Page 26 of Christmas Pet
James snickered.
Lyla’s over made-up eyes flashed with offense. “We’ll see.”
She strutted away in a cloud of cloying perfume. “What a bitch.” Never mind about me not being his type. Lyla was one thousand percent, not his type.
“Nice comeback,” James complimented.
“I should have said more. I don’t know why I was worried. I can’t believe you dated someone as nasty as her. She doesn’t seem like a submissive.”
“She’s not. She thought she could play the part and thought I wouldn’t realize, but it didn’t work out that way. We all make mistakes, and she was one of mine. I’ve never regretted anything more.”
I hoped he wouldn’t one day say the same thing about me.Chapter Twelve - JamesI wanted my firecracker naked. I wanted her alone. Selfishly I’d brought her to this party thinking if I had her by my side, people would leave me in peace. But they hadn’t. Us being together caused a stir and a few too many curious glances. I didn’t doubt she could hold her own with these people, but I’d networked enough for one night, and it was time to go somewhere else.
“Let’s go outside. Get some air.”
Her eyes darted all around. “Good idea. It’s too stuffy in here.”
I took her hand and led her through the patio doors. The crisp winter air chilled my lungs and nipped at my skin.
“Want to walk around the grounds?” I asked.
“In these heels?”
“Take them off.”
“My feet will freeze.”
“The walkways are heated from beneath.”
“I guess that explains why there’s no snow on the path, but what about the grass?”
“In the winter, they have fake grass laid.”
“People with money sound like idiots.”
“Some are.” I curled an arm around her waist and brought her closer. I desired her so badly it hurt. For the past few days, I hadn’t been able to focus on work because of her. I’d barely been able to sleep because of her.
“Where are we going to go?”
“Somewhere we can be alone for a while.”
We stopped walking, and I pulled her into me, kissing her softly. I touched my tongue off hers, and the way she tasted sent my senses spiraling. I didn’t want to let her go—ever. Pulling her closer still, I moaned, my dick filling and hardening. I broke away and studied her beauty.
“Thank you for coming here with me, pet. I know it wasn’t easy. I should’ve told you about Lyla sooner.”
She playfully punched my arm. “Yeah, you should have.”
“I promise the next party we go to will be more fun than this.”
“Will any of your ex-girlfriends be there?” she asked.
I laughed. “No ex-girlfriends.”
“Promise I’ll make it up to you.” I glanced up at the sky. “What have you done to me? You touch me in a way I can’t explain. You’re special, Pearl. I hadn’t expected this to happen.”
“Me either.”
“Yet here we are.”
“Yet here we are,” she echoed.
I kissed her again, and she groaned deeply.
“Take me, James.” She draped her arms around my neck and buried her fingers in my hair.
I tightened my arms around her pressing my palms into the curve of her lower back. Common sense told me this was a mistake. That a relationship with her was the last thing I needed. Things between us could get complicated and messy, but I was powerless to walk away. She was the most intoxicating woman I’d ever met, and I’d met many.
“I don’t know if I can let you go after this month is over.” I brushed my lips back and forth over hers.
“Is that a bad thing?”
“I’m not sure.”
She reared back, and her brows lifted. “Thanks.”
“I’m being truthful. I’m a selfish bastard. I take, and I take, and I take. I don’t know if I’m good for you.”
“You also give. I’m not a naïve little girl. I know how this works. This isn’t about love or forever. It’s about mutual satisfaction.”
To hear her talk so coldly stopped my heart for a second. I’d wanted her to say she couldn’t live without me. That she longed to be with me every second of every day. But if she said that, how would I feel? Would I shut her out of my life?
Standing on her tiptoes, she showered my forehead, my eyelids, and my cheeks in kisses. “Let’s not spoil tonight by talking about emotions. Let’s focus on having fun.”
Who was submissive, and who was dominant?
“Apart from Lyla, I’ve had a fantastic time. It’s not a bad thing to step out of your comfort zone once in a while.”
I placed my hands on her collarbones, the pad of my thumbs resting on her racing pulse. “The night’s not over yet.”
“I like the way you think.” She shivered from head to toe.
“Are you cold?”
“A little. But I don’t want to go inside again.”
I took off my jacket and draped it around her shoulders. We walked further down the path and stopped outside a greenhouse that would put the New York Botanical Gardens to shame.