Page 87 of For the Record
“And you agreed,mon amour?” Coy asked, her arms still wrapped around Sawyer. She tilted her face back as if she could see her through the blindfold.
“Reluctantly.” Sawyer let out a sigh that sounded suspiciously light considering her dry tone. Coy felt her bend at the hips, and seconds later, her lips were being kissed again. “I’m not the only one practicing a new skill, I see,” Sawyer practically purred against her ear, and Coy just hoped Sloane hadn’t overheard.
Her stomach did the little dip it always did when Sawyer got all flirty, and Coy inwardly groaned. Why now, when she wasn’t able to toss Sawyer over her shoulder firewoman style and rush her up the stairs? Coy cleared her throat. “So, I take it you haven’t told her about … you know?”
“Not yet. I thought we’d all have dinner tonight and chat.” The top of Coy’s blindfold came down, and Sawyer’s lovely face came into view. “I promise, darling.”
Coy smiled, knowing Sawyer didn’t make promises lightly. She yanked the blindfold back up and shooed Sawyer away. “Go. Win your bake-off. I’m starving.”
“I can’t even see you guys and still wanna barf,” Sloane grumbled. “Who’d have thought my sister would become this giant ball of cheesy goo when she fell in love?”
“Make fun all you want, but one day, you’ll understand.”
“I’ve been in love before,” Sloane sniffed, and Coy was so very glad her sister couldn’t see the way she rolled her eyes at the comment. When Sloane truly fell in love, she'd be knocked back on her ass.
“Move, or the sauce will burn.”
“Go around me!”
Sawyer and Bree were talking either at or to each other, Coy wasn’t certain which, and pots and pans were clanging. A beeper or timer went off every ten seconds. The only thing they were missing from their bake-off was the rest of Sawyer’s staff.
A hand touched Coy’s arm, and then Sloane whispered, “So what’s the big talk tonight about?”
There was no reason to keep it from Sloane since she’d know soon enough anyway. “Sawyer wants to put the house up for sale and buy one together. You know, something untouched by Olivier. She’s worried—omhmp,” Coy garbled as something semi-hot and chocolatey-sweet was stuffed whole into her mouth.
“Calisse. Do you know that even your whispers are loud?” Sawyer hissed. “We can hear you two.”
“Shii …” Coy paused to awkwardly chew and swallow whatever Sawyer had silenced her with and tore off the blindfold. She saw the tic pulse in Sawyer’s jaw and darted her gaze to where Bree stood with a tray of butter tarts. “Damn, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, don’t be sorry.” Bree’s face lit up. She set the tray down and rushed over to throw her arms around Coy. “Ohmigod, you beautiful human.Je t’aime,” she laughed, kissing Coy's cheek. When she pulled away, tears were in Bree’s eyes. She reached for both Coy and Sawyer’s hands, bringing them together. “Buying a house means you’re it, Coy.Mamanchoseyou, and I’m here for it. Don’t worry about me for a second.”
“Well, we kinda hoped you might wanna move in with us.” Coy grinned awkwardly.
Sawyer cleared her throat, still looking a tad annoyed at Coy’s slip but not like she was about to throttle her.Oh, well, there’s always later. “It wouldn’t be until after we’re back from Europe, but we’d like it if things remained as they are now. Although, with a minor adjustment in the sleeping arrangements.”
Bree actually giggled. “No way. I’m twenty-one, you guys. I am well and capable of finding a roommate and living in an apartment. I even have a bit of money saved. Maybe you can help me car shop, though?” She directed the question to Coy.
“Erm …” Coy chewed her lip, spotted the fresh scowl Sawyer wore, and swung her gaze to the left where Sloane sat, blindfold still in place, with her hand up in the air. “We’re not in class, Sloane.”
Her sister flashed a smile. “Apologies. But just wanted to add my two cents in. I happen to be looking for a roommate.”
“No.” This time it was Coy’s turn to scowl. The thought of Sloane and Bree, together … She shuddered.
“Easy there, tiger.” Sloane removed the blindfold as well, and this time, held both hands up as she eyed Coy. “Remember who you’re talking to and who you used to be. A year ago, who would you trust around Bree more? Me or you?”
“Excuse me, this is getting out of hand. Bree is straight for one thing.” Sawyer arched an eyebrow at her daughter. “Right?”
“Um …” Bree giggled again, then began backing away. “Are we gonna kick this contest off or what?”
“This conversation is far from over.” Sawyer grabbed the blindfold and refastened it over Coy’s head, this time without all the fuss. Then she left to retie Sloane’s. Coy heard her muttering in French to her twin, likely nothing nice since Sloane was as poor at comprehending the language as Coy. When she left them alone again, she heard Sloane chuckle.
“I’m just saying.”
Coy groaned.
“Who was the one having threesomes and all-nighters in our apartment? It wasn’t me, Coy.”