Page 7 of Southern Secrets
“Among other things.” He glanced at the TV. “Well, it looks like the Braves won the game.”
Carrie couldn’t believe she’d become so interested in their conversation she’d missed the end of the game. Rick had some kind of power over her.
He rose and picked up the plate, taking it to the sink. Carrie carried their glasses. As she turned to walk away, Rick’s arm around her waist stopped her. He pulled her against him then walked her back until she bumped into the bar. “I’ve been waiting for the game to be over so I could have your complete attention.”
“I’m really that bad?” Maybe he was like Brian, thinking she was ignoring him for a sporting event.
His smile was reassuring. “Hey, I enjoyed watching you get into the game. Now I want to get into you.” Rick lifted her onto the counter. His shirt hitched up leaving the lower half of her body exposed to his view. Rick groaned. “You look so damn sexy in my shirt.”
Carrie’s gazed met his. His eyes were heavy with intent. Her breathing came in little bursts as her blood heated.
Placing his hands on her knees, he slowly ran his fingers along the outside of her thighs until they slid under the hem of the shirt and rested on her hips. He kissed her slow and easy. She whimpered her protest when Rick moved away. He pushed his shorts to the floor then kicked them away, seconds before he stepped between her legs and took her mouth again. The kiss was wet and hot, and completely erotic. Carrie was on fire. She reveled in the sensations rolling through her. His fingers bit into her hips as he lifted her closer to the edge of the counter.
She made a sound low in her throat as her legs went around his waist. Her adventurous night was taking a new turn and she was going to enjoy the ride.
Carrie woke to morning light streaming through the large windows of Rick’s bedroom. It was even more amazing than she’d imagined, but laying in Rick’s bed with his body encircling hers topped it.
Now she’d spent the entire night with him. No matter how remarkable it had been, it was ending soon. It would be a lovely memory, but that was all. Their relationship was built on a lie, a few dances, and a night of passion. It was temporary. That had been the plan in the beginning and it hadn’t changed.
Rick stirred. Even in his sleep, he was dashing, rugged, all male.
“Hey,” he said. “How long have you been staring at me?”
“Oh heaven, the vanity of wretched fools...” she quoted without thinking.
“Ah, Shakespeare so early in the morning.”
The moment should have been uncomfortable yet it felt perfectly right. Carrie couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by Rick’s knowledge of a lesser known piece of Shakespeare’s work. “Wow.”
“Are you talking about my knowledge of Shakespeare or me?”
She rolled to her side to better see him. “I don’t think I need to feed your ego anymore but I’m interested in how you know so much about Shakespeare?”
“I have a brother who has a PhD in Literature. I’ve heard every quote the man ever wrote.”
She laughed. “That must be hard to deal with. Shakespeare has something to say about everything. Do you have any other siblings?”
“A sister that lives out west. She has a couple of great kids. I don’t see enough of them.”
“Uncle Rick.” Carrie let the name roll off her tongue. It had a nice sound to it.
“Do you have any brothers or sisters?” he asked.
Carrie didn’t want to talk about Cathie right now. Nude, and in bed with a super good guy, who thought she was her sister wasn’t the time for this conversation but he wasn’t leaving her any choice. “I do. A sister.”
When she didn’t offer more Rick asked, “Does she live out of town?”
“No, she lives here in Atlanta. We’re pretty close. Have been all our lives.” That was an understatement.
“That’s nice. I’m crazy about my sister but I think that if she lived close she would drive me nuts. She likes to take care of me. Be in my business.”
“Ca…my sister,” she had to remember not to slip up and use Cathie’s name, “was sick as a child. I have to admit that because of that I’ve always been a little protective of her.”
“That’s understandable.”
They needed to get off the subject of Cathie or she would make a mistake. She made a move to get out of the bed. “I should get going.”
His hand stopped her. “I have to catch a plane in a few hours. Why don’t I take you home on the way to the airport? Before we go I’ll feed you. I make a good omelet.”
“I really shouldn—” Rick’s mouth covered hers before she could say more.
That was the last of the conversation for the next half an hour. Their lovemaking was sweet and slow. Afterwards they showered. While she was taking hers, Rick found her some clothes to wear so she wouldn’t show up at her apartment dressed in her evening gown. He earned more ‘wonderful points’ for being concerned about her reputation.
They shared breakfast in the backyard. This morning after stuff was making her nervous. They had agreed to a night. In the light of day, her deception looked uglier. The worst part was she would have to share the details of her time with Rick so that Cathie wouldn’t get tripped up when they saw each other again. But she wanted to keep it to herself. Savor it.
Rick asked with concern, “Are you okay? Was something wrong with your eggs?”
“You sort of turned green there for a second.” He watched her too closely.
“I’m fine.” She stood. “I know you must need to pack. I’ll do the dishes and straighten up the kitchen while you get ready to go.”
Rick gave her a questioning look then said, “Okay, I won’t be long.”
Carrie wiped the kitchen counter for the last time. She had stalled for as long as she could. She was tempted to go upstairs, but she knew where that would lead. Their morning had turned into a far too domestic one for her. She’d been drawn into the idea of what could be.
Brian had done the same thing to her, made her dream of a house and family and that hadn’t ended well. She wasn’t going to start getting ideas about a man she hardly knew. Rick didn’t even know her real name or what she did for a living. She wasn’t going to let him run off with her heart. She needed to go home. Now.
Carrie was sitting on the edge of a chair in the living room with her evening clothes in a bag waiting for Rick when he came downstairs. She stood. “Ready?”
He gave her an unsure looked then said, “Just let me lock up.”
At her apartment complex, she insisted he not come up with her. She didn’t want any more memories to linger.
He argued but finally agreed, giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. “I’m still not sure I understand what has happened between us but I know it was amazing. I’d like to see you again.”
His declaration caught her off guard. It was too-good-to-be-true while at the same time the worst idea ever.
“Uh,” she hated having to do this but it was the only way, “I really had a wonderful night and morning.” Too wonderful. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to be dating a client. I can’t afford to risk my job. Plus, I just came out of an ugly break-up and I don’t want to jump into anything serious right now. But I appreciate you asking.”
She’d let things go too far last
night. The plan had been to go out for a night of fun. Rick was a nice guy and she couldn’t continue to lie to him. Use him. Whatever was between them had to end here.
“Nice to meet you, Rick.” She hurried out of the car.
In her apartment, she closed the door and dropped on to the sofa. Nice to meet you. She’d forgotten she was supposed to be Cathie.
She couldn’t believe she’d just spent the night with a man she hardly knew! She didn’t do that type of thing. Ever. Had cautioned Cathie more than once not to be so free with herself, yet she’d done it herself.
But it had been a glorious night. Rick had been a caring and attentive lover, a genuinely nice guy. He’d been as interested in her pleasure as his own. All the other men she’d been with were more interested in themselves than if she was happy. Even now she craved more of him.
She groaned and sunk further into the cushions, hugging a throw pillow to her chest. Sadness filled her. She would miss Rick. If it was under different circumstances, she was a different person, at a different time…
But he believed she was Cathie. Rick deserved better. Deceit had never been something Carrie condoned. Even when they had been girls, Carrie hadn’t enjoyed their duplicity as much as Cathie. But she owed her loyalty to Cathie. She’d promise not to tell. When she’d agreed to go, the idea of spending the night had never entered head. If it had she’d pushed it away with a laugh. She’d had no idea how involved and twisted the date would become.
The time she had spent with Rick had been so extraordinary... She’d just have to store those memories away, pull them out in a quiet moment. They had agreed to one night. And what a night it had been. Now it was time to move on.
Chapter Six
Four days later, Rick stood outside Cathie’s apartment door. He couldn’t stand still he was so eager to see her, have her. He rang the doorbell once more. What if she wasn’t home? He’d just have to go to his car and wait. He wouldn’t leave until he’d convinced her to help him and get her to agree to a weekend. In more ways than one, he needed her.