Page 49 of Born to be Broken (Alpha's Claim 2)
When she saw what he had brought her, Claire began to sniff. She reached for a steaming fried potato wedge, dipped it in mayo, then dunked it again in the chocolate shake. Shoving it in her mouth, tears began to fall, her acknowledgment pathetic. "They're really good."
"There are no raspberries on premises. They will be acquired shortly," Shepherd explained, assuming she was, at last, having some sort of pregnancy moment.
Sniveling, Claire dumped the chocolate shake over the hot fries, smearing into the mess. She gorged, sniffing and frowning, devouring what to Shepherd looked absolutely disgusting as if it were manna from the heavens. By the time she had finished what had to be the unhealthiest thing on the planet, her brief blubbering was over and she felt much better.
Wiping her mouth, Claire looked to the man who'd observed her meal. It was obvious Shepherd wanted her to thank him—he had done something nice for her, something apparent and obvious that she had requested specifically. All those other months, she had defiantly used none of his things outside of mere necessity, never made requests aside from demands of freedom… simply to make the point that she was refusing his hospitality. But this meal she had blatantly stated she desired, and he had delivered it, though it was clearly something he had not thought was best for her. In his strange language it was almost as if, again, he was affirming there was a new precedent and that he was making an effort.
Looking down at the remaining melted mess on her plate, Claire took a deep breath and breathed it out. "Thank you."
The tray was scooted aside before a large hand came to her face and turned it up. His thumb rubbed away a missed smear of chocolate, Shepherd very pleased. "You are welcome."
She did not want to look into those impossible eyes, but he held her in thrall. Claire was lost as she measured how many deaths stuck to him, how many appalling things he'd done of which she hoped never to learn. Why did he have to have a tragic history that haunted her sleep, and how had he become so distorted he'd developed into the harbinger of Thólos's apocalypse?
Why was she even thinking of all that shit?
Shepherd gave her time, taking in her confused expression as she confessed, "I dreamed of your Undercroft, and I was trapped with the prisoners reaching for me through the bars… while I was being raped like you said."
Elbow resting on the table, he cupped her cheek and purred, "It was only a dream. You are safe here and will never endure the Undercroft."
She sniffed, lost in the quicksilver changefulness of those damn eyes. "What's it like?"
Unsure exactly how much he should disclose, Shepherd said, "Dark, cold. The prisoners eat the mold on the walls; there is no sewage system. In the tunnels it is easy to get lost… many go missing. As a child, an inmate told me those tunnels span the entire continent of Antarctica. They go on for ages; you walk and walk, and never find a way out. But you do find the bones of others who've gone mad searching the paths only to die from lack of water or starvation."
"I dislike that I feel pity," Claire breathed, eyes full of sorrow, "for you."
The way he watched her, the slow move of his analyzing gaze, it was if he already knew everything she confessed. "Little one, it is merely an indication of your nature to feel compassion—even for me."
Her brows lowered, that little line forming between them. "Is this where you call me a coward or a fool?"
Shepherd smirked. "You are somewhat foolish, but you are not a coward—simply naïve. What you are is innocent."
But that was not true. Disappointed in his answer, she rose from her chair, hands tugging the straps of her dress so the fabric could whisper down her body. Eager to finish the final requirement to leave the room, she moved, naked and expressionless, to stand before the Alpha.
He took in the secret places of her body, but did not touch.
Voice harsh, Claire felt the guilt, the anger, the fear eat her up. "What do you see now?"
Slowly, Shepherd met her indignant expression, softly purring, "My mate."
The thrum was deep in her chest, something it took a great deal of focus to recall was unwelcome. Confused, she watched him, unsure why he wasn't touching her. Unsure why they were not already on the bed, or table, or floor?
The moment was growing into something it was not meant to be.
Just as she was about to turn, to just walk away from him, the growl was made. It was loud, expectant, and brought with it a small pleasurable cramp as her body instinctively responded.
Slick came thick and copious at such a call, dripping down her leg. Shepherd watched the little trickle, captivated.