Page 33 of Death Dreams
“Keep driving, CatMan,” Ryder told Remi. “She’s not sacrificing those cats, I promise you. She’s just a crazy cat lady. I think either Jeremy’s lying, or she’s been lying to Jeremy. Whatever. Just get us to our hotel room. I need to take a shower. This day has been exhausting, both physically and mentally.” As Remi eased the car back into the flow of traffic, Ryder said, “Anyway, you don’t hate cats. You spent an extra thirty minutes this morning finding somebody that would stay at the house to watch over the stray cat you hate while we were gone for one night. That’s not hate, Remington.”
“No, it’s fear,” Remi snapped. “I didn’t want to do anything else that would make her dislike me anymore than she already does.”
Ryder didn’t mention that Remi had finally called the cat by something other than ‘it’. Instead he asked, “Do I need to punch the address to the hotel into the GPS?”
“Of course not; I lived here, Ryder. Don’t be acting like we’re going to the hotel, showering, and then staying in for the rest of the night,” Remi warned. “I told you I planned to acquaint you with some of New Orleans’ nightlife.” He turned to look at Ryder, a huge pout on his pretty lips. “You aren’t backing out, are you?”
“What if something happens, Remi? What if you’re summoned again?”
“Not gonna happen,” Remi countered quickly. “Even you said that the man won’t be able to react this quickly. He’s still reeling from learning that Jason Waylon is still alive. This may be the only night I have to cut loose and have fun. Come on, don’t back out,” he pleaded. “I really think you’ll love the club I have in mind. The name of it is Kinky Pride.”
Ryder knew he couldn’t deny Remi anything. “You did mention it was a sex club this morning, didn’t you? I didn’t dream that, did I?”
“No, baby, you didn’t dream it,” Remi answered with a huge grin. “I’m the one with the dreams. Sex club visits will be a reality. Kinky Pride. Yummy!”They stepped outside into the warm New Orleans night, and kissed some more while they waited for the valet to bring their rental around from the parking garage. Once the shiny Mustang was in front of them, Ryder tipped the valet, grabbed the keys, and opened the passenger door for Remi to climb in. When he climbed into the driver’s seat, he asked, “Do you want the top down?”
A Cheshire grin split Remi’s face. “Better not tonight. I wouldn’t want to shock the locals or get arrested for the indecent act of oral sex in public.” He winked at Ryder. “Get us out on the main road, and I’m gonna show you a good time,” he promised. “I’m so much more fun than a stupid puppy with a leash and tail.” The comment was about some puppy play they’d witnessed at the sex club. Hell, they’d witnessed lots of fun acts and Remi was more than ready to try some of those fun acts on Ryder.
“Never doubted it, babe,” Ryder answered as he turned the key and the engine roared to life. “I never once doubted it.”
As safely as possible, Ryder maneuvered the car out into the flow of traffic and fought through the creeping vehicles around him in an effort to get onto the main road, where traffic moved faster and the risk of them being noticed was greatly diminished. After what seemed like a lifetime…or at least his cock felt like it was, Ryder finally had them moving at a nice speed. He was laughing when he turned to look at Remi, mostly because Remi had been laughing at him the entire time he’d been cursing the slow-moving traffic, but his smile vanished in an instant. Remi’s head rested at an odd angle against the passenger side window. It looked like he’d just dozed off…but Ryder feared it was something else. When he called Remi’s name and shook his shoulder, Remi tried to mumble something.
It sounded a lot like ‘hurry up’.Chapter Five“Stay with me, baby,” Ryder urged as he carried Remi toward the bed. “Come on, stay with me.”
Remi had been lethargic during the ride back to the hotel, but as soon as they’d hit the parking lot, he’d passed out. In the time it had taken Ryder to carry Remi to their rented room, the man in his arms was already fighting and swearing. It wasn’t exactly fear this time, not like before. This person was pissed. They kept swearing at the man, threatening to kill him if they ever got free from their restraints.
Gently, he laid Remi on the bed and then grabbed his phone. He punched in Jeremy’s number, keeping his eyes on Remi the entire time. As soon as Jeremy picked up, Ryder said, “There’s about to be another one! Fuck, Jeremy! I don’t know what to do. If this is happening in Texas, there’s going to be nothing Remi can do to save this one. It will fucking destroy him!”