Page 34 of Tethered Thrones
Bracken was already fighting, but in the gentlest way the batbeast could, only sweeping the soldiers back with his massive wings every time a group descended upon him.
Clem was up in the air, diving anxiously out of the way of arrows and spears and Kiar was wrapped around a group of five, pinning their arms down so they could not hurt us. There were more though, and they were angry. I knew the fury in their eyes because I had always had the same feeling rushing through my blood all these years. Nocs meant savagery, despair, the end of humanity. If only I had known the truth sooner.
“It's me!” I shouted, nearly wanting to laugh at the severity of the situation. Being attacked–rightfully so–by the very people I longed to liberate was nearly too much. Theyshouldattack us. They shouldkillus in fact. Me, a human soldier with nocs was treason. I only hoped that my name held some weight here.
“I am Batu Sun! I come with news for General Hideyoshi!”
If anyone heard, they did not respond.
Bracken was getting fed up, now throwing the soldiers with too much force, hurting them.
On the other side, Kiar let out a shout as one of those he subdued freed his hand and sliced through his smooth tail.
I saw the blood and red flashed through me.
Without knowing I was moving, I was leaping from Hadi's protective back and in front of Kiar’s captives, fury coursing through me.
“Listen you fools! I am your superior! Surrender now unless you want to get hurt!”
“We will not listen to traitors!” one of them shouted and my heart sank.
But I had their attention–the ones in Kiar's hold anyway, so I pulled the god stones from my pocket and held them both up into the air.
“I was gifted the stones from the gods themselves!” I shouted. “If that is not enough to at least have your ears before you try to kill us, then keep fighting.”
A stillness fell over the group.
Stunned that had worked, I turned in a slow circle, looking at all the faces. There were about thirty of them. The battalion’s western security. Each of these men and women had been through hell, but they were listening.Good.
Taking a deep breath, I spoke in a loud, clear voice.
“The things that I have learned directly from the mouth of the gods will change the course of not only this war, but our very history.”
My words rang out and the silence was impenetrable. The weight of what I was saying was nearly too much to bear. It still hurt that we had all been betrayed for so long by our own emperor. I couldn't even bring myself to say it now. It was doubtful that they would even believe me. But as we had decided, if the news came from their very own general, perhaps they could be swayed.
“I promise that you will know everything that I know very soon, but I must speak with General Hideyoshi first. It is important.”
I exchanged a look with Kiar, who was still holding his captured soldiers tightly. He pursed his lips but released them without me having to say anything.
The group of them looked shocked and uncomfortable, exchanging looks and glancing at my nocs as though expecting them to attack.
I glanced back at Bracken, and he caught my gaze, grimacing but folding his wings back and taking a step back from his guarded position.
Hadi smirked, crossing both sets of arms and watching me with something like pride in his eyes.
I searched the gazes of all the humans next, trying to find someone with understanding or at least interest in their eyes. They were all so guarded, but one, I realized, stood slightly ahead of the others, his dark eyes fixed on my face. I assumed he was in charge of this platoon, so I stepped toward him.
“Will you take me to the general?” I asked.
He didn't answer for a long time, then glanced uneasily at Hadi.
“The nocs stay here,” he said sternly but I shook my head.
“They are part of this, I will not leave them behind. Besides, they follow my orders, isn't that right?”
The look on Hadi's face nearly made me laugh out loud. I had to bite my lip to stop myself. Luckily Clem, as always, was my ultimate supporter and immediately backed my brazen statement.
“Oh yes!” he said enthusiastically, still fluttering above the scene. “Sun is our light! We will follow him everywhere!”