Page 25 of The Light House
Connie and Blake were both exhausted, so that it was still early in the evening when Connie trudged wearily to bed. She fell onto the mattress with a great sigh of relief, but then sat up again abruptly when she heard Blake’s uncertain footsteps outside the room, and then a polite gentle knock on the door.
“Yes?” She was naked. She drew the bed sheets beneath her armpits and clamped them there.
Blake pushed the door open a few inches.
“Is everything all right?” Connie asked in a husk.
Blake nodded. He glanced across the room as if maybe the words he wanted were written on the wall. “I just wanted you to know that I’m not crazy,” he said softly. “In my head I know Chloe will never come back… but in my heart…”
Connie nodded. She felt his pain and his discomfort. She smiled in sympathy. “I understand, Blake. I truly do.”
He nodded, but Connie sensed there was more he wanted to say and she fell silent to encourage him.
“I told you this place was like a prison to me. Remember?”
“It’s because I can’t leave,” his voice began to choke and there was a lump of emotion lodged in his throat. “My heart won’t let her go.”
“That doesn’t make you crazy,” Connie whispered. “It makes you a good man.”
In the morning it was better. Gone was the melancholy of the evening, and in its place was an irrepressible sense of exhilaration, so unfamiliar that Blake struggled to recognize the feeling for what it was – excitement.
The studio door was open and he could see long shafts of sunlight spill into the hallway. He stood in the middle of the living room, his eyes drawn, but anxiety gnawing at his guts.
“Are you ready?” Connie seemed just as nervous.
He nodded, “It’s now or never,” he said prophetically.
Connie went to the studio window and tried to replicate the pose Blake had set her in when he had been planning the painting. She propped her hands on the window sill and saw her own face reflected in the glass. Over her shoulder she saw Blake rummaging through the wads of rags at the bottom of his painting box. He stood at last, clutching a camera.
“This morning I’ll take all the reference photos,” he explained as he quickly inspected the camera and cleaned the lens. “Then I’ll project the final image, so I can begin painting this afternoon.”
Connie looked intrigued. “Project?”
Blake nodded. “Digital projector,” he explained. “It’s a way to get a detailed image onto the canvas. Once I choose the photo I want to paint, the projector enlarges the image to the size of the canvas and I pencil in the outline. It gives me a highly detailed sketch that is the foundation for the painting.”
“Isn’t that considered cheating?” Connie asked naively. “I thought artists drew everything by hand.”
Blake smiled. “That would be bad business,” he said. “Especially for a realism artist. I want the most detailed image I can get before I start painting, so a projector just makes practical sense. Why spend days struggling with a sketch when people pay for my painting? They don’t care about the drawing – they only care about the finished work, and using a projector saves time.”
He fired off a dozen quick photos of Connie looking out through the window, testing the settings of the camera, and also getting a sense of the fall of light across her face. He was unhappy with the way she was positioned, but it was not until he scrolled back through those first images that he understood why. Looking at a scene was vastly different to looking at a photo. Now, as he stared through the digital display screen, he saw Connie framed and isolated, and recognized with an experienced eye why the images were not working.
He set the camera down and came to her. Connie was gripping the window sill as though she might fall. Then he had an inspired idea. He let it bloom in his mind for a moment, before dashing from the room. He came back a few moments later with one of the fresh roses Thad had brought with the weekly groceries. Without a word he handed the rose to Connie.
They were both aware of the subtle meaning, the significance of that moment, as though it was a deepening of the trust and understanding between them. Connie took the flower, realizing it was intensely important. She clutched the rose to her like it was precious.
“Take off your shirt,” Blake said softly.
Connie was wearing a pale pink blouse. She unfastened the buttons one at a time, her fingers suddenly trembling. She could hear the pounding of blood at her temples, and her heart began to race. When at last the blouse gaped open, she slid it from her shoulders and stood, facing Blake.
The bra was white, delicately laced around the top of each cup in fine intricate whorls of pattern. Through the gauzy fabric Blake could see the dark shadows of her nipples, becoming hard. He nodded, said nothing. Connie picked up the rose again. Her eyes had become huge and soulful. She licked her lips.
Suddenly the world went very quiet. Outside the surf still pounded endlessly across the beach and the gulls still cried their lamenting calls, but in the studio, there was just the tense hum of deafening silence.
“Now hold the rose up to your face a little, as if you are inhaling the perfume,” Blake’s voice became very soft. They were so close he could feel the heat from her body, sense the quivering vibrations of her.
Connie’s eyes were locked on Blake’s. She couldn’t breath. She lifted the rose slowly.
“Now turn your head a little to the side,” Blake murmured.
He reached for the closest strap of her bra, and his fingers brushed against the flawless soft skin of Connie’s shoulder. He heard her gasp. His touch was soft, almost reverent, as though unwrapping some priceless gift. He drew the strap gently off her shoulder and reached around her to lower the other. His body brushed against hers and his senses became overwhelmed by the fragrance of her. He caught the scent in his breath and drank it down like elixir.
Connie felt the fine hairs along her forearms rise amongst a rash of goosebumps. She could feel tremors of fear and desire jangling along her spine. Blake eased the other strap from Connie’s shoulder and then delicately brushed a tendril of hair from her cheek. His fingers lingered. Connie’s flesh seemed to catch alight.
Blake took a step back, reached for the camera and snapped off several more shots. Connie watched him, her eyes liquid with simmering emotion.
“Look past my shoulder,” Blake said quietly. Connie tore her gaze away, fixed her attention on a mark on the far wall. Blake took a dozen more photos, then came back to her again, standing so close that they seemed to share the same air.
Blake drew his fingers delicately once more across Connie’s cheek and got lost in her eyes. He saw them fill with drowning desire, and knew that his own gaze was a mirror. Connie’s lips were parted, pink and glossy. He heard her gasp a soft shuddering breath – and then he kissed her.
The warmth of her lips was a sensuous thrill that seemed to melt their mouths together. He slid a
n arm around her waist and she wrapped her hands about his neck, lacing her fingers into his hair, and lifting herself up onto her toes. Blake caressed the soft skin of her throat with his touch, and then gently cupped her chin within the palm of his hand. Her mouth against his was alive with her passion, her lips blooming open like the petals of a beautiful orchid as he drew her body close and she swayed against him until he could feel the urgent press of her breasts against his chest.
Blake heard singing in his ears, and then Connie whimpered softly. He brought his hand down across her chest and then placed it gently over her heart. He could feel the race of her pulse, the hectic pounding through the warmth of her skin. Connie nuzzled deeper into his arms until at last – at long last – they broke the kiss and came apart gasping and shaking, their eyes filled with a profound sense of shattering wonder.
When Connie came back to the house in the afternoon there was high color in her cheeks and a luster to her skin from running with Ned along the beach. She was in a sparkling mood as she came down the hallway then quietly pushed open the door to the studio.
Blake was working at the easel, so absorbed that for long moments he did not realize she had returned. A spotlight clamped to the wooden frame above his head cast his features in stark relief. Connie saw the determined thrust of his chin, the hard shape of his jaw and the long line of his nose that met with the brow and darkened his eyes. His mouth was slack, the bottom lip thicker than the top one, his face made rugged by the shadow of stubble.
She stood uncertainly in the doorway until he seemed to sense her presence and looked up suddenly.
“Am I intruding?” Connie asked timidly.
“No,” his expression changed in an instant, lighting up with pleasure. He smiled, and the warmth of it reached all the way to his eyes. “In fact I’ve been waiting for you.”
He had been hunched on the chair. Now he stood up and stepped back from the canvas as though to invite her inspection. She came to him, standing deliberately close so that she could feel the press of his shoulder against her own, both of them delighting in the intimacy.