Page 62 of Gentleman Nine
After everything…what could he possibly have to say?
I responded that I would think about a time and place, but that was only to delay what turned out to be inevitable. That lesson was learned the hard way as my doorbell rang one early evening after work.
Channing wasn’t home yet, and Christine was in her room watching television when I went to the door.
When I opened, Rory was standing there, and he’d brought our golden retriever, Bruiser. Before I acknowledged him, I bent down to let Bruiser lick my face. Tears started to fall from my eyes from the guilt I’d felt over having abandoned my dog. Seeing Bruiser hadn’t been an option without having to see Rory, too. So, it had been several months since I’d smelled his fur and experienced his unconditional love.
“Bruisey...I missed you so much. So much.”
Bruiser suddenly started to bark like crazy when he caught a glimpse of Kitty, who had planted herself high atop a shelf. Poor little thing was probably scared shitless at the sight of what may have been the first dog she’d ever seen.
I finally looked up at Rory. My heart hurt from just the sight of his face. It had been a really long time since I’d seen him, yet the wounds of his abandonment still felt fresh.
Rory looked good, like he’d been working out every day. Sporting a five o’clock shadow, he appeared more rugged than ever.
“Why are you here?”
“Well, you weren’t exactly responding to my request to see you, so…”
“That was intentional.”
“I know. I’m not blaming you.”
“What is it that you needed to say to me?”
“I have a lot to say. I just don’t know where to begin.” Moving past me without permission, he wiped his forehead. “Do you mind if I have a glass of water?”
Without waiting for me to answer, Rory made his way over to the kitchen and the water filter on the counter then poured himself a tall glass. As he gulped it down in a matter of seconds, I could definitely see that he was nervous.
Glancing down at his hand, I noticed a small tattoo of a little bean. “Bean” had always been his nickname for me. He started using it one day when we were in college and never stopped. He never had that tattoo when we were together; it must have been new.
“Did you get a bean tattoo?”
His eyes bore into mine. “Yeah.”
“Because I wanted to think of you every time I looked down at my hand.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“I know. But it will. That’s why I’m here. To better explain.”
What’s going on?
Bruiser hadn’t left my side. I sat down to grab my bearings, and he immediately followed me. Scratching between the dog’s ears, I gave Rory my attention, even though I wasn’t sure if he deserved it, but not before taking a dig at him.
“How’s Jennifer Barney?”
“Jennifer Barney is a co-worker and a friend. There’s nothing going on with us.”
“You’ve moved onto someone else, then?”
“I haven’t been with anyone, Amber. Not one person since you.”
“I don’t believe that for a second. Wasn’t that the point of breaking up with me?”
“No. It was never the reason.”
“I’m confused.”
“I know.”
The sounds of footsteps approaching gave me pause.
Then came Channing’s voice. “Honey, I’m ho—”
Dead silence filled the air as Rory and Channing stared each other in the face. Bruiser barked once as if to interrupt the tension.
Channing was the first to speak. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Rory gritted his teeth. “Me? Where did you even come from?”
“I live here.” Channing’s tone reeked of satisfaction.
Rory’s eyes darted toward mine. “What?”
Feeling like I needed to flee, I forced out a response instead. “Channing’s working in Boston until the end of the month. He’s been staying with me.”
Rory placed his hand over his chest. He looked truly flabbergasted and extremely upset. The color drained out of his face. He didn’t have a right to feel that way, but the physical reaction he was having proved his shock was very real.
“How long have you been here?” Channing asked.
“Ten minutes.”
“Why did you come, Rory?”
“That’s not any of your business.”
“Amber is my business now.” Channing’s fists tightened, and he ground his jaw.
“Is that so?” Rory looked toward me. “Is something going on between you two?”
I honestly didn’t know how to answer that. Not only was it none of Rory’s business, but I truly didn’t know how to characterize what Channing and I even were. We hadn’t labeled our relationship. He gave me no guarantees about what was going to happen once he left. I chose to remain silent.
“To use your own words, that’s not any of your business,” Channing answered.
Just then, Christine entered the kitchen. Her eyes were groggy as if she’d just woken up from a nap. She squinted. “Rory Calhoun?”
“Mrs. Lord? What are you doing here?”
“I live here. At least, until the end of the month. Amber and Channing took me in. I sleep in Channing’s room. Channing sleeps with Amber.”