Page 42 of Fury (Savage MC-Tennessee 4)
“What would you know about it?” she asks, sparing me a look. Glenna is working between Dawn’s legs, clueless to the fact that Dawn isn’t into it any longer.
“Let’s just say, I know what it’s like not to be respected and when that happens, you have to make others pay. You can’t let people walk on you in this world, Dawn. If you do that, you’re weak. I don’t think you’re weak, are you?”
“Fuck, no,” she growls.
“Then, turn around and let’s make the little bitch pay for disrespecting you.”
“What’s your plan?”
“We get her to admit all the wrongs she’s done to you and then, we punish her.”
“What does that even mean?” Dawn asks and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing if my life depended on it.
“You don’t worry your pretty little head over it. You just lie back against me and enjoy yourself. I’ll take you exactly where you are meant to be.”
She finally does as I tell her, though she’s not quite relaxed as I want her to be. I can’t have her fighting me. I don’t have time for that. I need to be gone by the time Fury shows up. These idiots are slow, but there’s no point in tempting fate.
I find the forgotten vile of coke from earlier and tap some out on my finger. When I turn my attention back to Dawn, Glenna is going to work between her legs and she’s starting to unwind. Her eyes are closed, but they open immediately when I wrap one arm around her front, pressing my semi-hard cock against her back, and rubbing my fingers across her nipple.
“What are you—”
Her body shudders as Glenna thrusts her fingers inside of her. I squeeze her tit in a bruising hold.
“You need to unwind,” I tell her. “You need to be loose to enjoy this next part.” I take the coke that’s on the tip of my finger and hold it in front of her nose.
“Am I doing good, Reggie? Do I get more?” Glenna asks.
“Dawn says when you can have more,” I tell her, letting Dawn think she holds all the power. “C’mon, Dawn, just a little hit. You only live once,” I murmur, teasing her nipple.
“I really fucking hate you,” she growls, but she takes the hit.
I wait, biding my time until the drugs combine with what’s already in her system. I can tell the minute the rush hits her. She relaxes completely in my arms. I move under her, settling her on my lap. I use my hands to pet her body as she grips her fingers in Glenna’s hair. I slide my cock inside her cunt. She’s so far gone, I wonder if she realizes at all what’s going on, but then she squeezes her cunt against my cock and I know the truth. She may prefer pussy, but the bitch likes to ride a hard cock too.
“Why does she get the coke and your dick?” Glenna huffs. “That’s bullshit. She’s getting what belongs to me. You wouldn’t even be here, if it wasn’t for me.”
“I like her pussy. It’s much tighter,” I growl into Dawn’s ear, biting down on the lobe hard enough to draw blood. She shudders over me, adjusts so she’s sitting up, taking control of riding me. I run my fingers down her back, looking over her shoulder at the anger boiling in Glenna’s eyes. There’s one thing you can always count on with a redhead, their temper can be legendary.
Right now, I’m banking on that.
“It’s only tighter because she hates dick, she’d rather be smothered in pussy. She’s terrified of cocks.”
“She doesn’t seem terrified now. She’s riding me like a fucking rodeo star. You want my cock, Glenna, and another hit of coke?”
“Yes. I’ve earned it. I did what you asked.”
Dawn slows down as she tries to understand what we’re saying. She’s definitely high as a fucking kite though. Which is good. Really good. Time to step things up.
“You crave dick so much, Glenna, how in the hell did you end up in a relationship with another girl?”
“I needed Dawn,” she mutters.
“I care about her,” she says, but she’s lying. We both know it.
I hold up the empty vile. Of course, Glenna has no idea the vile is empty.
“You want this?”
“Yes,” she says, her voice almost begging. She reaches for it and I hold it just out of her reach.
“Then, tell the truth. Tell Dawn why you’re with her. She deserves to hear the real reason.” Dawn’s not riding me half as much now, but it doesn’t matter, I’m getting more pleasure out of what’s going on right now than I’d ever find in her cunt. This is just starting to get fun.
“I was kicked out of my apartment. I needed a place to stay, she’d been sniffing around me for a fucking month. I’d never tried being with a girl before, so I did.”