Page 34 of Wheels of Fire
“Stay here. I’m going to grab Darren to help me unload.”
I’m fiddling with the radio, not paying attention to my surroundings when someone knocks on my window. I jump so high, I smoosh my poofy ponytail against the roof.
Boobs. As I turn to roll down my window, all I see are boobs and long blonde hair. I recognize both. We did after all spend all day filming together. “Pamela, what are you doing? You scared the crap out of me.”
She leans down until her face finally takes the place of her boobs. “Why didn’t you tell me Kickstart was playing tonight?”
“I didn’t know until I got home.”
“Oh.” She sinks her perfect white teeth into her plump, glossy bottom lip. “Well, I kind of—”
I unlock the passenger side. “Get in before someone runs you over.”
She sashays her way around the front of my car. Damn, for a last-minute outfit, she didn’t hold back. Her skintight black vinyl minidress and spike heels put my hastily thrown together outfit to shame. She executes a ladylike sit-and-turn into my car and slams the door shut.
“I needed to get out. Since Andrew…I haven’t been anywhere. Or had any fun at all.”
“I’m glad you’re here, then.”
“Then I thought.” She stares straight ahead and gnaws on her bottom lip again. “I don’t want stories to get back to Andrew that I was out all by myself like some pathetic loser.”
“So,” I shrug, “hang out with us tonight.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.” We haven’t spoken much about what went down in New York. It didn’t seem polite to bring it up unless she wanted to discuss the situation.
“Have you seen him?”
“Who? Andrew? I haven’t. Things have been too hectic. Chaser’s getting ready to head up to Vancouver to record their album.”
“Has Chaser seen him?”
“I think they’ve hung out and played a few times. Why?”
“Is he,” she takes a long, dramatic inhale and exhale, “seeing anyone?”
“I don’t know.”
She keeps drilling me with her big blue eyes and I finally hold up my hands in surrender. “I swear, I don’t know. Chaser hasn’t mentioned it if he is.”
“Good.” She folds her arms over her chest. “I hope his balls explode.”
I burst out laughing and she joins in. We’re interrupted by the hatch lifting. “Hey, Pamela,” Chaser calls out. “What’re you doing here?”
She twists and wiggles her fingers at him. “I came to see my favorite band play, of course.”
I barely hold back a gag and an eye-roll.
He chuckles for a second, then he and Darren start moving the equipment out.
“Guess it’s time to go inside.” I grab my keys from the ignition, stuffing them in my pocket and we follow the guys to the backstage loading area.
“Wait.” She grabs my arm and stops me before we enter the club. “Andrew’s not coming tonight, is he?”
Somehow, I get the impression, she’s hoping he will show up. I take in her outfit again—definitely an eat-your-heart-out ensemble. “I really don’t know. Like I said, Chaser sprung it on me when I got home.”
“Well, I’ll stick with you just in case.” She pulls away. “Although, you are like an Andrew magnet sometimes.”
“He likes hanging out and playing with Chaser. That doesn’t have anything to do with me.”
She stares at me for a few seconds, then shrugs. “If you say so.”
“Babe,” Chaser holds out his hand. “You coming?”
“Yup.” He pulls me to his side, and I lean up to whisper in his ear, “She’s worried Andrew might show up tonight. You didn’t tell him about the show, did you?”
“Never had a chance to. Doesn’t mean he won’t hear about it from someone else and decide to show up.” He turns to Pamela. “Come hang with us in the green room. Jacob will be ecstatic to see you.”
I appreciate his attempt to ease her worries and make her feel included.
He wraps one arm around my waist and slings the other over Pamela’s shoulders—all right, Chaser, no reason to make her feel that included—and steers us down the hallway.
It’s almost comical how quick Jacob jumps up when he sees her. “Am I dead? I’m seeing angels. This must be heaven.” He clutches his hands over his chest.
Pamela squeals and rushes over to say hi.
Alvin catches me gagging and winks at me. “Glad you came.”
“Chaser made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”
Pamela nestles on the couch right in between Garrett and Jacob.
“G, you gonna come watch the first band with us?” Alvin asks.
“No, I trust you,” he answers without looking away from Pamela.
Jacob’s also not interested in leaving.
I don’t even bother asking Pamela if she wants to join us. She looks way too content being the ham in the Jacob/Garrett sandwich. After what Andrew did to her, I’m happy they can cheer her up. Then again, I don’t trust them not to do something even worse.
I wasn’t kidding about playing better when Mallory’s here. Maybe it’s all in my head and no one else can tell the difference. I still prefer it when she comes to our shows. Unfair, since I know she has to be up early.
The disappointment on her face when I told her I had a show tonight stirred up my knee-jerk, asshole reaction. I hate disappointing her so much. Thank fuck I reined it in long enough to convince her to come to the show with me.
“I’m so glad you’re here.” I squeeze Mallory to me and kiss her temple.
She wraps her arms around me and tips her head toward the couch. “Sorry about that.”
“Why? He’s been asking about her constantly. Maybe they’ll be good for each other.”
Mallory wrinkles her nose.
“I know. I heard it when it came out of my mouth.” I tap my lip. “Sounded more reasonable in my head.”
Next to us, Alvin snickers. “Can we please stop worrying about who’s sticking their dick where and go watch this band that we might have to be on the road with for a couple of months?”
Outside our dressing room, we run into Thom. At least he showed up tonight. After springing this on us last minute, it would’ve been a dick move not to be here.
I scan the crowd of people clustered backstage. Looks like someone from our record label also made an appearance. I can’t decide if that’s good or bad.
“Is he from the label?” I ask, nudging Thom’s arm.
“Yes. He wanted to get a feel for the chemistry between the bands tonight.”
“We barely know each other.”
He shrugs. “Then make a good impression.”
Make a good impression. I’m about five seconds away from making an impression of Thom’s skull in the drywall.
Alvin must not appreciate the remark either. He snarls at Thom as he marches by. We both ignore the suit and find our way to the entrance of the stage. Three members of Iron Kiss are clustered around, fretting like little chickens. Their nervous behavior pulls at whatever remaining sympathy strings I still possess after all this time in Hollywood.
I stick my hand out to their lead singer. “Sergio, right?”
His eyes go wide and he grabs my hand with both of his, shaking vigorously. “Shit, Chaser Adams. So stoked to finally meet you in person.”
The guitar player butts in, pushing Sergio out of the way. “Fuck, you’re such an inspiration, Chaser. Thanks so much for this opportunity. I’m Hector. We’re really looking forward to touring with you.”
Taken aback by their enthusiasm, I simply nod and introduce them to Alvin. They greet him with the same fervor.
I lean down and whisper in Mallory’s ear, “Was I that—”
“Yes,” Mallory answers before I even squeeze out the question.
My eyebrows knit together in a skeptical frown and she chuckles softly.
“Andrew Lane, I saw y
ou at the Troubadour the second I moved out here. You’re my favorite drummer ever!” she teases in a whisper not meant for anyone else.
“You’re exaggerating.”
She pinches two fingers together. “Maybe a little.”
I tune back into the conversation in front of us. “We’re excited to see you play.”
Poor Nick rocks back on his heels like he’s going to keel over at any moment.
Thom slithers over and rests one arm on my shoulder and one on Alvin’s. “How’s everyone doing over here?”
“Easy breezy,” Alvin says.