Page 26 of Hold Her Close
“It’s a good play. But don’t use him for too long. Move on when he’s no longer useful for the story. It’s easier that way. You got what you needed from him. Pursue other sources. Don’t get hung up on him.”
I stare at him as if he’s grown horns from his head. How dare he talk to me this way! I feel nauseous. Not only because Bill assumed my reporting needed his double-checking, but also that he thinks I’m having a relationship with Jon just to use him as a source. That is exactly what I had been afraid of when I gave away Jon’s interview in the first place.
I hold out my hand to stop the woman who’s trying to mic me, and I leave the desk briefly and approach Damon, the member of the security team who is keeping an eye on me in the studio. “Damon?”
“Yes, Miss Crawford?”
“When it’s time to leave, I’d like to go to a hotel instead of Mr. Lawson’s house, if that’s okay.”
He nods. “Of course. We’ll make arrangements.”
I’m called back on the set, and five minutes later, cameras are rolling. We save the segment about the rescue dogs for last, and Georgie falls asleep at my feet, softly snoring as I introduce the evening’s stories. When it’s time for the last segment, I lean down to scratch his head, and he perks right up. I walk to my mark with Georgie at my side, wagging his tail.
“Tonight we are pleased to offer an update to our investigative reporting on the local dogfighting ring that was disbanded,” I say. “The dogs that were rescued have been placed with foster families, and they’re being screened for health and behavioral problems. While the Nashville Area Last Chance Rescue will not have the dogs who were rescued recently available for adoption for another month, they do have many adorable and lovable dogs looking for homes today, and they are accepting applications. Take a look.”
For the next three minutes the tape rolls with scenes from the shelter and the volunteers training the dogs. The video department did a great job editing the footage, and I just know the rescue will receive lots of applications by the end of the night. When the video comes to an end, I’m back on.
“It’s natural to be hesitant to adopt a dog that was a part of a fighting ring, but we have a special guest here to show you why you should consider adopting one of these special dogs. This is Georgie,” I say, looking down on his cute little face looking up at me. “He was rescued from a fighting ring just like the dogs we featured in our segment last night. And I can honestly say that he’s one of the sweetest dogs I’ve ever met. With a little love and training, these dogs can be outstanding pets for any family.”
I reach down and scratch him behind the ears, and he puts on a show like he knows he’s on camera. He licks my hand and then flops onto his side, asking for belly rubs to the laughter of the crew. “Back to you, Bill,” I say, crouched down beside Georgie.
Bill closes out the final words, and we’re counted out.
Alan gives me a thumbs up from across the room, and I smile. I text Jon, who’s been nice enough to supervise the repairmen at my house fixing my window.
A few seconds later, he calls, and my stomach flips. “Hello.”
“You’re done?”
“Good,” he says. “The repairmen are just finishing up here at your place, so I’ll lock up in a few minutes and meet you at my house.”
I take a breath. “Actually, I thought I would go to a hotel instead.”
“That’s a good idea since he knows that you were at my place this morning. Which one? I’ll meet you there and I’ll bring your bag. Maybe we can get dinner ordered up?”
I should tell him not to come, given what Bill said. That it would be better to have some distance between us. But the thought of being in a hotel room alone with guards outside my room sounds so unbearably lonely that I can’t imagine that. I want to be with Jon. I want him to hold me. “Hold on. I’ll find out.”
“The repairman needs me. Text me the name?”
“Yeah, okay. See you soon.” I hang up and walk over to my hulking, suit-clad bodyguard. “Damon? Which hotel are we going to?”
“We made a reservation at the Rutledge Inn,” he says. “Is that all right?”
“Perfect, thanks. I’ll be ready to go shortly.”
He nods, and I head toward my office. I tap out a text to Jon telling him where to meet me. Grabbing my bag and changing out of my high heels, I make sure I have Georgie’s leash before my phone buzzes.