Page 77 of For the Record
She couldn’t say it. Nothing was coming out properly. Her facts were in pieces, too dark to linger for too long. Sawyer’s head sunk into the pillow, and she wept, unable to hold back any longer. Was it enough? Had she opened herself up enough? It felt like there was a crater-sized hole where her heart should be.
Patches was gently moved from her embrace, and then McCoy was guiding Sawyer into her arms. Distant memories of cradling Brian before the nurses took him away lingered as Sawyer cried herself to sleep.
Chapter 41
If she could bringa man back from the dead just to kill him all over again, she fucking would. Hell, she’d bring Olivier back and let Sawyer do the honors. Coy already knew she was meticulous from the way she’d held onto a wrecked car for a year just to watch it get rebuilt so that she could destroy it herself. Coy could only imagine what her girlfriend would do to Olivier if given the chance.
Deep breaths,she thought, holding Sawyer even closer in the bed. Patches had started pawing at the closed bedroom door a few minutes ago, but Coy couldn’t bring herself to get up and let her out.Not yet, she thought, her throat choking up again. She pressed a kiss to Sawyer’s forehead, swallowing down the swell of emotion. It broke her heart to know everything Sawyer had been through, how she’d pushed the majority of it down for so many years. It was no wonder she didn’t let many people in.Coy doubted even Bree knew all the facts; she couldn’t picture Sawyer telling her daughter that Olivier was a disgusting pig who couldn’t understand the difference between consent and coercion. And learning about Brian … tears blurred Coy’s vision. It would have been hard enough to get past something like that with a supportive partner, but having someone like Olivier must have been so much worse.
Coy’s cell vibrated on the nightstand, and she grabbed ahold of it before the noise woke Sawyer.
Bree: Please tell meMamanis with you. I’m downstairs. Came home to check because she never answered my calls and texts.
Coy cleared her throat, wiping away a tear that slipped out before replying.
Coy: Yeah. Sorry, forgot to message you back. She’s asleep atm.
Bree: Can I come up?
Coy: Of course.
Although Sawyer was dressed in another of her sleep shirts and drawstring pajama pants, Coy pulled the covers over her a bit more to give her privacy. They’d both been chilled after the episode in the rain, so when Coy brought them back to the house, getting naked wasn’t on the table.
There was a soft knock on the door, to which Patches let out a loud meow in response. Bree entered, allowing the annoyed cat the escape, and closed the door behind her. The younger woman took one look at Sawyer, draped halfway across Coy’s chest, and smiled sadly. “Good,” she whispered and padded across the room to them.
Coy was silent as Bree crawled into the bed beside her mother, cuddling close and resting a cheek on Sawyer’s shoulder. She reached for Coy’s hand. “I’m glad she has you.”
Another tear slipped out. Coy swallowed hard. “And I’m glad she hasyou.”
Bree really was Sawyer’s miracle, the only good thing to come from a life of misfortune. What would have happened if the doctors hadn’t caught her in time? Where would Sawyer be now?
Coy was glad she didn’t have to find out.
She woke an hour later with several messages waiting on her phone. Sawyer was still fast asleep, and Bree had left. There was an IM from Bree, and a sleepy smile appeared when she saw the picture of her and Sawyer. Bree must have taken it just before she snuck from the bedroom. Coy saved it to her phone and considered using it as her lock screen display but thought better about it. She wanted her first official picture with Sawyer to be a happy one. Swiping to her next message, Coy pulled up one from both Abi and her pops and, surprisingly, two from Sloane.
“Huh.” They were all old. Had they just come in?
Abi: Did you butt dial me at work again? Put the phone away while you’re knocking dents out.
That made Coy chuckle a little. If her friend only knew.
Pops: I towed the car to the scrapyard. Is Sawyer okay? Get back to me asap.
Coy quickly replied with her thanks and a vague update. Thankfully, Greg wasn’t someone who asked a lot of questions, and he didn’t this time. A minute later, a simple “Okie, love ya” was sent back.
Sloane: Are you okay?? I’m super anxious all of a sudden.
Sloane: Hello? I called your cell and the shop and no one is fucking answering.
Sloane: Fuck off with making me worry Coy. I’m not in the mood. Call me!
“Shit,” Coy’s chest grew tight as she fired off an apology to her sister. She’d never made her worry this long before. Ten minutes later, Sloane’s reply was less than ideal.
Sloane: Whatev. At least J.D. knows how to pick up the phone. He’s good at sending pictures too.
A spark of apprehension hit Coy. What did that mean?