Page 30 of Autumn Secrets
“To be honest, I don’t remember you having a bag last night,” he said and put the drink in front of me. “What colour was it?”
I opened the can and took a sip to buy me a few seconds. What was the most common colour for a handbag? “Uh, black…?”
“Well, why don’t we have a look around while you finish your drink?”
“I’ve already—” I stopped mid-sentence. “I mean, sure, let’s do that,” I said instead.
I followed Julian around downstairs, looking for my non-existent handbag. It was almost comical, except that someone was deliberately trying to hide information about what had happened to me in this house last night. That was anything but funny. I shivered again and rubbed my arms to gain some warmth. Then something hit me. Was Julian involved somehow? I looked at him. I didn’t feel like he was. He had always been so kind to me.
“Well, it looks like we have to go upstairs,” Julian said after a while.
“I-I was never upstairs…last night,” I stuttered. I wasn’t prepared for his inquiring gaze, but at least I wasn’t lying…sort of.
“I had cleaners in this morning. I told them to put any forgotten belongings in my room.”
“Oh, okay…”
Julian ticked his head towards the stairs. “This way – my room is up there.”
I followed Julian to the second floor, but instead of going right, down the dark hallway, he went the other way.
“What’s in that part of the house?” I asked and pointed towards the other end where I was snooping earlier.
Julian stopped and turned towards me. “That’s the old part. We don’t really use it. It needs to be renovated. Why?” he asked and studied me.
I shook my head. “Nothing, I was just wondering.”
The opposite end of the second floor was brighter and very modern, I noticed, as I followed Julian in silence. He stopped abruptly to open a door.
“After you,” he said with a hint of a smile.
I hesitated. “Well, why don’t you have a look? I’ll wait here. It’s your room, right?” I tried.
“Yep, this is my room.” He grinned. “I don’t know what your handbag looks like, so I think it’s better if you have a look for yourself. Don’t worry, Aurora, I won’t lock the door and leave you in there.”
I smiled awkwardly as I walked past him into his room. A few mobile phones, handbags and jackets were neatly stacked on a desk. There was a big bed in the other end of the room, as well as another desk with a computer. I walked over to the desk and pretended to look under the jackets for my handbag. I shook my head and turned to Julian.
“No, it’s not here. I might give Lexi a call; maybe she’s got it.”
Julian followed me with his gaze as I walked back towards him. “Have you spoken to Lexi today?”
“No, not yet,” I admitted. “She won’t answer.”
“I’m not surprised.” Julian grinned. “Luca came back last night.”
Luca again. I’d heard his name so many times now, but I still had no idea who he was. He must be special, if he could get Lexi to change her mind about boyfriends. She seemed so determined when it came to that subject. It was just another thing that didn’t add up for me. A moment of silence passed between us.
“Anyway, I should probably get—” I started, but Julian interrupted me.
“Why don’t you stay? We could watch a movie or something?”
I swallowed. “A movie?”
“Yes, Aurora, a movie. Have you never watched a movie with a guy before?”
“Of course, I have.” I actually hadn’t, but I didn’t need to tell him that. He didn’t need to know how inexperienced I was when it came to boys.