy and safe life with me. I could keep her like this. I just needed to finish this shit.
I headed out to talk to Makari. Though I’d already tried to get him to work faster, there was nothing that could be done. Maybe there was an update though. I was getting antsy, knowing there were men out there who wanted my wife.
I doubted they would care that she was married, but I was hoping it would be a deterrent. The cartel didn’t care about anything but their bottom line. They dealt in the skin trade. Their drugs were legendary for killing the users, due to being so strong.
So, of course, there would be some select souls that would try it.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Makari rasped, as soon as I walked back into the room.
“Is that so?” I murmured.
“I think I may have a development. One of the IP addresses jumped off a tower in Japan.” He was staring at his screen and typing away.
“Yakuza has a rat here?” That was an interesting development. I would’ve put my money on the Mexicans.
“Yes, but I couldn’t pinpoint where in the house the phone was pinging,” he muttered.
“Then hack every single one of them, until you find the information you seek.” Simple. I liked this plan.
“That’s going to take forever.” Makari pouted.
I walked over to his desk, and slammed my hands down on it, to get his attention. Then I withdrew my gun. “You will help me do this, for however long it takes, or I’ll make you eat a fucking bullet.” Family or not, I was not to be trifled with.
Makari held up his hands, darkness in his gaze, but he didn’t retaliate. He breathed out. “Yeah. Got it.” His clipped words didn’t bother me.
He went back to work, and I left him to it. Eventually, I would have my hands on the asshole who thought they could share information from this house. I would kill them, but not until I found out what they wanted.
I was on a warpath, and nothing or no one would get in my way.
Iwoke up with a sore throat a few days later, and an even sorer pussy. Benedikt had drugged me at that reception, I was sure of it, and I didn’t know how to feel about it. I stretched my arms above my head, wincing from the pull. My body was sore, and I could only assume my new husband took his pleasure and fucked me in my sleep like usual, from the feeling in between my legs. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to want anymore.
I stretched again with a groan and pulled myself out of bed begrudgingly. What’s the point of getting up when nothing changes? Why bother? Nothing would change. There was an aspirin on the nightstand, with a glass of water. That bastard. I took the medicine dry, in as much defiance as I could muster.
I flopped back.
My head was killing me. Memories swirled right underneath the surface. I stood up on wobbly legs, trying to make it to the bathroom. I turned on the light and hissed at the pain. I tripped and fell to the ground, smacking my head against the tile.
Ten yearsold
“I don’t want to get married, papa,” I cried.
My father sat at the head of the dining table, his fork raised to his lips, and his mouth hanging open, as he was just about to eat the next bite of his meal.
“You do not have a choice,” he said simply.
“Don’t freak out about it. He will take care of you,” my mother chimed in.