Page 14 of The Not - Outcast
He readjusted his hold on me, standing back from the door and his mouth twitched. “One rule.”
I was about to see stars again.
“Don’t call me dude again.”
Dude. But I grinned. “Deal.”4CheyenneI woke, and the night flooded back over me as if I were watching an erotic sci-fi film backwards. By the end of it, alarms were blaring in my head and all I could think about was retreat, retreat, retreat…so I did the first thing I thought of.
Now, as I’m completing this roll, one might think I’m crazy.
I am, kinda.
One might also think this is ridiculous. I’ve loved Cut since I saw him in high school, but that was in high school. High school was a long time ago. It’s been four years since I graduated. Four years since college. And add in another two years of high school, one of which I was only around him for a few months and he was only at Silvard for one year.
For a girl like me, this was all a bit much.
Like a lot of a much.
Like a lot a lot a lot, and I’m digressing.
When my body says retreat, I’ve learned to listen. I’ll usually figure out why later, but until then—I grabbed my phone on the way and I army-crawled to the bathroom.
I didn’t know a lot of things at that moment.
I didn’t look at my phone. One would also think I should look at my screen, but nope. My brain wasn’t hardwired to be thinking logically that morning, or well… Digressing. Once more.
I called Sasha, not knowing the day, the time, if I was alone or not, but I pulled myself over the heated (nice!) tile floor, and then Sasha picked up from the other end.
“What is it?” Her voice was groggy still.
I’d woken her up.
“Sasha,” I whispered and hissed at the same time, but maneuvered around, my stomach still on the floor, and toed the door shut with a soft click. (I was so proud of myself.) I jackknifed up to hit the lights, then scooted back against whatever was behind me. I had no clue.
My phone was glued to my face. “I need help.”
I’d heard her grumbling before that, and then total silence.
A second later, “What do you need?”
There’s my girl.
She was alert, calm, and locked in. She may run a strip club, but I was sure she’d been a secret agent at one point in her life. Maybe that’s where her Russian persona came from.
“I need an extraction. I need my clothes. And I’m pretty sure I need ice for the vajajay.”
There was rustling on her end and then, “Dear God, not the vag.”
“The vag.”
“No, not the vag.”
I repeated, “The vag.”
More rustling. She was moving and talking at the same time. Atta girl. “Was it good, at least? Tell me it was good?”
“The vag needs icing. If it was bad, I’d be calling the cops.”
Dead silence again. Then, “So, it was good?”
“It was fucking phenomenal.”
“Fucking phenomenal?” She was awed. I took Melanie’s word.
“Fucking phenomenal.”
“I know.”
“I know.”
Another pause. We both digested that, then back to business.
“But you need an extraction?”
“I’m moving. Don’t think I’m questioning you, but I’m curious. Why the extraction?”
I had to pause at how to answer that one.
Too fast? Too much? Too scared?
All the above.
I went with, “I don’t remember his name.”
It was lame.
She called me on it. “You’re lying.”
“I’m lying.”
“You’re scared.”
She so got me. I nodded to no one in the bathroom. “If I was on the toilet, I’d be pissing.” Though that was redundant. If I was on the toilet, I’d be doing that anyways. Who wouldn’t?
“Why are you scared?”
I shrugged, to no one again. “It’s…” What could I say? “I need to regroup for a bit.”
“Got it.” She was whispering now, “And I’m on my way. Text me your location.”
I whispered back, just for the hell of it, “On it and I love you.”
“Love you back.”
I heard a man’s voice before she hung up.
Who was that?!
I pulled up the GPS on my phone and sent her my location. We were in the suburbs of Kansas City, actually a bit outside the suburbs. And now I needed to perform some high-end assassin moves.
I went to the bathroom. (Not an assassin move.) I washed my hands. (Also not an assassin move.) I cleaned up, the quietness of it all was an assassin move, though. I took stock of his bathroom. He kept it clean, and there was a stack of clothes on the counter.
I fingered through them. Mostly shirts. A couple sweatpants. Why did he have these here? For him? For guests? Was I one of many guests? Was he a Boy Scout when it came to protected sex and one-night stands, and he was always prepared? I didn’t know.
I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.
But fuck it.
I was so totally that girl.
I pulled on one of the shirts, and I had somehow slept in my underwear and bra. Why the bra, I didn’t know. I didn’t think I’d ever know. It would remain one of the world’s mysteries, like where did the socks keep disappearing to? I didn’t think I’d ever know the answer to it, and after that, I eased open the door.