Page 33 of Gentleman Sinner
‘No, Izzy, you are definitely pleasure,’ he says, holding my hand and taking us through to the dining room, where a table is set for two and a waiter stands to the side, awaiting our arrival. Theo pulls a chair out for me and helps me down before taking up the seat opposite. A plate is placed before me by the waiter, but when he reaches Theo’s side of the table, he stands back a good few paces and holds the plate out rather than placing it down, like he’s scared to get too close. I frown as Theo reaches for the plate and sets it down himself before he pours me a glass of white wine. What was that?
He indicates for me to start eating, so I slowly collect my knife and fork, watching him closely as I poke at the scallops. I’m too nervous to eat, especially after that smouldering kiss. I already feel like I want more, and I’m not sure I should want a man like Theo as much as I do.
‘You’re nervous,’ he states, not accusing, just observant. And rightly so. ‘Tell me why, Izzy.’
I look up at him, my head tilting. ‘You’ve turned up in Vegas, Theo. Out of the blue. I hardly know you.’
‘Then let’s get to know each other, Izzy White.’ He sits back in his chair, wine in hand, watching me. ‘How was your day?’
I follow his lead and try to relax back in my chair. ‘Full of unexpected surprises. Yours?’
‘It’s improving by the hour.’ He gives me a wolfish smile. ‘By the end of it, I have a feeling I’m going to have a skip in my step.’
I laugh out loud, the reaction unstoppable. How is it possible that he can ease me so instantly? He’s a master at the art of relaxing me. In this moment, I don’t find his straightforwardness concerning, more . . . endearing. ‘Can a big man like you skip?’
‘Want to help me find out?’
I shake my head and drop my eyes to the table for a moment, if only to relieve them from the blaze in his stare. ‘Tell me about yourself,’ I say quietly.
‘What do you want to know?’
‘I don’t know. Anything would be good. All I have on you right now is that you like popping up in dark alleyways and rescuing strangers.’
He laughs, light and low. It makes my smile impossible to hold back. ‘I don’t spend all my time popping up in dark alleyways.’
‘Then what do you do?’
‘I love eating.’ He motions to the table, where both our starters remain untouched. ‘I love working out, too, but my new favourite pastime is stalking you.’ He flips me a devilish wink, and once again I’m laughing.
‘For a big dude, you’re quite cute.’
‘For a little female, you’re quite fierce.’ He toasts the air. ‘And second to your natural beauty, that’s my favourite thing about you.’
Damn it, don’t blush. I take refuge in my wine, keeping my smile in check before it splits my face. ‘You’re extremely bold,’ I say over the rim of my glass.
‘There aren’t many things in this world that I desire, Izzy. It’s a short list, and therefore I have plenty of time to dedicate to each item on it. You are now at the very top.’
‘And the other things?’
‘Peace. Happiness. Love.’
I swallow, taken aback by his frank answer. ‘Don’t you have those things in your life now?’ He seems quite content with who he is.
He shakes his head. ‘What do you want out of life, Izzy?’
‘Just love would do,’ I answer honestly, surprising myself. ‘With love, happiness and peace should come naturally.’
‘I like that theory.’ He smiles softly, regarding me closely across the table. ‘And if I may be bold once more?’
‘Can I stop you?’
‘Probably not.’
‘Then go ahead and be bold.’
The gratification seeping from his body is undeniable, and I can’t help but feel satisfied that I am the cause. ‘I have an unstoppable urge to take you to bed.’
‘We agreed on dinner.’
‘Which you haven’t eaten,’ he counters, motioning to our untouched plates. ‘So will you let me take you to bed?’
He’s asking again. It’s a far cry from his original tactics of demanding, as if he’s realized I don’t take too kindly to demands and has decided to change his game plan. Should I tell him it’s working?
I sigh, my hand resting on the base of my wineglass. ‘What do you want from me, Theo?’
‘You’re a bit slow if you haven’t figured it out yet.’
‘Then I must be slow, because I haven’t the first idea why a man of your obvious status’ – I wave my hand around the dining room of his suite in the frigging Bellagio – ‘would be so interested in a normal, regular nurse like me.’
‘There’s nothing normal or regular about you,’ he argues, firm but soft, leaning forward in his chair. My statement has irritated him. I’m certain anyone else would be threatened by his stance, but I’m not at all. It’s as if I’m immune to his physical presence where fear or intimidation are concerned. It doesn’t make any sense to me, but that’s how it is. It should probably be a problem, but I have a bigger issue instead, and it’s dominating everything right now. I’m drawn to him. Most people seem to put as much distance between themselves and Theo as possible. I, however, have a confusing urge to close that distance. I want to be near to him. He has a magnetic pull, luring me closer, and I’m helpless to its power. Given everything I have been through, it’s even more fucked up. And then I have to ask myself . . .