Page 58 of Death Dreams
Not so…he just wanted to close his eyes and rest.
“We’ll be here when, you know, when you’re aware again,” Veronica said softly. “You won’t be alone, Remington. I’m so sorry.”
He closed his eyes and within seconds felt his soul soaring. He didn’t have a clue where he was going or where to even begin to search for Ryder…but his soul did. It could have been minutes or a split second, he had no clue, but when he opened his eyes again, Ryder was in front of him.
His Ryder—the gorgeous man who’d stolen his heart that first night all those years ago. Even knowing it was useless, he still reached out his hand and tried to touch Ryder’s face. Nothing. He’d give anything to feel the texture of his skin one last time.
“Fuck! It’s cold in here!” Jeremy griped as his fingers typed madly at the laptop in front of him.
Jeremy’s voice snapped Remi’s attention away from memorizing Ryder’s features. He looked to his left to see Ryder’s best friend sitting a few feet away from them, working diligently on his computer. Remi knew they were trying to find him.
“What am I going to do?” Ryder hissed as he stared at his own computer. “I can’t live without him, Jeremy. I swear to you, I’ve loved him since the first night we met. I tried not to. I tried so damn hard,” he whispered. “Why? Why did I fight it?” He slammed his fist against the metal table and turned to look at Jeremy. “Fuck, Jeremy; I don’t think I ever even told him I loved him when I sent him out after the cops…into Eric’s hands. He told me, but I’m not sure I said the words back.”
“He knew,” Jeremy whispered. “Remi knew, Ry. I promise you.”
“I knew,” Remi whispered. A deliciously warm feeling wrapped around his heart. Ryder loved him.
He felt his heart hitch…and knew it wasn’t just from the blessed feeling of love. Shit. Death knocked at his door and he’d have to answer the door before long. One last time, he reached out and tried to touch Ryder. When his hand ghosted through Ryder’s body, he dropped it in defeat, bumping against the laptop Ryder worked on. His hand, like always, filtered through the inanimate object in front of him. This time, however, the screen changed appearance where his finger touched it.
Ryder frowned and reached up to touch the screen of the laptop. As soon as he touched the spot, it cracked.
“What the fuck?” Ryder hissed in disbelief. “My fucking laptop just cracked! Of all the fucking times…”
His frown deepened as he studied the cracks that were beginning to spread across the entire face of the laptop. Slowly, his hand reached out to touch the spot where the fractures were. “It’s freezing, Jeremy. Feel it,” he ordered. “It’s fucking freezing!”
His eyes, wide with disbelief, looked up at Remi but then quickly moved past him. He looked all around the room. “Remi?”
Remi nearly jumped out of his skin…if he’d had any…when Ryder said his name. He knew he was there! “I love you!” Remi screamed.
Ryder didn’t have any reaction to his revelation, though. He couldn’t see him or hear him. Not knowing what to do, but knowing he had to do something, Remi looked around. They were in abandoned warehouse. There was nothing there except for the metal table where Ryder and Jeremy both worked on laptops. Ryder’s cell phone lay next to his computer. Zeroing in on it, Remi reached down and tried to touch the cell.
Again, his fingers ghosted through the electronic device.
Again, his touch caused the phone to freeze and begin to crack.
Jeremy’s eyes flew to Ryder’s phone. “Oh, fuck,” he whispered. “Did you see that? Look at your phone,” he practically roared at Ryder.
“Remi?” Ryder tried again.
Remi tried answering but could tell Ryder couldn’t hear him. He tried to reach for Jeremy’s computer, to send another signal, but his hand felt too…heavy. He was growing weaker and weaker with each passing second.
“How was Melissa Sanders Brus supposed to die?” Ryder asked Jeremy, his voice alive with excitement. “I love you, Remi,” he said. “I love you! Fight for me, okay? Fight to stay with me!”
“He was going to freeze her to death,” Jeremy answered. His fingers were already working on pulling up the kill board picture he had on his cell phone. “Yes! Melissa’s death was by freezing.” He frowned. “There’s no information listed, though. Nothing to tell us where he might have been planning to lay his trap.”
Ryder’s bottom lip quivered as Remi watched him struggle to find the answer. Remi struggled to stay…just a few more seconds. He needed to be able to see Ryder for just a few more seconds.
“Look up what Melissa’s parents do for a living,” Ryder told Jeremy. “Google the parents’ names and see what we get. He was going to bury Jason on the family property. Veronica was terrified of rats. Kris didn’t heed his warnings. There’s a connection, Jeremy.”