Page 72 of Neighbor Dearest
So overcome with emotion, I could barely mutter, “I do.”
“Good.” He abruptly got up.
“Where are you going?”
“To make you coffee and breakfast.”
Feeling undeserving, I watched every movement of his gloriously naked body as he slipped on some sweatpants and sauntered toward the kitchen.
Stretching my arms, I yawned and lifted myself off the bed in search of one of his t-shirts.
I could hear Damien from the kitchen. “Shit. There’s no coffee left in the can. I meant to buy some when I was out last night.”
“How the heck could we be out of coffee? You buy that gigantic one.”
“Have you seen how much coffee we drink?”
“Alright.” He sighed. “I’m gonna get some from the bodega. I saw a sign the other day saying they’d be open today.”
Looping my arms under his, I said, “It’s Christmas Day. Don’t leave. We’ll make due.”
He turned around and kissed me on the forehead. “You think you’re really gonna be able to survive with no coffee?”
“I’ll try.”
“Well, I’m a beast without it. Not an option for me.”
“You’re a beast either way, but I agree. You need your coffee more than me.”
“I knew I was forgetting something at the market yesterday.”
“You remembered the sticky balls but forgot the most important thing. Maybe if you came up with a coffee innuendo, you would’ve remembered.”
“Chock Full o’ Nuts?” He winked.
“Damn, you’re fast.”
“You like that brand, right?”
“Yes. Don’t be long!”
“I won’t.”
After the front door shut, I returned to the bed, slapped my thighs and waved to the dogs, prompting them to hop in with me. “Psst. Guys. Come on. Your daddy is gonna be so mad at me, but I want to snuggle with you on Christmas.” It was our little secret that we would hang out in the bed when Damien wasn’t home. I was pretty sure Damien was ignoring the evidence since they always left plenty of hair behind.
Dudley and Drewfus wasted no time jumping up on the bed and licking my face. They smelled like the biscuits we’d given them to open as presents last night, and now, I, too, smelled like them.
After forty-five minutes passed, it dawned on me that Damien was taking an awfully long time to get coffee. The bodega was only a few blocks away, and he’d driven his truck on top of that. The more time that passed, the more concerned I became.
Finally, the phone rang.
“Yeah, baby.”
“Where are you?”
“I was just about to call you. I’m at the hospital. Memorial.”
“It’s okay. I took myself.”
“What happened? You just went to get coffee. I don’t get it.”
“I was at the cash register. They were ringing me up. I started feeling this chest pain I’d never experienced before. It scared the shit out of me. I didn’t want to risk coming home, so I went straight to the emergency room.”
“What’s happening now?”
“They’re admitting me.”
“I’m coming there.”
“Please don’t get into an accident. Take your time. I’m gonna be fine, okay?”
He could tell I was starting to tear up. “Chelsea…please. Don’t cry, alright? Be strong for me. I’ll be okay. I’m just gonna get checked out, and then we’ll be back home having our coffee by the tree in no time.”
“Alright. I love you.”
The ride to the hospital seemed to take forever. When I got to his room, Damien was sitting up in bed.
Rushing to him, I started to sob.
Damien took me in his arms. “Calm down, baby. I’m fine.” He wiped my eyes.
“You were saying all those things to me. And then…I was afraid that…”
“That I’d be dead when you got here? Because I’d just told you I would love you until the day I died?”
I sniffled. “Yes.”
“That would be horrible timing. You’ve been reading too many shitty romance novels.” He forced a smile.
I returned it. “I’m just glad you’re okay. What can I do while we wait?”
He took my hand and kissed my knuckles. “Just stay with me. That’s all I need.”
“Like I could be anywhere else right now.”***We ended up spending most of Christmas day into the evening at the hospital. They’d run a series of tests then let Damien go with the understanding that he would see his doctor as soon as possible after the holiday.
The following Tuesday, we were able to get in to see Damien’s cardiologist at Stanford.
Dr. Tuscano was mild-mannered and did his best to put me at ease. After the examination winded down, he smiled over at me. “I’ve been seeing Damien for some time now. I have to say, he’s never seemed this happy.”
“Thank you.”
“Doc, I brought Chelsea with me so that you could personally answer any questions she has. I still haven’t made any decision about surgery, but I want her to be informed.”
“It’s my pleasure to do that.” The doctor took a seat on a small stool. “What can I answer for you specifically?”
Clearing my throat, I said, “I guess, I just want to learn more about the risks versus the benefits.”