Page 110 of Perfect Chaos
I grin to myself when I see Lainey staring at the colossal red bomb, looking a bit thunderstruck, and that grin only stretches wider when Callie appears again, her mouth hanging open. “You have to tell me your trade secret,” she says, sticking her nose into the flowers and sniffing.
Lainey just looks at her blankly, casting her eyes to me as I meander over. “Wow,” I breathe out dramatically. “Whoever sent you these must like you an awful, awful lot.”
“Is there a card?” Callie asks. “Tell me there’s a card with these ones.”
“No card.” Lainey flops down into her chair.
No card? What does she mean, no card? I explicitly told them to send a card. My eyes scan the million puffs of red, damning myself for going so over the top. Ah. “The card,” I sing, sounding way too delighted for someone who shouldn’t give a flying fuck. I cough and straighten, just pulling my hand back before I grab the flicker of white hidden behind a sea of crimson. “There”—I point—“at least, I think.” I cough again.
“Yes.” Callie points to the card. “There, Lainey, look.”
Lainey’s out of her chair in a flash, seeking it out, and when she finds it, she reaches in to retrieve it. “Ouch,” she yelps, dropping the card and popping her finger in her mouth. “Damn thorns.”
Thorns? They stated they strip the stems. “There shouldn’t be any thorns,” I mutter, already planning my call of complaint.
“There shouldn’t?” Callie questions.
Oh shit. “Um, yeah, I mean, a good florist always strips the stems. This clearly isn’t a good florist.” Sweat is beading on my brow.
“Well, to be fair,” Callie says, pointing at the roses, “you could forgive them for missing one stem in a million.”
I hum my agreement, checking Lainey. She’s studying the top of her finger, and when she pops it back in her mouth, I’m suddenly jealous. “Just a nick,” she says, pulling it free on a little erection-inducing pop. I shift from foot to foot as she picks up the card.
“What does it say?” Callie is dancing beside me, hands clasped excitedly in front of her face.
“Yes, what does it say?” I cock a leg and perch on the side of Lainey’s desk, ignoring her frown and pointing to the card.
“It says,” she breathes tiredly, tossing me a dirty look. “It—” Her mouth snaps shut, and her wide eyes snap to mine. “Oh . . .”
I wink discreetly, getting up from the desk, and Callie swoops in and snatches the card from Lainey’s limp hand. “Oh, I’m guessing this must mean something to you?”
“Yes,” Lainey confirms, keeping an accusing stare on me.
I smile. “What does it say, Callie?”
“Here, look.” She thrusts it at me, and I take a quick look, despite knowing exactly what it says. But I still read it, and I read it aloud.It means so SO much to me.
TAC x“What means what to who?” I ask Lainey, waiting for my answer, seeming cool on the outside, but on the inside I’m all kinds of smug. Her scowl is fucking fierce, and I hold my hands up in defense, backing away. “Sorry, none of my business.” I turn and stride away, highly pleased with myself, chucking her a cheeky smile before disappearing down the corridor.
I spot Mac in his office, splashing on some cologne, patting at his face. I stop, leaning on the door. “Anyone would think you’ve got someone to impress.”
He looks up and gets immediately flustered when he sees me. “Oh, hey, Ty.” Going to his briefcase, he starts rummaging through, an obvious attempt to avoid eye contact.
“I’ll say one thing.” I push my weight off the frame, and Mac looks up at me. “Hurt her, and I’ll kill you. Right after I’ve fired you.” I leave Mac with that promise, a small smile on my face as I pace the corridor back to my office.
“There you are,” Gina moans when she clocks me, pulling her coat on. “I’m off.” She swings her bag onto her shoulder and heads for the lift.
“Hey, Gina?”
“Yes?” She turns, waiting for what I have to say. I fold my arms over my chest, tapping my foot on the spot. “What?” she prompts, looking down her body. “What’s wrong?”
“Just wait. I’m trying to figure something out.”
“And how long have I got to stand here and wait for you to figure out whatever it is you’re trying to figure out?”
“I’ve got it.” I raise a halting finger.
“You are, aren’t you?”
“Am what?” Her patience is about to snap.
“You’re wearing those knickers.”
Her face turns bright red, and I fall apart, taking the nearest wall for support.
“How the hell do you know that?”
“Because I, Gina, am fucking brilliant.” I slip into my office, turning at the door. “I hope Mac appreciates them.”
Her expression is fierce, and I laugh my way to my desk to fetch my briefcase, looking forward to getting home and having a little duel of words with Lainey before having a physical duel. I’m sure she’ll scold me rotten for sending her flowers.