Page 13 of Duke
“Let’s begin, shall we? Stacy, can you read last month's minutes?”
“Sure,” she responds, swiping around on her iPad. She begins reading the minutes and after about ten minutes she’s done.
“Excellent. Any conclusion to old business?” When no one says anything, he moves on.
“Financial report? Duke?”
“Right.” I stand up in order to hand out the reports I wrote up late last night. “In front of you, is the year to date revenue versus cash flow.”
“Is this figure correct?” Jensen Pilsner, one of the biggest douchebags in Chicago asks. He and I were rivals at Duke and somehow, he finagled his way onto the board of this company. It seems his only job is to sit on the board of several Chicago based businesses. To say that I hate him would be an understatement.
“Which figure?” I ask, unable to keep the annoyance out of my voice.
“The year to date. The one you were just mentioning.”
“It’s correct.”
“Why aren’t we seeing higher dividends?”
“You are.”
“No need to get defensive, Duke. I just think we deserve some answers.”
“The dividends this quarter are thirteen percent higher than last. A steady growth is always better than a quick uptick and then nothing. Surely, you know that” I tell him and that shuts him right up.
“Thank you, Duke. Any new business?” Prince asks, laughing. He hates that dick as much as I do. No one says anything so he concludes the meeting. We hang around while the rest of the board takes their leave.
“So, Baron tells me that you went on a double date with Esther,” Marquise says.
“What? Mister One and Done on an actual date?” Prince chimes in, barely containing his laughter. I haven’t heard an actual laugh in years. Not since high school to be honest, so I am a little weirded out.
“I was shocked, personally. The asshole is in love, it was written on his face plain as day,” Baron says.
“No fucking way,” Marquise says.
“Saw it with my own eyes or I wouldn’t believe it myself,” Baron says laughing.
“Jesus, lay off, will you?” I ask. The door opens before I can say anything else.
“Hey guys. Anyone free for lunch?” Dad asks, coming into the room. I realize that I haven't seen him in months. Mom either. They've been in DC, but I could have traveled to them. After all they've done for me, it's the least I could do.
“I am,” I say glad for the chance to get out of there. I wait in the hallway while Dad talks to my brothers. When he comes back out, he claps me on the back.
“So, Esther huh?” he asks as we ride the elevator down to the lobby. His Capitol Police detail follows us in. As a senator he's afforded protection while he's anywhere in America.
“Those fucking assholes,” I mutter.
“Well, they did mention it, but I heard from your mother first,” he says, chuckling. It’s hot as hell as we walk out of the building out onto the street. “Is Maggio’s good? I have a hankering for some lasagna. It’s been a while since I’ve had any.”
“Sure,” I reply, heading in that direction. I missed him more than I thought would, I really need to spend more time with them.
“Can I offer my advice on last night? I know your mother told you to go for it and I agree with that, but you gotta go balls to the wall. Don’t let up. If you think you’re going too hard, go harder,” he says, surprising me.
“Yes, really,” he says as we arrive at the restaurant. “Table for two,” he tells the hostess. "We'll need a second table nearby as well. I'm still not used to the security."
“What did you mean?”
“Let me tell you a story,” he says as we are seated and handed menus. We quickly order before he continues. "When I met your mother, I wasn't her only suitor. She was a rich girl from the good side of Indianapolis. I grew up in the gutters of Chicago. I was in college when I first saw her. She was on a date with the other guy. I'm not ashamed to say I took her from that tool. I did everything in my power and a few things that weren't to make her mine. Do you feel that way about Esther? Anything less won't be worth it in the end."
"I definitely do."
"Then get your girl, claim her, and keep her."
I smile and nod at the old man. "Who was the other guy?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.
"President Haines," he says grinning like a fool. I choke on my water.
"As in President of the United States of America, President Haines?"
"One in the same," he replies, smug as hell.
"Damn, dad. That's some gangster shit right there," I say as out food comes to the table.
"I know." He winks at me.