Page 3 of A Moosehead Christmas
I catch up with her in the kitchen and feed her slowly before taking her back to bed where I love her all night long and again in the morning because she deserves it, and I can.
Knowing that I’ll love this woman for the rest of my life. I can only hope she’ll like the massive Christmas present I am making her and our growing family.Chapter 3Ava“Crap.” I roll over and look at the clock. “Holy shit! It’s eleven in the morning?” I yell. I am going to kill that husband of mine. How in the hell did he let me sleep this long, especially knowing the kids will be home any minute? Getting up, I grab my robe and attempt to tie it around my waist when I give up. It’s not like I am naked. Walking down the hall leading to the stairs, I hear laughter and smell food. Kids must have gotten here early.
“Mommy.” I hear before I spot my brood running toward me. I can’t exactly bend down, but I can still hold my arms open.
“Hey, babies. Did you have fun with Grammy?”
“We did. We made gingerbread houses and cookies for our elf.” she spoils these kids.
“Sounds yummy. Did you bring some for me?” I fake pout and put my hands on my hips.
“We always save one for you, mommy.” my oldest girl says. I rub her head and walk further into the kitchen to greet my mother-in-law.
“Good morningish, Deb. I hope the kids weren't too horrible last night?”
“Horrible? Those three? No. Always angels.” I chuckle. Angels, my ass. Speaking of ass. Where is my husband? I look around and see the back door is open. Walking over, I wrap my arms around my waist. It’s cold as shit out. He is outside chopping wood. He loves to do this in the morning, he says, when the air is crisp and clean. As usual, when I see him handling that ax, I get breathy and wet. Our connection has always been strong right from the beginning. Over time, however, it has only grown stronger, as evidenced by the fact that almost the moment I stepped into the doorway, in midair, his arm stops, and he turns to look at me. When he licks his lips, I moan and rub my legs together, thinking about last night. Dropping the ax onto the ground, he walks toward me, sexy and muscular, his eyes eating me up from head to toe.
“Good morning, baby. Sleep well?” His hands tangle in my hair as he pulls my head back and brings our mouths to one another. God, this man can kiss. Our tongues do their own good morning mating before we both come up for air.
“Good morning yourself, babe. Why didn’t you wake me before the kids got here? I could’ve cooked.”
“Well, I wore your ripe ass out last night. You and my baby needed rest. You’re welcome,” he says before smacking my ass and walking be back into the kitchen. “I thought it would be a good morning for brunch, so everyone is on their way over.”
“Sounds good.” Most weekends, I love that one of the days always turns into one of our houses being the meeting spot for either brunch or dinner. The Crawford’s are all about family, and I love it. I love that my kids are going to grow up surrounded by their cousins and aunts and uncles all the time. “Well, let me get cooking.” I pull on my apron, not bothering with going upstairs to change. I mean, what is the point? No matter what I put on, I'm going to feel like I am in a sauna, and at least in a pair of sleep shorts that come mid-thigh and a tank top, I am comfortable.
“Ava, you go on and sit down. Let me cook breakfast.” Deb says, trying to shush me out of the kitchen.
“Now you know that is not going to work. But how about we both do it. Deal?” she shakes her head and smiles.
“Deal.” We go about making French toast, bacon, eggs, and hash brown casserole. By the time the casserole comes out of the oven, Kennedy and Sterling walk in with their twins Isabella and Regan.
“Hey, hey.” I greet everyone. Right behind them is Rose and Max with MJ, Dale, and Selena. As well as Jace and Penny with As you can imagine, the house is mayhem now, and I love it.
“Anything we can help with?” Rose asks.
“Umm, can you set the table? The food is done, so it is time to eat.”
“Sure.” she goes about doing that as the guys grab the stuff off the counter and place it on the table. I look over and see Kennedy and Deb getting the kids situated at the children’s table. Yes. We have a table just for the kids. I mean, hell, there are eight of them. Soon to be ten. They needed their own damn table. The conversation is light, funny, and full of energy. It always warms my heart when we are all together like this.