Page 31 of Gentleman Sinner
I scribble a note for Jess in case she wakes up, telling her to call me when she rouses from the dead, and leave it on the bedside before heading for the door. I’ll be two hours, tops. Hopefully she won’t wake within that time and I can sneak back in. She’ll never know I went anywhere, eliminating my need to explain my reasoning for going.
I spend the entire cab ride to the Bellagio going over that reasoning, shaking like a leaf, butterflies erupting in my tummy and going wild. I wander into the lobby, gazing around at the marble interior in awe. Trying to absorb the palatial foyer, I hover near Reception, keeping a lookout for Theo’s driver. The area is busy, a constant stream of people coming in and out, gambling machines dinging and players cheering.
‘Miss White?’
I turn to find Callum behind me. He’s his usual suited, ominous self, his blond hair looking lighter today, maybe from the sun. ‘Hi.’
‘I’ll take you to Mr Kane.’ He points across the way, and I look, seeing he’s indicating towards the elevators.
‘Where is he?’ I thought I’d be put in a car and taken to a restaurant, or maybe just walked to one in the hotel.
‘If you’ll come this way.’ He takes the lead when I fail to, getting a few steps ahead before stopping and looking back at me where I’m rooted to the marble, beginning to worry. ‘Miss White?’
‘You’re taking me to his room, aren’t you?’
He looks at me with definite unease. He thinks I’m going to refuse and be difficult, and I can see he’s bracing himself for it. ‘Mr Kane has a suite.’
‘A suite?’
‘Yes, a suite. Not a room, but many rooms.’
If I didn’t know him better, I’d say he was laughing at me. Many rooms, including a bedroom. ‘I see.’ I fiddle with my purse, glancing at the elevator again.
‘You’re having dinner with him in his private suite.’
I ignore the fact that he’s just told me what I’m doing and look at him cautiously. ‘Private?’
He nods, joining his hands in front of his big body. ‘Ready?’
I raise my chin and straighten my back. ‘Yes.’ I pass him, flicking him a curious look when he steps back, even though I’m making a point to keep a comfortable distance from him. I come to a stop at the collection of elevators. ‘Is there a written rule that says you have to be a huge motherfucker to work for Theo?’ I ask as I step into a lift and peek up at him.
There’s a definite curved lip threatening to break out as he presses the button to Theo’s floor. ‘We’re more friends than work associates.’
‘You are?’ I ask, surprised. ‘I thought you were his driver. Or his bodyguard.’
‘I’m both of those, too.’ He looks down at me. ‘But more the latter.’
I tilt my head in question. ‘Why? Does someone want to hurt him?’ I’m digging for information, and I’m not the least bit ashamed.
Callum looks like he could laugh. I guess it is quite funny. I doubt there’s a man alive who could hurt Theo. ‘Not exactly,’ he says, sweeping his hand out when the doors open.
I step out and look left and right, waiting for Callum to give me some kind of indication of which way I should be going. ‘Not exactly?’ I ask as we head left down the corridor.
‘No,’ he answers flatly, passing me. My interest in that particular topic vanishes when I clock the double doors at the end. The muscles of my legs become weaker as I follow Callum until he comes to a stop. He opens the door and moves away, again putting a big space between us and clearing the way for me. And again, I flick him a curious look as I enter. He does that a lot. I’ve seen him move away from Theo, and he always gives me way more space than I need. Does he have a phobia? I can’t help but wonder if he thinks I’m infectious or something.
My steps slow as I’m hit with opulence of ridiculous proportions. And the atmosphere. I’m not imagining it. Theo’s presence is hanging heavy in the air, and I haven’t even laid eyes on him yet. My weak legs give a little, my hand reaching for a nearby table that’s decorated with an elaborate flower arrangement.
‘The lounge is this way.’ Callum walks off, and I have to take a few moments to pull myself together before I follow him. When we arrive in the extensive seating area, the atmosphere thickens further, telling me Theo is nearer now. I scan the space, noticing another door on the opposite side of the room. A door to where? ‘Take a seat,’ Callum instructs, and I do, quickly, needing to sit down and work on breathing steadily. ‘Mr Kane will be with you in a moment.’ He leaves, closing the door behind him.