Page 34 of Christmas Pet
“Come with me,” Wendy said. “Let’s leave these two to talk football and stocks.”
I looked over my shoulder and saw some subs lounging on beanbags and chairs in the center of the room.
“Why don’t you go get to know them?” James said. “You’re going to spend a lot of future holidays with them.” My eyebrows shot up. I wanted to question him further about that statement, but now wasn’t the time or the place, so I simply said, “Thank you, sir.”
I followed Wendy over to the other subs. She sank onto a beanbag, placed a cushion beneath her lower back, and patted the spot beside her. “Come sit. We’re thrilled James brought you this year. He needs someone in his life. He works so hard and rarely lets his guard down.”
“How long have you known him,” I asked, sinking down.
“Since I was about five. Caleb, too.”
Her answer stunned me. “That long?”
She nodded. “He, Caleb, and my brother Marty were inseparable growing up. After Marty was killed overseas, Caleb took me under his wing.”
I reached out and touched her arm. “I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you. He was doing what he loved best. Serving his country. I fell apart. Caleb put me back together. I had just started college. James and Caleb had just graduated. I hated the world and hated that they were just beginning their lives when my brother had lost his. Without Caleb, I might not be here.”
Enamored by her love story, I wanted to hear more. “How did you end up together?”
“I was flunking out. Got involved with the wrong people and hit rock bottom. James and Caleb saved my life. Caleb saved my heart. I would do anything for him. For either of them.”
Tears pricked my eyes. Theirs was a true knight in shining armor story with a happily ever after.
“And now that this little one is on the way,” she continued, patting her stomach, “we’ll never be apart.”
“When are you due?”
“Next month. We’re super excited. Caleb’s been like a mother hen clucking around.”
“He’s going to make a wonderful father.”
She smiled sheepishly. “I know.”
A woman with the most vivid red hair I’d ever seen settled beside me. I itched to stroke my fingers up and down to find out if it felt as good as it looked.
“I’m Kate, and I belong to Dax.” She pointed to a brick house of a man with a bushy beard and who had both sides of his head shaved and tattooed. “He’s one of the managers from Bound in New York. You should ask James to bring you to the club sometime. You know,” she said conspiratorially, “In the three years I’ve known him, you’re the first sub he’s ever brought to this party.”
“Is he some kind of monster?” I kept laughter in my voice to show them I wasn’t serious.
“He can be,” Wendy said.
“They all can,” a woman with jet black hair and goth makeup chimed in. “And we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
All of these women talked about their men—their Doms—with endless affection and love. It was like sitting with a group of girlfriends.
A younger woman with limp brown hair and haunted eyes sat opposite me. Everything from her hunched over posture to what she wore—a shawl covered her shoulders, and full-length leggings covered her legs—screamed pain. She looked up from where she stared at the floor. I caught her eye and smiled. “Hi, I’m Pearl. I don’t think we’ve met yet.”
“I’m Camille,” she replied softly. “I’m pretty new here too.”
“Who’s your master?”
“Silas.” I glanced around the room, trying to figure out which one Silas was. Wendy nudged my arm. “He’s the one with the sun-bleached hair and looks like a surfer.”
My eyes landed on a well-built man with arms that could crush an iron pipe.
“He’s huge,” I blurted out, “and you’re so tiny.”
“My master keeps me safe.” She hugged her arms around her knees. “I had a bad experience before I met him.” She shuddered visibly. “Not every master is as caring as the masters here. Some are cruel and spiteful.”
She shrugged off her shawl to show silvery scars crisscrossing her arms and the top of her back.
My finger flew to my lips. “Oh, my goodness. Someone did that to you?”
She nodded. “I was young and naïve. I didn’t understand. I thought a master could do whatever he wanted. I thought our contract was binding and for life. Silas, my lovely Silas, got me out of a situation that could have killed me.”
“Where’s your old master now?” If he wasn’t dead, I would find him and kill him.
“In prison.” Her eyes turned hard, and her hands clenched into fists. “Where I hope he stays for life. I hope he never gets out.”
“I agree. And if he does get out, I’ll cut his balls off and make him eat his dick.”