Page 25 of For the Record
Sloane approached their booth carrying a tray of appetizers, sliding in beside Krystal as she placed the tray down. “Whew, I’m zonked, and it’s not even eight.”
“Did you go on the trails today?” Coy frowned when her sister snatched the lager from her hands to take a drink.
“Yeah, me and J.D. Trying to get as much time on the trails as possible so I can win the rally this year. J.D. bet me in a race—and lost, of course. Kind of stupid to bet against me, but I’d never turn down an extra twenty bucks.” Sloane snatched a chicken wing from the basket Taunya was lifting from the tray.
Coy’s brows knitted together as she considered Sloane’s words.Why would she bet on that?Of course J.D. wasn’t ready to go up against her on the trail. Instead of starting an argument, however, she just gritted her teeth and said, “Well, don’t overdo it. And I hope you’re drinking plenty and eating. I made a batch of energy balls last night.”
“I saw them, Mom, and thanks.” Sloane rolled her eyes but thankfully never truly got offended by Coy’s smothering. She couldn’t help it. Most assumed Coy was the wild one out of the duo, but Sloane was the one who took most of the risks, on and off the trails.
“Oh, and here.” Sloane fished a folded-up note from her jeans pocket, handing it across the table to Coy. Slipping from the booth, she blew everyone kisses before picking up the serving tray once more. “Later, bitches. And Coy, make it snappy. She’s in a mood.”
“What if I’m in a mood? Does no one care?” Coy whined when her sister left, peeking at the note in her hands with one eye closed. She swallowed.
Come to me.
“Secret admirer?” Krystal asked, sparking with interest.
“Ooh, is it fromla très belle Madame, along with her diabolical issues?” Abi eagerly asked, reaching across the table to try to grab the note.
Coy outmaneuvered her easily, tucking the note into the back of her jeans and muttering, “I shouldn’t have told you about Sawyer.”
“Told me?” Abi laughed. “I met her.”
“Sawyer who?” Taunya threw in, already munching her nachos and appearing entirely too invested in Coy’s story.
“And I can see the appeal,” Abi continued with a wink. “Sassy Sawyer’s definitely a hottie.”
“And I definitely shouldn’t have let you see my messages.” Draining the contents of her beer, Coy wiped her lips with the back of her hand. A kind of nervous excitement brewed in her stomach as she got to her feet. “I have to go.”
“Coy, wait,” Abi called, running after her in the nearly empty bar. She grabbed Coy’s arm, drawing her to a halt.
“Easy with the grip, Abs.”
“Are you still fooling around with Frankie?” Abi’s voice was soft, almost concerned for Coy, as she peered down at her from four-inch heels.
“Not really your business, but yes.”
“But didn’t you just tell me all about Sawyer the other day and how confused you were?”
Coy cleared her throat, thinking of her stare-down with Sawyer earlier. Even if Sawyer was attracted to Coy, she was too uptight to ever act on it. Coy had about as much chance with theice queen as she did winning the lottery. She pulled the contract out that she’d been carrying around in her back pocket since that morning—rereading it for the fifth time to see if it indeed stated six days a week—and flicked it with her middle finger. “Look at this. Besides laying it out that I’m not allowed to snoop in her house, record the process of the rebuild, and that I have to be on time, she typed in bold letters how I’m not allowed to flirt. Not once, butthreetimes. She doesn’t want me, Abs. I’m pretty sure she hates me, judging by this and the comments she made this morning. Besides, I’m not like you, okay? I’m not cut out for just one person.”
“Frankie isn’t good for you, and you know it.”
“I’ve gotta go,” Coy repeated, not wanting to have this discussion right now. She gave Abi a quick hug and left her standing there, heading toward the back of the bar. She checked behind the counter to make sure Frankie wasn’t there before continuing on to her office.
“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” a low voice greeted Coy as she closed the door to Frankie’s office.
Coy took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “Of course, I’m here …Mistress.”
Chapter 13
What had changed betweenthem? McCoy hadn’t so much as batted her eyelashes Sawyer’s way in the last week and a half. Why? And, more importantly, why was the lack of attention so disconcerting?
As Sawyer glanced around the front house dining room, observing the faces she’d come to know over the years, those questions circled her thoughts like vultures to prey. Had McCoy met someone and quickly gotten bored with Sawyer? She couldn’t imagine jumping into bed with a stranger. Passion hadn’t stolen her common sense since she was sixteen, so she couldn’t see any logic behind a one-night stand. To each their own, she supposed. Still, the thought of McCoy sleeping around unsettled Sawyer.