Page 29 of Can't Let Her Go
I suppose we’re like soldiers who go into battle together. No matter how the soldiers went in, they come out like brothers. Katya and I are not brother and sister … not even close, but we have bonded in a way that’s impossible to break. I would kill for her. No, that I could have done anytime—I would die for her.
Instead of being tired, I’m wired. I cannot sleep.
While waiting for the flight, I managed to send an email to a buddy in Anakin’s organization. Waiting for our luggage, I get the answer. It’s not what I want. It’s not even close. According to my bud, the reason I went to fetch Katya was because Anton, the previous fetcher died while trying to help his girl escape. In fact, they both died. It was how Anakin paid the fetcher for his unfaithfulness.
No doubt, I’m in line to enjoy the same fate.
My phone pings and it’s a text from Anakin. He wants me to bring Katya to his house in the suburbs as soon as we land. Anakin has a big place there, far bigger than he needs since he has never married. I’ve never been invited to go there until now. As we head for long-term parking, I notice Katya looks very pale. It’s as if the reality of our situation has just hit her.
When she catches my eye though, she smiles bravely.
She’s the condemned prisoner waiting for the hour of reckoning. A part of me wants to cheer her up, but that part loses to the part that tells me to remain aloof. I cannot take my mind off the meeting with Anakin. There’s nothing more important than that.
I must remember that.
We ride through the city and Katya looks out of the window curiously, but she doesn’t say anything. I guess there’s nothing much to say. Detroit is a gray, ugly place.
The electric gates to Anakin’s house open and we drive through. Katya turns her head and looks at me. She doesn’t say anything and neither do I. We pull into the drive and I see that her hands are shaking. We get out and I carry her suitcase to the front door.
Anakin’s number one Goomba opens the door for us. He’s a big guy, but he’s slow. He doesn’t smile, simply ushers us through the entry and down the stairs to the basement.
The basement has been decorated with all sorts of Detroit sports stuff. There are Lions football helmets, Tigers bats and jerseys. Hockey sticks from the redwings, and basketballs are autographed by all the pistons’ players. There’s a bar and several huge screens, filled with sports. One corner has been transformed into a theater with loungers and surround sound. Anakin loves sports and this place is a shrine to his passion.
Anakin is standing by a desk as we enter. He doesn’t even spare me a glance just looks over Katya and nods with satisfaction. Yeah, he can see how sexy she is, even if she doesn’t smile. He nods to a small man in spectacles who stands when we come in. He has the face of a self-righteous pen pusher.
“The Doc will check you out,” Anakin tells Katya. “Go with him.”
Katya and the doc head through a door to what must be some kind of bedroom or something. I hate the idea of that supercilious prick coming anywhere near Katya, let alone examining her, but I keep my expression neutral. There’s more at stake here than my needs and wants.
“She any trouble?” Anakin asks me.
“No,” I answer evenly. “But your Sherpa is dead.”
He frowns. “How did that happen?”
“Heart attack. We lost the car in a blizzard and had to hike to a little house. It was too much for him.”
“Hmmm, I liked him. He did good work for me over there.”
I don’t comment, and I don’t mention Dimitri and Vasili.
“I got a call from my banker. One of my shorts came in. A percentage of that will be transferred into your account.” He grins. “It’ll be a fat payday for you.”
“Thanks.” The word sticks in my throat.
He goes to the bar and cuts himself a slice of cheese from the block there. “Hey, try this cheese. It’s terrific.”
With Anakin, you never say no when he offers you food. I go over, and he hands me a slice. I take a bite. It’s like a lump of coal in my mouth. I chew and swallow automatically.
“Great stuff, isn’t it?” Anakin says. He’s in a great mood. “I got it from a guy in Wisconsin who owes me. He makes great cheese.”
At that moment, the doctor and Katya return. She looks pale and nervous.
“Well, Doc,” Anakin says. “What’s the verdict?”
The doc shakes his head. “She’s not intact.”
“Sex?” Anakin asks.
“I fell on my bike when I was younger,” Katya says.
“Shut up,” Anakin snaps at Katya.
“Can’t tell,” the doctor tells Anakin. “Could be an accident, but I doubt it.”
“Thanks,” Anakin says.
The doctor turns and walks out.
Anakin walks up to Katya and takes her by the chin. “You’re a pretty little thing,” he says. “Too bad you’re used goods.”
He turns away from her, then suddenly whirls around and hits her with a backhand slap that sends her reeling.
Neither she nor I was expecting it.
“You think you can fool me?” he shouts angrily. His face is red and there’s a white ring around his mouth. “You think you can make me look like an asshole you little whore?”
I know this face. I’m transported back to the past. I’m a kid again and big strong Anakin has found another reason to punish me. I know what’s coming for Katya, but I’m unable to do a single thing. I am frozen to the spot. Not even a muscle can I move. If I move, the punishment will be greater. Years and years and years of conditioning lock every single muscle in my body.
He slaps her again, so hard the sound reverberates around the room. She stumbles, but does not cry out.
I stare in horror. My body feels like it is being ripped in half, but I don’t move. I can’t. There isn’t a single thing I can do.
Then he punches her in the face and she collapses with a grunt.
My body starts trembling violently. Move, Hunter, move. But I can only watch.
Anakin drops to his knees straddling her and takes out his knife.
Yes, I recognize that knife. I know it intimately. It only carved out his name on my body. There’s a tattoo of a pig covering it.
“You won’t be such a pretty whore when I’m done with you,” he snarls.
“Hunter!” Katya screams.
(Look What You Made Do)
Her voice is like the crack of the whip. Suddenly, my muscles are free. With a roar of ancient and new fury, I jump forward and tackle Anakin. He’s not expecting it and I send him tumbling sideways. I roll away from him and spring to my feet even before he gets to his.
He still has the knife and he’s pissed a
s hell. “Oh, look at that. The little coward has grown some horns while he was in Russia,” he mocks. “Was it you? Did you make her bleed?”
“You don’t beat on women. That’s weak,” I answer.
“So it was you!” he screams. “You got your little prick all worked up and ruined her, and then you had the balls to bring her to ME? I should have finished the job and cut that pathetic roll of soft meat from you when I had the chance!”
But you didn’t and that was your mistake.
He lunges suddenly, but I’m ready. I dodge the knife and throw a sharp left hook at his kidney. He grunts with pain and flies past. I think he’s forgotten about my hands. About the years of training he gave me. He never expected them to be used against him.
“Little fucker!” Anakin snarls. “I’m gonna cut off your nuts and your dick and make your girlfriend eat them raw.” He fakes a lunge this time, trying to get me to commit, but that’s amateur stuff.
I don’t take the bait. There’s nothing Anakin can teach me about fighting. I circle, lightly, evenly, but I know this can’t last too long. The Goomba upstairs will suspect something. If he comes down and alerts everyone else, me and Katya are toast. Fortunately, the sounds from the sport screens are drowning out some of the commotion.
“Come on, you old coward,” I taunt. I need him to get so angry he makes a mistake. “You don’t have any trouble beating up a girl. Come and get a man.”
That’s his problem, always been his weak spot. He’s too easily offended. His ego can’t take even the slightest insult. He wades in, slashing wildly. I back away, like I’m scared. It’s a boxer’s ploy. You time your move before you get inside his reach. At the moment, his knife is at the end of its wide arc, I step in quick and bury a fist into his soft gut. He hasn’t been exercising. That’s for sure. He loses all strength for a moment and I grab his knife arm. Quick as a fox, I snap his elbow over my arm.