Page 74 of Autumn Secrets
I swallowed, trying to ignore the building fear in my chest. “Figured what out?”
“So many things, but I guess you never would have come with me if you had figured out any of this earlier.” He chuckled.
“Luca, think about Lexi; we both love her.” I was trying to make him see how the two of us were connected, so that maybe he wouldn’t hurt me. It was a long shot, but I didn’t know what else to do.
He chuckled. “You think I care about Lexi?”
I swallowed. “Yes? Don’t you?”
He laughed. “Sure, let’s pretend I’m in love with Lexi.”
“You don’t have to pretend. If you’re not in love with Lexi, why are you with her? And what do you want from me?”
Luca slid me a quick look. He was really enjoying this. “Aurora, think—”
I shook my head. “I can’t. I don’t know who you are, orwhatyou are.”
Half of me was still holding on to the thought that this was some big mistake, that he wasn’t really here to harm me, that he actually was a good person. The other half dreaded the truth.
He shot me a menacing grin. “I am your worst nightmare, princess.”
Chapter 22
His words stung me with a fear I’d never experienced before, and I started to panic. How could I defend myself against someone like Luca? Who knew what he could do to me? I didn’t even know what he was. I was defenceless against someone like him. I needed to keep him talking, until I could figure out what to do.
“And what does that mean, my worst nightmare?”
“That means you are in trouble right now.” He grinned.
“You need to be a little more specific. I don’t know much about this world you say you’re a part of. What is going on?”
He chuckled. “I can’t believe how easy this is.”
“What are you?” I asked again.
“I’m a mage. I do magic, but not for your side. Do you know what a mage is?”
“Of course, I do.” The dark mages were responsible for the Black Death back in the day. They were evil and caused so much suffering to humans.
“You’re on Lilith’s side?”
“That’s right, princess. Well done.”
“You’re a dark mage.” It wasn’t a question.
He chuckled. “Got it, princess.”
I was kicking myself for not trusting my intuition about Luca. If I had, I probably wouldn’t be trapped in this car with him right now. I knew he was a bad guy; why didn’t I trust my instincts?
I was also getting madder at everyone who knew about this hidden world I’d been sucked into, and never told me about it. Their decision to keep me in the dark, was backfiring big time right now. If I’d known more, I could have been prepared.
“What do you want?” I asked and tried to sound as calm as possible, even though my heart was pounding with fear. No one knew where I was. How could I possibly get away from him? He was a dark mage for God’s sake. I was just learning to use my gifts, and they certainly weren’t any use in a fight. I didn’t even know what kind of power he possessed, but thanks to Mr and Mrs Peters, I knew mages were extremely powerful.
He gave me an arrogant smirk. “Surely you must be clever enough to figure that out by yourself?”
“I just found out this world of supernatural insanity exists,” I hissed. “I’m not stupid. I’m trying to catch up.”
Luca laughed. “Sorry, princess, I didn’t mean to offend you. But think. What do you think we’re after?”