Page 101 of Game on, Love
“Relaxing. Having Fun. Shutting our brains off for a bit,” He lowered his head as he replied. “And making pottery.”
“I think we should addattemptingin front of it?”
“Nope, we’ll make some.”
I sighed knowingly. “Let me guess, you know how to make pottery.”
“Ding. Ding. Ding.”
“What a surprise.”
He chuckled, pulling me into one of the secluded booths, and as one of the staff members waved at him, I realised it wasn’t a coincidence.
“Do you come here often?” I asked, tugging off my coat and jumper. I’d listen to his advice and layered up, leaving me in just a thin top as he handed me an apron.
“I used to,” He replied, tugging on his own apron over his head. “One of my friends from university and her partner owns this place. I took one of their beginner classes last year when they opened. When I was looking at something for us to do, this felt like the perfect mix of something new, and intimate, but will also help you relax after the week you’ve had, considering you have to work over the weekend too.”
My heart warmed at his words, as I caught the name on one of the display screens as it read‘Together on the Wheel’.
Adjusting my apron, I asked. “I like it. But how exactly will this work?”
“We’ll work on it together, but they also have different games they like to play as we build it. It’s supposed to help you get to know each other better without having the pressure of asking questions, and well, building pottery together is just a fun way to see how you work with the other person,” He grinned. “We don’t have to take part in the games, as in this booth, we can shut the door, and it can be just us as we try to be messy. Up to you.”
He’d rolled his sleeves up, the veins in his arm popping as he hunched over the wheel, and I sighed softly before matching his grin. “We can play. I dolovegames.”
Oliver shook his head as he rolled a ball of clay between his palms, and the instructor spoke into a small microphone. “Alright, everyone. Let’s begin with a round of rapid-fire favourites. Remember, you answer the questions before the buzzer goes off—10 seconds per question which should give you both to answer without overthinking and overlapping!”
And just like that, the questions began.
Favourite colour?
O: Blue
R: Blue
Favourite Dessert?
R: Ariyanka’s Chocolate Pastries
O: Your brownies
Favourite Movie?
O: The Dark Knight Returns
R: Now You See Me
Favourite Place to Travel?
R: Singapore
O: Australia
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour?
O: Pistachio
R: Coffee