Page 106 of Little Lies
Instead of that knowledge making it more difficult for me to come, it seems to push me right toward the edge. I don’t even know how Kodiak can breathe with the way his face is buried between my legs. It’s almost like he’s trying to crawl up in there. There’s a brief moment in which I almost laugh, except a wave of pleasure rolls through me, making it impossible to do anything but sink into the sensation and fight not to moan.
Kodiak’s hand shoots up. He tugs my lip free from my teeth and shoves two fingers into my mouth. I suck automatically, eyes rolling up, aware I’m no longer in control of my body, and this is his way of reminding me to keep quiet. When the orgasm finally ends, I sag against the chair, a limp ragdoll.
We’re both breathing like we’ve run up twenty flights of stairs while being chased by a damn demon. I should really offer to return the favor, but I don’t think I can move, let alone unlock my jaw and blow him—from under a desk no less.
He rolls the chair back a few inches and pulls my skirt down, smoothing it out. My tights are ruined, my panties are soaked, and I’m far from coherent. I’d like to take a nap and then have Kodiak fuck me into oblivion—after his test, obviously.
I can’t even manage words, so I hope I’m communicating that telepathically.
When his head pops out from under the desk, I put a hand on his forehead to prevent him from getting any closer. “Wipe your face.”
He uses the bottom of his gray shirt to clean his chin, which is covered in girl jizz. Like, it’s everywhere. He’s going to need a serious shower. Kodiak is a bit of a germaphobe, so the fact that he willingly bathes his face in my vagina juice is crazy, and a big question mark. I’m the exception to his every psychosis.
“You should go first. I’ll follow behind. Sorry about your tights.” He’s grinning, so he’s obviously not sorry.
I slowly regain the use of my limbs, collect my belongings, and jam my stuff into my backpack. When I stand up, I’m appalled by the puddle on the seat. Oh my God, I mouth to Kodiak. I run my hands down the back of my skirt, and sure enough, it’s wet. I can’t tell if it’s because Kodiak drooled all over me or my damn vagina drooled all over the chair. I’m thinking it’s probably a bit of both, and how embarrassing is that?
Even worse, he looks absolutely gleeful over it.
I yank my coat from the hook and shrug into it jerkily. My legs still feel like Jell-O. I point at him. “Never again.”
He shakes his head and nods once, smiling. “Never.”
He’s going to want to do this every chance he gets.
I sling my backpack over my shoulder, take a deep breath, and open the door enough to slip out, closing it behind me. I keep my head down and find the nearest bathroom. I’m a total wreck.
I do my best to make myself presentable, but I can’t get rid of my red cheeks or the blotchy patches on my neck. Kodiak is waiting for me outside the bathroom, looking ridiculously smug and smelling a lot like eau de vagina. There is no way I’m leaving through the main entrance with me looking the way I do and him wearing that expression. I leave the book I was supposed to check out behind. I’ll have to come back for it when I’m less mortified.
I brush by Kodiak, and he automatically links his pinkie with mine. “Where we goin’?”
“Out one of the side doors. It’s closer to your class, which you need to be at in”—I point at the wall—“sixteen minutes if that clock is correct.” The exit is also not frequently used, so we’re less likely to run into people. Besides, I passed a group of girls who I know from my psych course before I ran into Kodiak, and I would like to avoid them post-orgasm.
I take the stairs as quickly as my short legs will carry me, Kodiak’s pinkie still linked with mine. When we get to the last flight, I glance down between the railings and catch a glimpse of a couple in what looks like a very heated make-out session. And upon closer inspection, I’m pretty sure half of the couple is Josiah. They’re so engrossed in each other, that they must not hear us.
“What time does your class end?” I ask rather loudly as we descend the final flight.
They jump apart, and I almost trip down the last four steps. Because the other half of that couple is my twin.____________________
The four of us stand there for a few long seconds, staring at one another. Well, I assume Kodiak is staring, but he’s behind me, so I can’t know for sure. He bends and kisses me on the cheek, whispering in my ear, “I gotta get to class. You gonna be okay?”