Page 81 of Love Online
“I am, baby. I love you so much.”
I looked around at all of my props. “Whatever am I gonna do with all of this shit?”
He sighed. “Some of it I think we should burn. Other things, like the lube, we can put to good use.”
With each second that passed, I became more relieved about leaving my job. “Oh my God, I never want to see another dildo for as long as I live.”
“No more sacrificing bananas,” he joked.
I cackled. “No more telling men how to dress themselves. No more talking like a baby to men wearing diapers.”
His eyes widened. “Hold up. What?”
“Oh yeah. I didn’t tell you that one?”
“No!” Ryder shook his head and laughed. “Also, no more dumb questions from AssLover.”
“Aw, I loved AssLover. He was so…special.”
“Until he professed his love—that’s when he crossed the line. You should’ve seen the look of horror on your face when you thought he was the one saying all those things.”
“I can’t even be mad about anything that went down that night. I was so relieved to find out I didn’t have a delusional stalker, and that our feelings are mutual.”
Ryder looked up into my eyes. “You know, I spent a long time feeling like I didn’t belong in my own skin. I had the perfect job, the seemingly perfect life, yet I was never happy. Happiness cannot be found in things. I know that now. I never felt truly happy until I met you. And Ollie just adds a layer to that—one I didn’t even know was possible. I’ve realized making him happy makes me happy. And it doesn’t take much, because he appreciates the little things. I’m learning that the little things are the big things. He’s taught me so much about what’s really important. All I need is this little family we have. Thank you for letting me be part of it.”
I couldn’t kiss him hard enough as I planted my lips on his. “I don’t know that it even felt like we were a complete family until you came into our lives, Ryder. It always felt like Ollie and me against the world. Now it’s the three of us, and that feels complete.”
His eyes searched mine. “I want you to feel safe with me. I know you’re not used to trusting men. I wish there were a way for me to prove how serious I am about this. But only time will show my commitment. And I look forward to proving every day how much I love you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you or that boy. I would move mountains for you.”
When it came to Ryder’s promises, I would soon discover moving mountains could be taken both figuratively and literally.CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE* * *RYDERI hoped she didn’t think I was crazy. I’d been wracking my brain for the past few months, trying to figure out how to move Eden and Ollie to Los Angeles without majorly disrupting Ollie’s life.
I’d figured out the education component. There was a prestigious school for the blind, The Larchmont School, about twenty minutes south of where I lived. I’d spoken to the headmaster, told her a bit about Ollie, and she seemed to think the school would be a good fit. They’d offer comparable services to what he was used to in St. George, as well as other programs he might never have had access to in Utah. Of course, there was a waiting list to get in, but if ever there was a time to use the McNamara name, that was it. She seemed willing to bend the rules and allow him a spot if we wanted it.
However, there was still the issue of Ollie’s day-to-day situation at home. It had taken his whole life to know his house well enough to be pretty independent. I didn’t want him to have to start from scratch in my gigantic house.
There was only one solution that made any sense to me, and I decided to throw it out there during dinner one weekend in St. George. Ollie was in his room. I didn’t want to bring it up in front of him and get his hopes up if Eden ended up dead set against it.
Pushing aside my plate, I cleared my throat. “So, I was thinking…what if we physically move this house to L.A.?”
Eden, who’d been drinking water, stopped mid-sip. “What? Move this house?”
“You heard me right.”
Her eyes were practically bugging out of her head. “Can you do that?”
“Yes. People do it all of the time. It’s small enough to actually move. I measured it out and made some calls. I already own an empty lot that would be perfect. I was originally thinking of putting it on my main property, but it’s too hilly, and the movers wouldn’t be able to get the house up there.”