Page 45 of Christmas Pet
I nodded in thanks. “On to the next.”
He clasped his hands behind his back and rocked back and forth. “Why don’t you come up to my office? Let’s catch up. Life is too damn busy these days.” Grant was a good guy, and although he was one of the managing partners and our names were over the door, we rarely saw each other, and we never talked about anything personal.
I wanted to go back to my office and get stuck in, but a catch up wouldn’t be a bad thing. “Lead the way.”
Once inside the office, he poured each of us a bourbon. I accepted with a yawn.
“Excuse me,” I said, covering my mouth.
“You burning the midnight oil, James?”
I shook my head. “Long day.”
He nodded but didn’t look convinced. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like crap.”
I lifted my glass in his direction. “Thanks.”
He sat down opposite me and loosened his tie. “I’m serious. Have you been sleeping?”
“What are you, my mother?”
“I’m going to level with you. I’ve heard the gossip. I’ve heard you and Miss Holmes had a disagreement and are no longer dating.”
My jaw tensed, and I cleared my throat. “Whatever happened between Ms. Holmes and I had nothing to do with this firm.”
“I think you’re wrong. It’s affecting you personally. If you don’t get it together, it’ll start affecting your work.” He took a sip of his drink. “Have you ever wondered why I never married or had children? Why I remained the bachelor?”
“Because you enjoyed the thrill of the chase too much and the bachelor lifestyle?”
He shrugged. “There was that, but it’s because I walked away from a woman I worshiped all because of my career. I’m sixty. The sunset of my life is on the horizon. Do you think my career cuddles up to me in bed? Do you think my career smiles at me across the kitchen table and makes me coffee and pancakes?”
“What are you trying to say, Grant?”
“I’m trying to say you don’t want to end up like me, James. Don’t let your pride or your career get in the way of your life.” He leaned back in his chair. “I hate to say this, and no matter what, it’ll come out wrong and sound cruel, but you’re just a number on the payroll sheet. And numbers can be replaced.”
The hairs on the back of my neck bristled. “Are you telling me I no longer have a job?”
He shook his head. “Not at all. If love knocks on your door, open up, don’t ignore it, and don’t shove it away. Real love can’t be replaced, but you can always find another job.”
I knocked back my drink and winced when I swallowed. “I wasn’t the one who shoved it away, but Pearl made it clear she doesn’t want me in her life.”
He chuckled. “Are you sure about that?”
My hesitation told him I wasn’t.
“If you haven’t done everything you can to get her back, then maybe it is time to walk away. But until you’ve exhausted every avenue, don’t give up.”***
For the last twenty-four-hours I’d thought about but what Grant had said. I hadn’t done enough to get her back. I hadn’t exhausted every avenue. I’d simply taken no for an answer. I listened when she’d said the word, but that had been the wrong thing to do.
All-day, a plan had percolated in my head. It might not work, but I had to try. I had to get my pet back.When everyone had left the office for the day, I went to the conference room to get everything ready. I’d had Grant call her. He’d told her to meet him in the conference room. That a big case had landed on his desk, and they needed to start work ASAP. It wasn’t a lie. It was subterfuge.
I dimmed the lights and sprinkled rose petals all over the table. This could all backfire, but if I didn’t try, I wouldn’t know. I closed all the blinds and lit scented candles. After tonight, one way or another, Pearl and I would make a decision that would change the path of our lives.
If all went to plan, we would be spending forever together. If it didn’t, we would both live forever in regret.
The conference room door flung open, and she ran in looking frazzled. Even in the dimly lit room, I saw the fire in her emerald eyes.
“What’s going on? Where’s Mr. Taylor? He said I needed to get here immediately.”
“Come here, pet. We need to talk.”
She remained standing by the door. “We’ve been through this. I’m not your pet, Mr. Matthews.”
I strode toward her until we were inches apart. “You’re my pet, Pearl. Stop denying your feelings for me.”
Her face crumpled, but a few seconds later, she regained her composure. “I’m not denying them, but I can’t open myself up to you again. I can’t be that vulnerable.”