Page 21 of Wheels of Fire
After a quick dinner, Chaser flips through the phone book and wanders into his father’s downstairs office.
A few minutes later, he returns, keys in hand and jacket on. “I’m going to run out
for a bit.”
An uncomfortable sensation rolls over me. This feels too familiar to the last time we were here and he snuck out to get high. “I’ll come with you.”
“No.” He leans down and kisses my cheek. “You must be tired from driving all day.”
“I’m fine.”
His gaze darts to the door and back to the keys in his hand. “I want to take Dad’s bike for a test drive. Make sure it’s safe before I take you out on it.”
“Oh.” While I appreciate the concern for my safety, it doesn’t have the ring of truth to it.
“What about you.”
He knocks his fist against his skull. “You know how hard-headed I am. I’ll be fine.”
That’s not reassuring but I’m not sure what else to say.
“I’ll stop by Alice in Videoland and pick up a movie, okay?”
“Say Anything should be out.”
“So is Lethal Weapon 2”
“Aww, shucks.” I snap my fingers in the air and feign disappointment. “I haven’t seen Lethal Weapon 1.”
He grins and kisses my cheek. “Lethal Weapon 1 it is.”
“I walked right into that, didn’t I?”
“You did.”
I follow him to the door and tug on his jacket before he steps outside. “Safety check of the bike, grab a movie, and home, right?” I hate the desperate twinge to my voice but I can’t help it.
“Yup.” He waves at me over his shoulder.
Why am I not reassured?
A bit of guilt follows me to the jewelry store. Obviously, Mallory fears I’m going off to score coke. Can’t blame her. I kept things light and evasive. Otherwise I feared I’d confess my real mission and ruin the surprise.
This needs to be perfect. After everything she’s put up with from me. I need to propose to her in the right way. Something special.
The store’s about to close when I pull into a spot. I hurry inside. The jeweler’s happy to see me.
“Chaser, I was just thinking about you.”
“Worried I wouldn’t make the final payment?”
“Not at all. I heard your tour was a success.”
“A few bumps along the way but it wasn’t bad.”
“That’s life.” He bends down, unlocks a secret cabinet, and slides a blue velvet box across the glass counter.
I pop it open and check out the ring. Fuck, I can’t wait to see Mallory’s face when I slip it on her finger.
“Do you know how you’re going to propose?” he asks as I unfold a stack of bills on the counter.
“Not quite. I’m taking her up to Niagara Falls for a few days. Hoping for some inspiration once we get there.”
He scoops up the pile of cash, and not bothering to recount it, shoves it in the register drawer. Devil Demons MC has been coming here for years for custom pieces. I wouldn’t wreck that relationship by trying to short him a few bucks, and he knows it.
“Don’t over think it. Spontaneous and from the heart is always best, Chaser.”
“She’s special, though.”
He taps the top of the ring box. “It doesn’t get more special than asking her to spend forever with you.”
If that doesn’t put things into perspective, I don’t know what does.
I slip the ring box into my pocket, say goodnight, and step outside.
Tipping my head back, I stare at the darkening sky, considering his words.
Somehow, forever doesn’t seem long enough.
Chapter Seventeen
Chaser didn’t come back high, but he’s in a weird mood all night and the next morning. Wired. Edgy almost. I try to chalk it up to adjusting to life now that the tour’s over and excitement about our trip.
After breakfast, he follows me upstairs while I pack a few essentials in the bag he gave me to fit on the bike.
“Don’t forget a sexy dress,” Chaser reminds me.
I wave a slinky burgundy minidress at him. “Does this meet with your approval, Mr. Adams?”
“I like the color.” He glances down at my feet. “Bring comfortable shoes, though. We might do a lot of walking.”
I hold up the only pair of sneakers I brought with me—mint green L.A. Gear high-tops. “These don’t go with the dress, Mr. Fashion.”
“Bring jeans. Save the dress for L.A.”
I set the dress on the bed and place my hand on my hip. “I do have a lot of wardrobe glitches when we’re out and about, don’t I?”
He grins and leans down to kiss my shoulder. “Yeah, but I love helping you fix ‘em.” He curls one arm around my waist. “I was kidding about the dress. You’re stunning no matter what you’re wearing. Although, I did have this recurring fantasy of you leaning over one of the railings at the falls, hiking up your dress and—”
“Getting arrested?”
“Falling into the rapids?”
His laughter rumbles against my back. “No.”
“If I bring the dress, will you promise to give me a piggyback ride?”
More rumbling laughter out of him. I’m so in love with this carefree version of Chaser.
“I’ll give you any kind of ride you want, little dove.”
I stuff a pair of black flats, jeans, the dress, and a few other items into the bag and hand it to Chaser.
“Bring your jacket,” he reminds me on his way downstairs.
With the cooler fall weather, I’m grateful for the leather jacket one of the old ladies from the clubhouse sent over with Stump. My thickest pair of jeans and black leather boots also help.
It’s a shorter ride than I expected and soon we’re rolling up to the Canadian border. The guard glances at our licenses and gives Chaser’s bike a once-over before waving us through.
The bike thunders down the streets, turning heads. The doorman at the first hotel we stop at sniffs and informs us there are no open rooms. Chaser stares at him for a few beats before walking in anyway. We’re turned away at the front desk.
The next place we try is at least nicer but they also don’t have a room.
None of the hotels closest to the falls have rooms available.
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” Chaser runs his hand over his head and glances up and down the street. “I thought a spontaneous trip would be fun. I should’ve called—”
“I don’t care. I’m just excited to be here with you.” I take his hand and skip ahead, dragging him along. “Let’s try a little farther away from the falls.”
Sure enough, we find a small motel about a ten-minute walk away with a spare room.
“This isn’t what I had in mind,” Chaser grumbles, glancing around at the faded, nubby brown carpet and dark wood paneling.
“It’s fine.” I jump onto the bed, trying not wince at the bone-jarring rattling the frame makes as I kneel in the middle. “We’re not going to spend much time here anyway.”
His lips curl into a smirk. “You’re mistaken, little dove. I planned to have you in that bed a lot.”
I rock back and forth, testing the mattress. Both of us burst out laughing at the predictable squeaks the ancient bed makes. Even the smallest movement elicits a metallic creak.
“The entire city will hear us in this thing,” I mutter.
“Shower sex it is.” He points to the bathroom. “Let’s wash up, fuck, and I’ll take you to dinner.”
I can’t help laughing at his brash orders. Or teasing him. “We should probably fuck, then wash up, and go to dinner.”
“You’re right.” He lifts me off the bed and carries me into the bathroom, gently setting me down on the sink. “I’m gonna shoot cum all over your ass after I thoroughly fuck your pussy.”
“You’re so dirty.”
He grins and flashes a cocky wink before stripping off his clothes. “You have no idea.” He cups my cheeks and swoops in for another kiss. “We have a lot of missed time to make up for.”
I promised myself I wouldn’t say anything until w
e were back in L.A. but the words come out on their own. “And you’re going right back out on the road after the album’s done?”
Slowly, I lift my gaze.
“It looks like it,” he says gently. “We have three weeks off around the holidays. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”
I swallow hard and nod. “I’d be happy at home with your family.”
“Yeah? You sure about that? They get pretty rowdy around the holidays.”
“Maybe we can visit my dad.” I bite my lip. “I hate thinking of him alone in prison for Christmas…”
“We can do that. Whenever you want.” He strokes his knuckles over my cheek. “And I’m pretty sure someone has a birthday to celebrate.”
“Ugh.” I duck my head. “I don’t want to turn twenty-one.”
“What? Who doesn’t want to turn twenty-one?”
“Twenty’s a nice even number.”
He bursts out laughing. “You can’t stay twenty forever.” His eyes light up. “Oh, that might make a good lyric.” I’m left shaking my head while he races out to the bedroom to write down a few lines.
The little blue velvet box I’m carrying inside the chest pocket of my jacket seems to have a pulse of its own. A dozen times while we’re walking the ten minutes down to the falls, I have the urge to drop to my knees and ask her to marry me.
Especially after she came close to admitting she doesn’t want me to go back out on tour. It’s a good time to propose. So she knows I’m not running off on tour to get away from her.
I figure I’ll pop the question during dessert? Maybe hide the ring in her cake? Fuck, that seems lame. Besides, what if she accidentally bites it or chokes on it or something?
All through dinner I keep patting my pocket. Checking to make sure the ring’s still there. Contemplating if this is the right time.
Keep it simple.
Maybe tomorrow, we’ll go somewhere fancier, and I’ll do it then.
After dinner, we pass a booth that sells tickets for boat tours. The big boats that get up close to the majestic falls.