Page 33 of Naughty or Nice
Natalie knows we’re going away for the holiday, but other than telling her to pack for cold weather, I haven’t given her any info and have asked the others to help keep the secret.
“It’s not fair that everyone else knows where we’re going, and I don’t.”
“I dig that pout, love, but it’s not going to break me.”
She gives me a sly, sexy look. “I have other ways to break you.”
And I’m hard. That’s all it takes when it comes to her. “Is that right? I’d love to see you try.”
She rubs her hands together gleefully. “Ohhh, a challenge. I love a challenge.” Before I can gauge her next move, she’s up and out of bed—and with the growing baby belly, she’s been moving slower lately. But that doesn’t stop her now. Before I know it, she’s standing on my side of the bed, her dark hair shining after a shower and blow dry, her lips soft from the balm she applies at bedtime and her curves more luscious than ever as she incubates our baby. I can only stare at the magnificence that is my wife.
Mine. Forever. Best words ever.
“Sit up.”
Those words are pretty good, too. “Is my little sub trying to dominate her Dom?”
“Nope. In this case, she’s after information.”
Amused and aroused, I sit up, swing my legs around so my feet are on the floor. “Give it your best shot.”
She grabs a pillow off the bed, puts it on the floor and drops rather inelegantly to her knees.
“Nat…” I worry constantly now that she’s pregnant, and some of the biggest fights we’ve had have been about my overly gentle treatment of her. She’s gotten used to the dominant sex I introduced her to and is constantly annoyed with me for insisting we take it easy while she’s pregnant.
“No talking unless you’re going to tell me what I want to know.”
“I’m not going to tell you.”
“Then be quiet.”
God, I love her. I love that she couldn’t care less about who I am to the rest of the world. She’s the first woman who truly loves me for me, not for what my parents or I can do to boost her career, not for the money or the adulation that’s such a big part of the celebrity culture. For Natalie, it’s never been about any of those things, which make her different from everyone else from the beginning. It’s so fucking real with her and has been from the first second I saw her when she crashed into me during a shoot in a New York City park—and then her old wildebeest dog, Fluff, bit me. Best day of my life, hands down.
Fame, fortune and Oscars have nothing on winning the love of the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever met.
At the moment, my extraordinary wife is out to wreck me as she runs her hands up the insides of my legs, setting every nerve ending in my body on fire as I wait to see what she has planned for me. I’m so hard, I’m leaking copiously, but she ignores that part of me to focus all her attention on other parts of me, making me burn for more.
“Natalie.” My teeth are gritted, my hands are curled into fists and my heart is beating so hard, I can hear the thundering echo of it ringing in my ears.
“Shhhh. You’re not talking, remember?”
I want to tell her revenge is a bitch, but she knows that. She loves my form of revenge, which is another reason I love her. She accepts every part of me, even the part that needs dominant sex. But I’m not the Dom right now. My sub is making me her bitch as I fight the urge to explode all over her pretty face. I wouldn’t do that to her, no matter how much she tortures me. And dear sweet baby Jesus, her tongue on my balls is pure torture.
After nearly a year together, she knows all my hot spots, and she exploits every one of them as she tries to drive me crazy.
With a hand on my chest, she pushes me back so I’m lying on the bed. Then she arranges my legs so they’re splayed open, my feet propped on the edge. Christ have mercy… If she so much as breathes on my cock, I’m going to lose it.
“Are you ready to tell me where we’re going for Christmas?”
Right about now, I’d sign over my entire fortune to her if it meant she’d put me out of my misery and suck my dick. But I can’t be that easy. “No.”
“It’s not fair that all my friends know, and I don’t.” Her lips are so close to my shaft that I can feel her hot breath wash over my sensitive skin.
I break out in goose bumps.
She sees that and smiles triumphantly.