Page 10 of Autumn Secrets
I searched around me, looking for the pleasant voice that had spoken my name. “Yes?”
A friendly face popped up behind the desk near the front of the room. “Sorry, I just dropped something on the floor. I’m Mrs Day, the art teacher here.”
“Hi, sorry I’m late. I couldn’t find my way.”
“That’s all right. All students are working on their own piece of art at the moment before autumn break is here. Do you have anything from your old school you would like to finish?”
“As a matter of fact, I do, I have it on my USB stick.”
“Great, why don’t you get settled in the back by the computers? This classroom is always open for students who are studying anything within the arts. I usually leave it open until about fivep.m. every day. There are no classes after three in here, so feel free to use this room as you please. All I ask is that you leave it in the same condition you found it in.”
I loved Mrs Day about as much as I loved this classroom. I loved how she gave us freedom to create our own art. When the bell finally rang for lunch, I couldn’t bring myself to pack up and leave. I was too absorbed in my creation and decided to stay back just a little bit longer.
“Don’t forget to eat.” Mrs Day smiled kindly as she walked towards the door. “It was lovely meeting you, Aurora. Do you mind switching off the lights when you leave, and making sure the door is closed?”
“No problem,” I replied and gazed down at my computer screen again.
I don’t know how long I had been sitting there, when I got the feeling that someone was watching me. As I looked up, I saw a girl sneak in through the door, silently closing it behind her. She didn’t say anything, only stared my way. Or more correctly, she stared right atme.
I threw a quick glance behind me, just to make sure it was actually me she was looking at and when I turned my head back towards her, she was already across the room, coming towards me.
How did that happen?
I studied her as she made her way towards me. She seemed to fly around the room gracefully. Her hair was blonde, reaching all the way down to her waist. Her skin was flawless and quite pale, and her eyes were deep blue. She looked like a supermodel, no actually, she looked like an angel. She was absolutely beautiful.
“Hi, sorry, it’s just me in here,” I said and pushed the ‘save’ button on my computer. When I looked back up again, she was standing by my desk. I hadn’t even heard her move. She tilted her head to one side as she studied me.
“You are Aurora.” It was a statement, not a question and I nodded in reply. I remembered Adrian’s words:everyone knows about you.I gave her a smile.
“I guess news travels fast around here… And you are?”
She didn’t have a chance to answer before a harsh voice interrupted us.
“Evangeline, what are you doing in here?”
I saw her whole body tense at the sound of his voice, before she slowly turned around to face him. “I was looking for you,” she replied in a gentle tone.
“When have I ever been in this classroom?” Adrian replied sharply. I still couldn’t see him, but I knew that voice well by now.
“Sorry, my mistake.” She laughed softly and walked towards Adrian with her back towards me. I watched him come into view, then saw her stop just in front of him. For a moment they simply stood there in silence, looking at each other. Drinking each other in. Waiting, I supposed, for the other person to make the next move.
After another moment of silence, Evangeline put her arms around Adrian’s neck and to my surprise, and horror, they started to kiss. I didn’t want to look at them, but I couldn’t look away. It was almost hypnotic. I noticed Adrian’s hands wrap around her waist, pulling her close, and I felt something I’d never felt before in my entire life: a powerful surge of jealousy exploding in my chest. It hurt so badly I folded my arms across my chest to try and protect myself from the pain.
I swallowed hard and was about to tear my eyes away, when Adrian’s gaze met mine. They had stopped kissing by then, thank God. The intensity of his stare prevented me from moving or breaking eye contact, as his lips curved into that playful smile of his. Without breaking eye contact withme, he whispered something in Evangeline’s ear. She unhurriedly released him and left the room as quietly and effortlessly as she had entered it, not giving me so much as a glance. She closed the door behind her and then it was just me and Adrian alone.
The room that I had thought was incredibly spacious, suddenly felt too small to accommodate the both of us. I felt like the walls were going to cave in on me. I reached for my USB stick and turned the computer off.
“Okay,” I said and stood up. “I should probably get going.”
I threw him a quick look, then collected my bag with shaky hands and pushed the chair in. Adrian was just standing there, watching me, like he was daring me to come closer. I knew I had to walk past him, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to leave.
“Where are you going?” he asked softly.
“I’m having lunch with Lexi.” I was mildly impressed at how smoothly the lie came out. The truth was, I wanted to get away from him, because I felt…angry. I was angry because he kissed Evangeline in front of me. I knew that I had absolutely no reason to be. We’d just met; we didn’t even know each other. Why was I so angry? The whole situation was so confusing. I normally wasn’t this irrational. I didn’t understand all these emotions that stirred under the surface whenever he came near me, and I definitely had no intention of exploring those feelings right now. Especially after what I just witnessed.
I slowly moved his way, trying to keep a neutral face. His eyes were glued to me, following every step.
“Are you okay?” His voice lowered intimately, seeking answers I couldn’t possibly give him. Because the truth was, I had no idea if I was okay.