Page 4 of The Day He Came Back
“I did. Just briefly. Weldon is a douche.”
My mother laughed. “Yeah. He can be. What about Gavin?”
I felt my cheeks heat up.
What’s that about? Pipe down, Raven. You don’t have a chance in hell where that’s concerned.
“Gavin is really nice, actually.”
She glanced over at me. “That’s it? Really nice?”
“He’s…” I decided to be honest. “He’s sweet…and hot.”
“He is a very good-looking guy. Weldon, too, but you tend not to notice it as much because of his personality. Gavin is a good egg. I’ve known them since they were small, and your initial assessment is correct on both. It’s amazing how kids can take after different parents. Gavin is all Gunther. And Weldon…he’s the clone of Ruth.”
The thought of Ruth made me shiver. “She’s such a bitch. And what’s up with that diamond necklace she always wears? It’s like she wakes up and puts it on. I saw her wearing it the other day in her pajamas.”
“Harry Winston. Ruth likes to flaunt her wealth. That necklace is her way of identifying herself as above everyone else.”
“She’s so snobby. And rude.”
She shook her head. “I’ve been dealing with that woman for years. The only reason she hasn’t fired me is because Gunther won’t let her.”
“You know, she saw me talking to Gavin and gave me the dirtiest look.”
“Well, believe me, she won’t let you anywhere near him, if she has her way.”
“You don’t have to tell me that.”CHAPTER TWO* * *RAVENWhen I arrived at the house the following day, I had my work cut out for me. The Masterson boys were having a pool party. Great. A bevvy of beautiful, blond girls in skimpy bikinis hung around the large, in-ground pool. At first, I thought Gavin was nowhere to be found, but then I realized he was just hidden behind a collection of said girls surrounding his lounge chair. One of them, in particular, was hanging all over him.
I hated that it made me a little jealous. You’d better get over that one real quick.
It was bad enough that I’d overheard these girls while they were changing in the bathroom earlier—gossiping about Gavin’s sexual prowess, among other things I pretended not to hear. I’d managed to avoid going outside.
Then my mother appeared and said, “Raven, take these fresh towels out to them, and find out if they want anything to drink or eat, either from here or elsewhere.”
Begrudgingly, I walked out there. The sun beat down on me as water from the pool splashed my feet and soaked my shoes. I tried to just leave the towels on one of the empty lounge chairs so I could escape back into the house, but then I remembered Mom had asked me to find out if they wanted anything.
Even though we were housekeepers, we were in charge of everything from shopping to serving guests—anything aside from wiping asses. Normally, I didn’t mind any of it. But catering to Gavin and Weldon’s whores was the last thing I wanted to be doing.
I coughed out the words, “Does anyone need anything?” My voice was higher than normal, a disingenuous expression of niceness.
While I’d hoped no one would hear me, the opposite occurred. Each person started talking over the other with requests—from Starbucks runs to sandwich orders. It was impossible to keep it all straight.
Gavin finally emerged from beneath the harem surrounding him. “Whoa. She’s only one person. Pick a place.” When no one seemed able to decide, he said, “Fine. I will. Starbucks.” He handed the girl next to him his phone. “Type in what you want, then pass it around.”
After everyone had entered their orders, Gavin took the phone back.
Then he threw on a T-shirt and nodded. “Let’s go.”
“You’re coming with me?” I asked as I followed.
“Yeah. You shouldn’t have to carry all of their shit. You work for my parents, not them.”
Gavin led us to a shiny black Mercedes parked out front. I typically drove my mother’s old Toyota Camry to run errands. I’d never been inside a ride as nice as Gavin’s.
He disarmed the car alarm, and we got in. The leather felt hot against my skin, and the interior smelled of Gavin’s woodsy cologne—intoxicating and arousing. It felt sort of dangerous to be in here.
I turned to him. “You didn’t have to come with me. I could have handled it.”
Putting his seatbelt on, he said, “I needed a break.”
He then turned the ignition and took off faster than I was expecting.
“You seemed pretty happy to me,” I told him.
His brow lifted as he glanced over. “What makes you say that?”
“Well, you had a harem of beautiful girls flanking you. What guy wouldn’t be pleased with that?”
“Being a rich prick does have its perks, but it’s not always what it looks like.”
“Oh yeah?”
“I’ll give you an example. Did you see that blond girl next to me?”