Page 17 of Drowned In Silence
“Woah, woah. Calm down. She’s getting arrested? It’s probably just for prostitution. I’ll call Mom, maybe she can fucking help.”
He walks away, leaving me alone once again.
My thoughts spiral as I wait for a call from Mrs. Martin.
They wouldn't arrest her in her own room if it was just forprostitution. I have to figure out why she is there before I can do anything about it. What if someone blamed her for a drug deal gone wrong or something. What if she got attacked again and I wasn’t there and she decided to fight back?
“Stupid girl, what did you do?”
The phone rings and I pick it up instantly.
“Murder, Son. She is being arrested for murder. I guess some man was killed in the field across from her the other night, and they found DNA evidence against her. I don’t think we can get her out of this one.”
“Fuck! Thank you, Mom. Can you see what you can do? I just found her after all this time… I don’t want to lose her to something like this. Not her!” I swear, pacing back and forth with my fingers playing with my lip in thought.
“I’ll do what I can, Honey. Just breathe. We will figure this out. Now let me go so I can get to work. Love you.”
“Love you too,” I tell her before hanging up the phone.
“Calm down, dude. It’s not like we can take you in there for you to admit to it. Which I’m assuming you did since you’re freaking out more than normal. But we can’t take you there. They would find you guilty of so much more.” He pauses, lost in his own head. “Wait, did you leave your usual mark?”
“Well, yeah,” I say, exacerbated.
“Good! That’s good. That means once they find other victims with the same signature, they will figure out that she isn’t guilty.”
“Yeah, okay… and?”
“It means they will set her the fuck free, Elliot! Put your brain back together and calm down. All we have to do is wait. Now, let me take my coffee shit in peace,” he mumbles, walking down the hall after patting my shoulder.
Its Him
Handcuffs fucking hurt. Theyrub my wrists raw, and they are colder when I walk outside. The officer escorting me isn’t a happy man, he’s probably judging to see if he has been to my room before or something. He looks familiar, but I’m not positive.
It’s only been three days since I talked to that officer lady, and somehow they have already pinned it on me. Maybe if they would have paid a little more attention to the people in and out of my room, they would have realized I didn’t fucking do it.
“Can you loosen these cuffs, please? They hurt,” I complain to him.
He grunts but doesn't say a word. When we get to the patrol car, he ushers me in, barely protecting my head, and not paying attention to see if my feet are even in before shutting the door. Thankfully, they are.
“Do I at least get a phone call once we get there?” I ask as the first officer's partner slips into the passenger seat.
“Yes, now hush,” he replies.
I do my best to not cry, not say another word, and not wiggle around. I don’t even know why I’d ask if I get a phone call, it’s not like I have anyone to call.
The only person who comes to mind is the Mirror Man who is also apparently my stalker. Jokes on me though, because he probably has all of my info, yet I still don’t know who he is. It’s obvious that he is the actual killer. I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be getting charged with this shit.
When we pull up to the station, it’s surprisingly dead. I figured there would at least be a reporter or two outside waiting for my arrival, but of course, no one cares.
The officer pulls me out of the backseat, takes me into the small station, throws me in the holding cell, locks the door, and walks away.
At least it’s quiet here.
Sitting down and taking note of my surroundings, I look down at the floor. How did I get here? How did I fuck up so bad in my life that I am sitting in a jail cell without anyone to call. I may be stupid sometimes… Stupid enough to let my parents torture me and sell me for years. Stupid enough to continue to do it when I finally left. Stupid enough that I haven’t just killed myself yet.
I’m interrupted with a plethora of voices. One in particular sends chills down my spine. Someone I haven’t heard in years.