Page 36 of Death Dreams
With the rest of Kris’s body mummified in the shrink wrap, she couldn’t do anything except sit in the bucket seat and wait for the train’s horrific impact.
“Oh, shit. I don’t want to explode. That fucking lunatic! Why?” she screamed, but the sound of terror in her voice just echoed in the empty night. “It was his own fucking fault! Why blame us for it?”
A part of Remi wanted her to keep talking, keep feeding him information, but the other part knew all the information in the world, every snippet she might share with him, wouldn’t do one damn thing to save her life. His head whipped around to glare at the girl, the one that had dragged him into this fucking mess. “You need to do something to fucking help me! All you care about is that fucking rat! It’s a rat, for fuck’s sake! Help me!”
The only help she offered was to look around, making sure to focus on each window. Remi stared at her in disbelief. She was useless. He opened his mouth to give her a piece of his mind, or at least what little bit was left of it, when he realized she was trying to get him to look out the windows. Again. Maybe so he would be able to direct the police to Kris’s mangled body in the morning? That was fucking helpful.
“Remington! Listen to me!”
An annoying voice kept creeping into his head, but he firmly pushed it aside. He didn’t have space for any other crazies that might need a dwelling place. Nope; he was booked fucking solid. Between him, pretty rat girl, sweet Gary, and, in a few minutes, sassy Kris, there wasn’t a fucking inch of space left!
“I want to go on the record as saying that I fucking hate everybody in this fucking car!” Remi roared in frustration. “You dragged me into this mess and then sit in the backseat of life and do not one fucking thing to help me! That sucks,” he accused. Like an idiot, he pointed a finger at Gary and said, “You suck.” Then pointed back toward rat girl and said, “You suck the most!”
“Remington! Focus on my voice! You need to concentrate. You know how to do this. We explained it to you earlier today. You’re strong enough. Do this for whoever needs your help Remington. Focus!”
“And that’s just fucking perfect. Now voices are inside my head,” Remi muttered as he watched the timer click away another minute of Kris’s life. Somewhere, far off in the distance, he heard the whistle of a train. So did Kris; she started screaming hysterically again.
“Remington…tell us what you see. You’re the only one that can help. I can feel the frantic beats of your heart; I realize time is slipping away. You’ve got to connect the two places for me and Ryder.”
He finally recognized the voice…Mystic Mary, lodged up in his head like a freaking voyeur. She probably got off on watching him suffer. Wait…how could she feel the frantic beats of his heart? How did she even know he was trapped in another vision?
Thirteen minutes.
Remi stared out the car’s windows. Even in the darkness, he could still see some things. Feeling like it was probably useless, he opened his mouth. “We’re in the middle of…maybe a farm? Yes, I think it’s a farm; he mentioned it was someone’s private property.”Ryder was on the verge of forcing Remi to wake up, whatever means necessary, when his lover’s voice suddenly calmed. For the past few minutes, he’d been mixing his sounds between screaming hysterically and then telling people they sucked. Remi, lost wherever he was, was pissed, and he didn’t care to let everybody know it. From best Ryder could determine, Remi was talking to Gary and the unknown girl. He’d also said the name Kris. All those words, though, had been jumbled and somewhat incoherent. Now? His tone changed and Ryder, for the first time, looked at Mary with nothing short of awe. She smiled brightly at him.
“He’s strong, Ryder. You’ve chosen well,” Mary said before turning her attention back to Remi.
“Very good, Remi. So, you think you’re on a farm somewhere and it is private property? That’s so good, sweetheart. You’re doing so good. Keep listening to my voice,” she urged. “What’s the imminent danger? I assume someone is in danger.”
“Duh. Yeah, we’re in danger,” Remi snipped. His eyes were still closed, and his body relaxed while his soul was in another place, but he responded to Mary. “It’s a girl; her name’s Kris and she trapped in a car that’s sitting on railroad tracks. He’s taped her hands to the wheel with duct tape. He has the keys with him, so there’s no way to move the car. There’s a timer on the dashboard. The train should be here in twelve…no, eleven minutes. Fuck!”