Page 59 of Never Broken
You asked how long it would take Resi’s people to free us
Forget about Resi. Forget about her people. She’d saidhe’s here,and it washeI wanted to know about. I didn’t expect Maeve to reply right away, but I sent her a message anyway.
I don’t care
I’m coming for you
But to my shock, she did reply.
No, you don’t get it
We can’t stop now
Why not?! Yes, you can
You have to
You literally told me today that Max Langer knows what you’re doing
We can’t
Because we have to stop Max
And because we’re not just freeing me and the other girls anymore
“Boy, is that you in there?”
The housekeeper, pounding ever closer. “Stop dawdling, for heaven’s sake! Mr. Langer’s asking for another cocktail. I’m busy plating these entrees, and if it’s not poured in the next thirty seconds, it’s my head!”
It was only eight-thirty, but she sounded about ready to collapse, and I didn’t blame her. Yes, she was a serious thorn in my side tonight, but she was also carrying this entire goddamn party on her creaky, overburdened middle-aged shoulders, and I sure wasn’t pullingmyweight to help. But that didn’t mean I wanted her to find out why.
As fast as I could, I murmured a voice message in Luxembourgish: “Not just freeing you? What are you talking about? Who are you freeing?!”
“Who on Earth are you talking to in here?” the housekeeper demanded as she flung open the door.
“Myself,” I blurted out. “Sometimes a guy just misses hearing his native tongue, you know?”
Her eyes narrowed, but I knew she was too softhearted to condemn a poor homesick boy. Mostly, I was hoping she didn’t notice how my head was swimming. Because Maeve had replied immediately, and before I slipped the phone back in my pocket, I had just enough time to read her answer towho are you freeing?
Every slave on Earth
1 Hi.
2 Literally, “brother heart,” an endearment.