Page 11 of Pretty Wicked
I wanted to be taken, hard and rough.
He spread my legs wide apart.
‘You’ve been driving me crazy all night,’ he said harshly.
Putting one hand on my lower belly he tilted me upward so that I was now standing on my toes, my ass arched up into the air. The back flap of the dress was thrown over my body. He placed his palm on my ass and a ripple of desire tore through me, like strong wind through blades of grass.
‘You like that?’
‘Yes.’ My body was begging to be filled up by him.
‘Good. Then open your legs wider.’
‘I can’t,’ I said. I was already standing on my toes.
He kicked gently at one leg and suddenly I was helplessly sprawled open on the hood of the car, no longer in control. I let the other leg go too and splayed out my legs as far as I could go—into the widest V I could imagine as he stood apart and watched me. Savoring my complete submission to his will on the hot bonnet of a rented car.
He put his hands on the insides of my thighs and pulling them further apart he drew in and licked the wet core between my legs. I wriggled when he took his mouth away. ‘I love seeing you like this. With your legs wide open and ready for me. Keep them spread open.’ His breath fanned my fully opened sex, inflaming me.
‘Go on,’ I urged.
‘What do you want, Lexi?’
‘Me? You’ll have to be more specific than that.’
‘I want you to take me.’
‘Take you? Talk dirty with me, Lexi.’
‘I want that dirty big cock of yours inside my pussy. Right now. Fuck me, you bastard.’
As soon as the words had left me I felt a rush of wind and his hot, hard flesh pushed into my ready wetness in one burning thrust. The feeling was so intense tears sprang to my eyes. I clenched my fists and cried out his name.
‘Is this what you wanted?’ he asked harshly.
‘Yes,’ I groaned.
For one long second he didn’t move.
‘Don’t stop,’ I whimpered and clenched my muscles around him.
Holding my hips, he pounded me so deep and hard until I was nearly sobbing with the intense pleasure. His ownership of my body was so absolute that I felt bereaved every time his cock withdrew from my body. My cries filled the still sultry evening air.
Suddenly he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back so I was looking into his eyes. And what I saw there rocked me to my core. The ferocity of his passion. Shocking. He gazed at me as if he was trying to convey something important through his eyes alone.
His voice ragged and thick with emotion, he said, ‘I’m going to come now.’
And he did while staring into my dazed, lust-filled eyes. I watched his eyes change as pleasure ripped through him, and his body buckled into mine, but his eyes never left me. He wanted to look at me in his moment of greatest pleasure. When it was all over he let go of my hair and collapsed onto my body.
For a while we both lay unmoving and panting hard. An owl hooted somewhere in the distance. Otherwise it was exceptionally quiet. It reminded me of another time when I had looked up at the sky and seen stars. Another time with him. I didn’t know what to say. What to do? The experience had been so intense, I was robbed of all normal conversation. Nothing had ever felt this good. I had never felt more satiated or more totally possessed.
I felt his hand gently turn me over.
‘Hell, you feel like heaven.’ Beside me, he was all muscle and spent desire. He traced the line of my cheek and my lips and then he claimed my mouth in a long, drugging kiss. My nipples were straining against the black net.
Slowly, as he kissed me, his hand moved to my sex. His thumb entered me while his fingers worked my clit. I opened my mouth and he slipped his tongue into it. The kiss became fierce and possessive, his fingers more furious, and his other hand rubbed over my nipple igniting a new ache.
When my hips began to shudder he lifted his mouth away from mine, and resting on his elbow watched me intently. He wanted to see what I looked like when I flew into the abyss. So he watched that first shudder, the uncontrollable bowing of my body that followed as my lips parted in a gasp that became a long cry of pleasure.
He kissed my earlobe.
‘That tickles,’ I complained, giggling, childish, a rare thing. I lay in his embrace and realized that it was the first time I felt…happy.
He stared at me, then suddenly wrapped his strong arms around me and crushed me against his lean body so hard my breasts yearned for the moment to last forever. It felt so good. But it would end in four days. I wriggled free and sat up.
‘We should be going,’ I said, not meeting his eyes. I slid off the hood and, finding my panties on the ground, pulled them back on. There was a used condom lying discarded nearby, and I averted my eyes. Strange, I had been so caught up with what was happening to me I had not even asked for or thought about one.
I looked up and Miko was lying on the hood looking at me expressionlessly. ‘Ready?’ he asked.
I nodded and he jumped off with lithe grace. I looked around me as he pulled on his pants. We did not speak much on the way over to mine. He parked the car on a street a hundred yards away from my building.
I licked my lips. ‘You’re coming in?’
He turned to me. ‘We need to talk, Lexi.’
I felt a tingle of fear run up my spine. ‘Talk?’
‘What about?’
He gave a reluctant sigh and opened his door. ‘Come on.’
We had only taken a few steps when we were suddenly in the middle of a summer shower.
‘Get back in the car. I’ll drop you off at the entrance and find another parking space.’
‘No, let’s make a dash for it.’
‘You sure?’
I laughed and started running. I was breathless and panting hard by the time I turned the corner. A man was standing near the main door of my building. He turned and I came to an abrupt stop. It was Nigel. He was standing in the rain, his hands pushed deep into the pockets of his jacket, and he was staring at me. His eyes flicked over to Miko and hardened.
I could see me through his eyes. Running in the rain dressed in a black net dress with hardly enough sequins to keep my modesty upright. Surely, he could see that I had slept with the other man. I colored guiltily. I had couriered his ring back to him and tried to call him, but it had gone straight to answer machine and I’d had to leave an awkward message.
Beside me I felt Miko become tense. We walked up to him and Nigel stared at me with hard, accusing eyes.
‘Can we talk alone, Lexi?’
I opened my mouth to say ‘Of course’, but Miko answered for me. ‘No,’ he bit out harshly. My mouth dropped open and Nigel looked astonished. Poor Nigel. How dare Miko interfere in my affairs? This had nothing to do with him. I turned angrily toward Miko.
He was bristling with hostility. This was a new Miko. I had never seen him as anything but patient. No matter what I did he had never lost his temper with me. Yet here he was, furious for no reason at all. This side of Miko was shocking.
‘Excuse me?’ Nigel grated, provoked into anger.
‘You heard me. Anything you have to say to her you can say in my presence.’ Miko’s voice was calm and unemotional.
‘Fuck you. Who the fuck do you think you are? You just came on the scene. I’ve been in love with Lexi for a year.’
‘Oh yeah? I’ve been in love with her for seven years.’ He turned toward me. ‘And for the record, her name is not Lexi. It’s Sky. Sky Johnson.’
My mouth dropped open. ‘What did you say?’
You know how they say that time can go slower or even stop. Well, time stopped for me at that moment. I stared at Miko as if I was watching a three-dimensional movie. I watched the rain splash on his head and run down his hair and face. Watched the way his beautiful eyes looked with water running over them. Nigel was saying so
mething, but I couldn’t make it out.
‘Lexi,’ he called louder.
I tore my eyes away from Miko and looked at him. He looked at me with hurt eyes. The kind of eyes puppies will treat you to when you scold them. He was begging me to deny that the year we had spent together was not a wasted lie.
‘I’m so sorry,’ I whispered.