Page 61 of For the Record
Throwing caution to the wind was great in theory. She could pretend she was younger or more experienced with attractive, unmarred skin. In reality, McCoy could finally get her wish of falling into bed together, only to discover Sawyer was as mediocre as Olivier had claimed.
She turned back to the woman in question, swallowing the lump now in her throat. “I guess this is where we say goodnight.”
“Are you kidding?” McCoy asked, incredulous. She unbuckled quickly and hopped out of Tegan, racing around the Jeep to Sawyer’s side. Before opening Sawyer’s door, she gave Bree a quick hug. Watching them together did strange, mushy things to Sawyer’s already heightened emotions. McCoy smiled up at her, oblivious to the swell of … offeelinglodged in her chest. Her sinuses burned in warning that she may very well cry if she didn’t soon get control.
McCoy held out her hand. “What kind of gentlewoman would I be if I didn’t at least walk you to your door?”
Sawyer took a deep breath. She didn’t trust herself to speak yet, so she silently placed her hand in McCoy’s and climbed out. Bree had already disappeared inside the house, no doubt giving them a moment alone. Sawyer almost wished she hadn’t. At least then Bree could be the buffer Sawyer needed to duck away before McCoy could see, well,her. The real her.
“I had a great time tonight, Sawyer,” McCoy said, lacing their fingers together. She raised them to her mouth, kissing the back of Sawyer’s hand, and whispered, “Thank you for taking a chance on me.”
“Mm-hmm.” McCoy was too much. Too sweet. Too doting. Too earnest in her intentions. Sawyer swallowed. Swallowed again, croaking out, “Of course.”
“Hey, are you okay?”
McCoy’s palm grazed Sawyer’s cheek, the side with the scar, and she wrenched free of the contact. “I-I have to go,” she said roughly, ignoring the flash of hurt in McCoy’s eyes as she took off into the house.
Chapter 32
What was that about?
Coy stared at the front door Sawyer had disappeared through moments ago, dread creeping over her. They’d had a good time, hadn’t they? Sawyer had acted like she’d been enjoying herself, and she hadn’t completely freaked out when Coy brought up her love of kink. What changed? Had she come on too strong?
“Hell,” Coy brought her hands up to rest on her head. It wasn’t like she was going to walk Sawyer to her door and expect a nightcap. Sure, she was sexually frustrated, but nothing she couldn’t take care of at home once they’d said their good nights.
“I did everything right.”
Something else must have caused Sawyer’s hasty departure. Coy had to know. It didn’t feel right to just leave regardless of whether she’d see Sawyer in the morning. She had to know the older woman was alright.
Bree met Coy at the door, smiling sadly. She pulled Coy into her arms. “I’d hoped all that pacing outside would lead you in here.”
“She ran into the house. Away from me,” Coy said, hating how confused she sounded. Would there ever come a time when she wasn’t constantly stumbling blindfolded in Sawyer’s presence? What would it take for Sawyer to let her walls down enough to let Coy in? Snippets of detail here and there wasn’t anything to go on, and Sawyer hated talking about herself.
“I know.Mamantold me she needed to be alone. But I bet she wouldn’t turn you away if you tried,” Bree suggested, her brown eyes alight now with possibility.
Coy chuckled dryly. She pulled away from Bree, slipping off her Nikes. “She might skewer me to the door instead.”
Bree giggled. “Somehow, I doubt that. Her bedroom is the first one to the right.”
“Thanks, Bree.” Coy shot her an appreciative smile before making her way to the second floor. She found Sawyer sitting on her bed, holding the cards Coy had given her and stripped down to just her bra and bikini-style underwear. Pajamas were tossed on the made bed, and Sawyer’s earlier clothes had been strewn across the bedroom floor on the way to an opened, walk-in closet. They were still discovering each other, but Coy knew for a fact Sawyer disliked messes.
“Hi,” Coy murmured, clicking the door shut silently behind her.
“I told Bree I wanted to be alone,” Sawyer said, her voice low and husky.
Coy couldn’t help but stare for a moment, marveling over Sawyer’s slender frame and inviting warm skin. The collar bones that had nearly driven Coy with lust earlier were just a starting point to her wandering gaze. She swallowed, dragging her gaze from Sawyer’s breasts. “Don’t blame her. I needed to see if youwere alright. After, with me.” Coy moved to the bed, wringing her hands together, watching as Sawyer clutched the cards closer to her chest. “Did I do something wrong?”
Sawyer shook her head, strands of black hair tumbling off her shoulders to frame her face. “No. McCoy, I don’t … I can’t talk about …” She cleared her throat, but the tears in her voice were unmistakable. “You were exceptional.”
Coy’s mouth quirked up. Reaching out, she tucked Sawyer’s hair behind her ear. “Really? Second date exceptional?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Sawyer muttered. Her eyelashes were damp, and she wouldn’t look at Coy.
“Sawyer,” Coy said, her voice soft. Her hand went to Sawyer’s other cheek, cupping her jaw and slowly turning the other woman’s face toward her. Her makeup had been washed off, so Coy got the unfiltered version of Sawyer’s beauty. Brushing the rest of Sawyer’s hair aside, Coy closed the small gap between them and pressed a kiss to her lips. Then kissed the corner of her mouth and her jaw. Sawyer clutched her arm, her nails digging into the skin as she let McCoy’s lips caress her scarred cheek.
“McCoy, please. It’s ugly,” Sawyer choked out, but she didn’t push her away.