Page 36 of Tethered Thrones
“I said we needed privacy,” he said, giving them a suspicious look.
I grimaced.
“They really must remain near me,” I explained.
He paused, then glanced at his patrol leader.
“Be sure they don't go anywhere,” he ordered.
“Yes, sir.”
“You four may remain outside my door.”
There was a note of warning in his tone, and I knew that Hadi and Bracken were probably already grinding their teeth, but they were on their best behaviour because they only nodded.
Satisfied, the general entered his tent. I paused long enough to look back, somewhat anxious that they would be dragged away the moment I was out of sight.You must trust General Hideyoshi, I told myself.
“I will explain everything to him and hopefully gain his support,” I said quietly. “If not, then be ready.”
With that, I entered the general's tent, ready to make my case.
He stood, leaning back against his table, covered with maps and markers. For a moment, it was like I had never left.
His eyes were trained on me like a hawk.
“Tell me Sun,” he said, “have you betrayed us?”
I shut my eyes and shook my head, searching for words that could convey the truth of what I truly felt.
“All I have ever wanted–all Istillwant–is justice for our land. For this war to end. For peace... and I will not stop fighting until I have met my goal. Even if every man in the emperor's army is now against me, I will keep fighting.”
General Hideyoshi suddenly sagged.
He shut his eyes and held onto the edge of the table, and I realized that he was overcome with relief.
I too was overcome.
I swallowed and approached him, and he reached out, clasping my shoulders tightly, searching my face.
“My boy,” he said kindly. “You have no idea how happy I am to see that they did not break you. That you are still the remarkable young man I always knew.”
He shut his eyes, took a deep breath, and visibly collected himself before releasing me, ready now for business.
“Now,” he said, “tell me the rest. How did you come to be controlling the nocs who followed you here?”
“You are not going to like anything I have to say,” I admitted. “But please, be open minded as I explain.”
He graced me with a nod, and I began, flying over the details in the prison, the tortures, the shadows in my cell. I told him of Clem's magic, how he attached them all to my soul. I told him that we were bound as one and it was all to save the noc king who now stood outside his tent.
General Hideyoshi went pale as I explained. When I got to the part about making a deal to visit Tsuki, I finally faltered.
“What is it, Sun?” he pressed. “You have not held back yet, what is making you hesitate now?”
I shut my eyes.
“What I discovered has been hard to accept,” I admitted, “for therewasa betrayal in all of this, one much bigger than any of us could have imagined.”
“What, Sun?”