Page 65 of When August Ends
I nodded. “Keep going.”
Heather spoke through gritted teeth, her voice growing louder. “I’m mad about that text you got from Lindsey—not at you, though. I’m mad because it made me worry that I won’t be there when you need a warm body. I’m extremely jealous. While we’re on the topic, I’m jealous of your ex-wife, too—that you still talk to her and confide in her when I want you to confide in me.” Her tone softened. “I’m mad about a lot of things, but most of all I’m sad, so fucking sad, Noah. Because I don’t want to lose you.”
Her last statement was like a punch to the gut. I could relate to that fear.
Placing my hands on her shoulders, I looked into her eyes. “No matter what happens in our lives, no matter where I am, if you ever need me, I will always be here for you. I can promise you that.”
Her eyes glistened. She’d heard me. I wanted to hold her again, but I was afraid to lose control. I wanted to rip that nightgown right off of her.
Heather wiped her eyes. “Thank you for listening, and thank you for encouraging me to let it out.”
“You’re welcome. I—”
Before I could even finish my sentence, she ran to the door and disappeared into the night.
I didn’t stop her, because then what? I did, however, stand on the porch to ensure she got home.
Five minutes later, while I was lying in bed, a text came in.
My heart raced as I realized what it was. A photo of the most beautiful set of tits lit up the screen—breasts I wished more than anything I could taste just one more time.Heather: I figured I owed you one after all that.My head sank into the pillow as I typed.Noah: You’ve just made things ten times harder.Heather: I hope so. ;-) You’ve been too good. Plus, I’m not there, so I can be bold without getting into trouble, right?Noah: Did you see how much I ate tonight? I’ve been eating like crazy to make up for the fact that I can’t touch you. Don’t think I’m not dreaming about your body 24-7. And dreaming about that thing you do.Heather: That’s a good song.Noah: What?Heather: That Thing You Do, one-hit wonder from the 90s.Noah: Ah. Figures you’d know that. I bet it’s on your iPhone.Heather: No comment.I laughed. Pretty sure I woke the guinea pigs up.Noah: LOLHeather: What actual thing do I do, though?Noah: I don’t want to even think about it right now. It’ll put me over the edge.Heather: Come on. I need to know.This conversation was veering into territory I’d been trying to stay away from. But she wasn’t physically here, so how much trouble could I get myself into?Noah: I thought it was a one-time deal, but by the third time you did it, I knew it was a thing.Heather: What is it?Just thinking about it made me harder.Noah: When you know I’m about to come, you squeeze your pussy around my cock. It feels fucking amazing. Drives me crazy.Heather: Well, I can assure you the song isn’t about that.Noah: Probably not.Heather: And I know I do that thing. It’s on purpose.Noah: So, you WERE trying to kill me.Heather: Yup. Death by pussy spasm.Noah: Not a bad way to die.Heather: LOL. I’ll let you go to sleep.Noah: You think I can fall asleep after this talk and that photo you sent?Heather: Well, if you do…dream of me.Noah: You can bet on that.CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE* * *HEATHER
ONE MONTH LATERAugust ended—and Noah was still here. He’d agreed to stay an extra two weeks to help get us settled. I greatly appreciated that.
It was now the middle of September. We’d made it completely out of our house just in time for the new owners to move in. Noah had rented a huge truck and took our remaining stuff to a storage facility.
Crisp fall air had replaced the summer heat in New Hampshire. We were living in our new house surrounded by stacks of boxes. It would take several more weeks to get fully organized.
Since the new place had only two bedrooms, Noah had spent the past few nights sleeping on the couch while I slept in bed with my mother.
Between Teddy, our boxes, and the guinea pigs, it was mass chaos. However, today I was too preoccupied to care about any of it, because tomorrow was the day I’d been dreading since June.
Noah would be going back to Pennsylvania.
It was completely surreal, and my heart was broken. All the unpacking was going to have to wait, because I didn’t plan to do anything today but spend time with him.
I woke up super early to make coffee for us before my mother and aunt woke up. As I entered the kitchen, I realized Noah had beaten me to it.