Page 7 of Bed Shaker
“Now lean back and forth, that’s how you’re going to control where the board takes you. It’s like having your hands on a steering wheel, but with your feet,” I say.
She does it wrong again, only this time, I have a feeling she’s doing it on purpose.
I get on the board behind her and press up against her body so she can feel my movement. Her breathing shifts, becoming shallow. She’s trembling. I’m hard for her and I know she can feel it. I press it against her smooth round ass and she rubs up against me, making a sound that I’m fairly certain was a moan.
“There you go,” I say into her ear as she starts to move with my body, mimicking what I’m doing. Damn, if she keeps moving like that I’m going to come in my shorts.
“Am I doing it right?” she says, her voice almost a whisper.
I touch the flat of her stomach, pressing harder against her until my cock is nestled into the crook of her ass. Fuck it, if I come, I come. I can hide it by getting in the water. “Perfect.”
I clear my throat and step away from her. “You ready to get in the water?” I ask.
She hesitates. I think she wants to stay close, but eventually she says, “I think so.”
We grab our boards and get into the water. At first we just stand in the surf. I can tell she’s nervous. Maybe she doesn’t even want to surf. I know I don’t. All I want right now is to touch her again. Just then a wave hits us and she’s knocked back. I catch her before she falls, our bodies pressed against each other, front to front. Her breasts press against my chest and it feels amazing. Each one is soft and round. They are small and go perfectly with her athletic build. The perfect mouthfuls and I want nothing more than to taste her. She’s laughing and so am I as the force of the water pushes us around. I hold her tighter to keep her from drifting away from me. She has a laugh like a lullaby, warm and soothing. That’s a laugh I would never get sick of.
Suddenly, she gets this serious look on her face. I’m holding my breath, waiting for her to kiss me, but then she says, “Surf’s up,” and turns around with her board to catch the next wave. The breath leaves my mouth with a whoosh, and I laugh at myself for getting so excited about a kiss.
She’s actually really good for a novice and manages to get up on the board several times and ride small waves. Her balance is perfect and she has good control of her body. She must have played sports or been a cheerleader, something that would require good balance.
When we’re done, we’re both exhausted. The sun is going down. Only a few people remain on the beach. I lead her over to the showers to rinse the salt water off our bodies. That’s when I notice her bikini is transparent. I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed it before. Then again, we were up to our necks in waves. As she rinses her hair, I have a perfect view of her pert nipples and the pink areolas around them. Fuck, there goes my boner again. That guy is always at full salute when she’s around.
When she’s done, I drop my gaze. She wrings the water out of her hair. “Damn, I forgot my towel,” she says.
“I have an extra in my truck.”
We head for the parking lot. She walks ahead of me, giving me an excellent view of that pert round ass. Like a hungry shark, I just want to take a bite of it.
We get to my truck, I open the door and hand her the towel.
“I’m going to change here, if that’s okay. I don’t want the seats of my car to get wet from my suit,” she says.
“Yeah, okay,” I tell her, and volunteer to be a shield so anyone walking by won’t see her.
With the towel wrapped around her, she tries to take off her bikini to put on a cover-up she brought with her, but she’s obviously struggling. She manages to get both top and bottoms off, but putting on the cover-up seems to be a more difficult task. She cusses when she drops the cover-up on the ground. When she bends to grab it, the top of her towel slips and I see a delicious nipple, hard as a ruby, the areola puckered from the cold. My cock starts to ache.
She pulls in a startled breath at the slip and hurries to cover herself. But when she looks at me, she knows that I didn’t miss it. I stick my hands in my pockets and smile.
She’s not doing too good a job at covering herself up. All but the nipple is still showing. What I can see is a peach-sized pale breast, full and round and utterly mouth-watering. Her tan lines are a shade or two lighter than the rest of her skin, and her skin is like smooth satin.
“Need some help?” I offer.
“Yeah, could you hold the towel up for me so I can slip this on?”
I raise an eyebrow. “Or you could not put it on and we can get to the real reason you’re here.”
She gives me a frown. A mixture of shock and annoyance. Her eyes darken and her breath is rushed when she says, “I’m actually here to learn how to surf, not for whatever it is you’re thinking.”
I nod slowly as if I actually believe her. “So you don’t want it?”
The word it hangs in the air between us, bright and full of life, like a firework shot into the sky.
She hesitates too long and that’s all I need. I take her by the waist. She desperately clings to the towel covering her, but doesn’t object. I reach up, taking her by the chin, and lift so that our eyes meet. I see a hurricane growing behind them. She wants this, but she’s hesitant.
“You can stop me at any time,” I tell her, but I know she won’t. The hungry way she looks at me overtakes whatever it is that caused her to hesitate.
I bring my lips to hers, our skin barely grazing. She takes in a sharp breath and shudders. The kiss deepens. Her mouth parts just the tiniest bit when she lets out a soft moan. I run the tip of my tongue across her bottom lip, tasting the faint salty taste of the ocean that still lingers there.
Her mouth opens wider and her tongue touches mine. They tentatively mingle, acquaintances at first, but she’s greedy and needs more. She grabs the back of my head and our mouths clash together in a furious kiss that causes the boss downstairs to stand up taller and take notice. I pull her closer to me, fingers tangling in terry cloth. It’s torture knowing there’s only a towel and my shorts separating her naked body from mine. It takes all my brittle self-control not to tear it off and consume her.
I don’t know how much longer I can resist.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. I didn’t come to the beach to kiss Ram. I needed a distraction after seeing Evan in the mall, and surfing was supposed to be that. I’m certainly distracted, just not the way I had planned. The whole time I was surfing, I was always aware of Ram, of his proximity. I wanted him closer. I wanted his hands and lips and everything else on me. Maybe this is what I need, because when he’s around, Evan stays in the past. Where he should be.
Ram pulls me closer to him until our bodies are crushed together. I feel his hardness digging into me. I want him so bad I can hardly think straight. We’re not alone out here. There are people getting into their cars around us, leaving the beach. And I don’t care. They can’t see us, of course, because we’re hidden by the open door of his truck. Getting caught is the least of my concerns right now. All that I care about is having him closer to me.
The tips of his finger glide across my shoulders, giving me chills. They continue to roam, exploring the exposed skin on my arms and back. Eventually, they make their way to my chest, caressing my collarbone and the tops of my breasts. They stop moving when I drop my towel. His entire body goes still and he looks as though he’s been struck. “Oh my God,” he says, in a deep, gravelly voice. He takes a step back to have a look.
His gaze burns. Those typically light blue eyes turn deep navy and he makes a low, almost feral sound of approval. No one has ever looked at me the way he is right now, like I’m the pot of gold at the end of an elusive rainbow. His gaze flickers over my breasts, stomach, legs, then back up to my eyes. The long column of his throat moves when he swallows.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says, his fingers exploring the edges of me.
It’s hard to breathe. Part of me wants him to grab me and have his way, but the other part of me enjoys his delightful little explorations.
He smirks when my breathing becomes more labored. He’s teasing me, I realize. He’s waiting for me to beg him, but I won’t. I have amazing self-control.