Page 75 of Game on, Love
“Have you seen the theatre room in this house? I mean, seriously, how could we not?”
I shook my head, confused. “Wait, I thought you were flying out on Monday?”
“I am. Which is why we’re doing itthisFriday.”
“Friday the 13th,” I nodded.
“Exactly.It was practically written in the stars.”
I snorted, “More like in dirt on a gravestone.”
“In a haunted cemetery,” Vedant replied, and I physically shook off the creepy sensation crawling up my back.
“Okay,thatis about how much horror crap of yours I can take. Tell Dev to bring them then.”
“He’s flying straight back from Delhi. So, it would probably be after Austin now.”
“Oh,” Clutching the journal closer to me, I turned to pick up my mug. “That’s fine. I’m holding on to this one, then.”
He nodded, but as I walked past him, he tugged on my hair. “Don’t let Rihaan see you have it, though.”
“Ow,” I palmed the back of my head as I turned slightly, throwing daggers at him with my eyes. “He would need to stickaround me for longer than a second to notice I have it. Now let go of my hair before I throw my coffee on you.”
Vedant let go of my hair with a grin, and I rolled my eyes before walking away. Sensing Oliver’s gaze on me, I sent a small smile in his direction as I passed him without fully looking at him.
The soft thud of footsteps followed closely behind me as I entered my room.
Not my room. The guest room.
This place was starting to feel a lot more like home than I wanted to. Taking a breath, I realised I was shaking. Dumping the stuff I had in my hand, I pressed my fingers on my palm. The slightly ajar door pushed open, and Oliver walked in without a single word or question.
Closing the door behind him, he took two big steps, and he was in my personal space.
“What do you need?” His voice was a whisper, and the stubborn part of me wanted to ask him to leave; the bitter part of me wanted to comment that he should probably help one of my brothers, but the slightly sane part of me reasoned that I was not going to do what Rihaan made my brothers do.
His amber eyes met mine, and suddenly, it was easier to breathe. It was also then easier to let the sane voice win, as I replied. “Just be here.”
The words had barely let my lips, and he was leaning down and slipping his arms under mine. He pulled me forward to his chest, and my arms circled his neck. “I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“Walking away without answering your question earlier. I assumed it would be better to hear from your brother, but I should’ve asked.”
I relaxed against his hold. “Thank you.”
We stood there for a minute before I pulled my head back to meet his eyes. “Wait, what did you say to Vedant before coming up?”
Oliver’s lips twitched, trying to hold back a grin and his words. “I didn’t say anything.”
“What do you mean?”
“He just looked at me expectedly and…”
“He might’ve given me a countdown before I turned around and followed you up the stairs.”
“He. Did.Not!”