Page 2 of Men of the House
“Only one more year left.”
Unlike Sandra, I can’t wait for college to be over. I hate being so cloistered from the world and I want to get a job and start acting like a grown-up. I’m twenty-two and the feeling of being out in the real world is something that I’m craving right now.
“I just want to get a job, an apartment, and to be with Zach. Why does that feel as if it's too much?” I sigh as I think about us going away for the summer and then back to college again. Back to being apart. “College isn’t my thing. Not my world. Everyone talks about going to college as if it's going to be an unforgettable experience. All I know is that college just never seems to end!”
She smiles as we get to the intersection, where we head in opposite directions. Usually, we would go to the library or even grab something to eat before we’re due to go back to class. Now that the year is over, that is one thing that I’ll miss. Hanging out with my blonde-bombshell girlfriend.
“That’s because you either spend your time with Zach or studying; you never tried to enjoy being here. That’s why.”
She has a point; I missed out on all of the parties. I’d either be at Zach’s eating house or struggling with one of my papers. I’ve just found it hard being here and I’m not one for socializing at the best of times. I hate to admit that she’s right, so I give her a hug instead. “Stay in touch.”
“You’re not trying to get rid of me right?”
“No, it's just that Zach’s waiting for me."
I pull away, and then I go back to hug her. Damn, I’m going to miss her, but I need to get back to Zach. So many times I’ve wanted to give up, and she’s been the push that I need to keep studying and not give up.
I just gotta get her something while I’m on vacation. She’s going to New York to stay with her dad and party too hard. She keeps inviting me to go with her. I did ask Zach, but he wasn’t that keen on it. Without her, I would've quit Harvard a long time ago.
We start walking in opposite directions and then I stop and shout out, “Love ya!” and blow her a kiss.
She pretends to catch it, “Don’t be a stranger.”
I laugh, because she couldn’t keep me away even if she tried. I have a big smile on my face as I walk to the dorm room. Everyone’s running around like mice. Some are getting ready for an all-night party. Others are just dying to go on vacation. Mainly the rich ones, whose parents have handed them pots of money so that they can enjoy themselves. I wish that I had this luxury. But, I don’t. My dad’s dead and my mom’s on drugs. It’s been some time since the state pulled her sizable trust fund and put it in a custodial account. I’m not about to go ask my stepdad Daniel what happened to it just yet. That money had been set up by my grandparents for Mom and any children she might have had. But when she started to take her life off the deep end, her parents had gone to the State of California and ensured that certain restrictions were placed so she couldn’t touch the money without becoming clean. When she left home – searching for drugs and who knew what else – the state merely shrugged and placed the funds in a escrow account. I shake my head as I think about my past and smile as I think about the future with Zach.
As I reach the dorm, I pull out my phone because I think that someone’s calling it. I realize that no one’s calling, but I’ve got it in my hand as I freeze as I open the door.
“What the fuck?” I mutter as I open the door to see that Zach’s sitting on my bed. But that’s not all. Between his legs is Rachel. My saving grace. One of my rocks in college. Only she’s not supporting me; she’s on her knees. Her head is bobbing up and down on Zach’s cock she’s giving my man the full service.
“Oh fuck yeah, Rach, just like that,” Zach moans out loud and for an instant I wonder where this side of my boyfriend is coming from. Sure, he likes getting blowjobs, but I’m a bit surprised that Rachel has the room to bob her head as much as it looks like she’s doing. Zach isn’t super huge. He’s not even huge. He’ barely average.
“I love your mouth on my cock,” Zach says as his fingers reach down to feel her tits. Fuck, that’s my fucking man. Getting head. On my bed. In my room. From my roommate.