Page 27 of Super Secret Santa
“Yes. I know. Not the normal guy thing to do.” I laughed. “But I was interested in journalism in case football didn’t work out. Now that I know they’re all vultures creating drama just for the sake of a story, though, I’m glad I didn’t go into that line of work. I’ve always liked writing, though. It was a nice mental exercise to compliment all the physical exercise I had to do for football.”
“You really aren’t at all who I once thought you were, you know that?” Becca said, sounding surprised still. “I would love to read that myself one day.”
“You know. I don’t even know what ever happened to it. I was so shocked to hear that my mom had read it, that I completely forgot to ask her if she knows its current whereabouts. My mom could sell it for a fortune. Can you imagine what these reporters would pay for that?”
We laughed about the reporters and Becca was so mad for getting fooled by one.
“So, you told them we were engaged?”
“I did. Are you mad?”
“No, except for the little fact that I wanted to be the one to ask you that myself.”
Becca looked puzzled. I pulled out the ring box from my pocket and got on the floor and down on one knee.
“Becca Bell, I love you. Will you make me happy not just on Christmas but forever, and marry me?”
Becca looked completely stunned. She looked down at the ring.
“When in the last few days, did you have time to buy a ring? Never mind think I might say yes, given how I’ve been treating you? Which, I admit, wasn’t very nice. And again, I’m so sorry about that.”
It was not the way I envisioned her answer going when I asked her to marry me, but I went with it, determined not to let anything distract me from my path this time.
“I didn’t buy it. It is a family heirloom, generations old. My father proposed to my mother with this ring, and they loved each other very much,” I told her.
My mom had called me last night and told me where the ring was and had me get it to give to Becca. It was almost like she knew before I did that I might need it before she returned to town.
“I’ve talked more to my mom in the last few days, while she’s been island-hopping in the West Indies, than I ever do while she is here just a few miles away,” I added.
Becca laughed, a bit uncomfortably.
“Neil. You don’t have to propose because of the story I told him. It will pass. We don’t have to make it seem this realistic.”
“I don’t think I was clear, Becca. I want to marry you because I love you. I’m madly in love with you and have been since high school. I couldn’t even think straight when you were around, and that hasn’t changed.
“I don’t want to wait a minute more to start our lives together. I’d also like to make an honest woman out of you for the benefit of Donna and the reporters. I want to adopt Mark if you’ll let me. There is nothing about the way I feel about you that you should ever feel ashamed of. Please, say you’ll marry me?”
“Of course, Neil. Of course, I’ll marry you. I love you too. So much.”
I got up off the floor and we held each other. I hadn’t held her these last few days, and it felt so good to be doing it again. And I was so glad that she had said yes. I wouldn’t have to worry anymore about whether we’d work out. It was now set in stone, just like the ring I had just given her.
I looked over her shoulder to where Mark had apparently been listening. He came out of the hallway with a sheepish smile.
“So, you’re going to be my dad?” he asked.
Maybe I could have made sure he wawsn’t here when I proposed, so that Becca could have some one on one time to prepare him for the news. But Becca took this one with ease as we sat down.
“Mark, Neil will never replace your father, but Neil can adopt you if you’re willing. Your grandma might not be too happy, but it doesn’t have to change your relationship with her. She is still your blood. Right now, it’s just something to think about.”
“I’m so glad you’re marrying a player on the Leviathans!” Mark said, surprising us with how well he took the news. “I’m gonna be the coolest kid in school.”
We laughed and he added, “And, Neil, I like you. Thanks for making my mom happy.”
“No problem, little bud,” I told him. “I like you too!”
Mark came and hugged us both, and I couldn’t have been any happier if I tried.